Why did James Rolfe never reach his potential and become a film director?
Why did James Rolfe never reach his potential and become a film director?
I always fantasized that he would be doing low budget monster movies. Is the AVGN movie really it for his career?
He probably pussied out after the AVGN movie's polarizing reviews.
I thought the movie sucked, but I think he has potential to deliver a fun B horror movie.
he directed a film, he's a film director. if he had started a film and not finish, that's when he's not a film director.
He's just not that talented of a writer/director.
He does a lot better making amateur entertainment than something people will pay to see.
Ambition and passion /=/ talent, but he has enough of the first two to make a Plan 9 one day if he ever gets around to it.
Imagine the waking hell he lives in, knowing that he is going to be trapped as a eceleb for 10 year olds the rest of his life.
AVGN is better than any film he'd ever make
I'd like to see an actual horror film from him t.b.h.
Probably feel that he doesn't have enough time. I hope he makes a horror feature.
He's already waking up next to a cheating jew whore and a retarded mullato kid.
>confirmed cuck
>retarded baby on life support
>spent years working on a shitty film that eventually made him bankrupt
>youtube channel dying
>on the verge of divorce
>tiny dick
>friend overtaken him in success
>losing motovation and energy
Gee I wonder why
He had a chance and he made very bad movie.
behave yourself. he should feel good knowing he made a living off being a comedian
That was before he un-justed himself, and single handedly stood up to feminist sjw's
because he's a faggot for faggots like you
you are wondering why are you posting on Sup Forums with those ailments?
i got u my man
I miss Mikeposting
Shouldn't you be in an RLM thread?
What is this cheating situation?
Because there was no potential to be reached.