What's up with this photoshop bullshit.


>ywn lick her moles


post ass


She's has really really exotic beauty.

she's white though

WHY is this allowed

>That part where she stops and her butt jiggles just a little bit


Oh fuck


nothing happened in yesterday´s episode ?!
nothing about camren catwoman, just that gay thing between Ridler and Penguin ?

poor man's Debbie Harry

>gotham episode.
>no bruce


they are nothing alike fag

Bruce is the worst part of Gotham


The cinematography seemed lacking this episode; Why can't Penguin and Riddler just be close friends without being gay, Would have liked them to be like the dynamic duo but new Kristen Kringle will probably put an end to that

And now there are two of him, what were they thinking

fish is


Catwoman spinoff when


nope, can't stand his big nosed monotone garbage acting and shitty subplots, at least fish has fucked off for now


So she and the jew boy playing proto-Batman are banging in really life? and in which season their characters will begin to do it in the show???

Catsuit when

>ywn get your head crushed like a watermelon between those thighs




Are they really gay in the show?

poison ivy, catwoman and...

they look like they've just had a great time in a dressing room

w2c alien gf? serious replies only (no memes)


wait his nose isn't a prosthetic?


>ywn have abs like camcam

ivy looks retarded