Approaching Halloween

>Approaching Halloween
>No Elvira threads

Lets fix this

so shes like some combination of elvis and vampira?

Isn't she legitimately dead? "Burried in the ground" kind of dead?

Is it that hard for you to take 2 seconds to google her instead of making a post that shows how stupid you are?

Hey listen was it really necessary to be SO rude?

Thread's off to a good start.

hurr durr i love tits

Neo-Sup Forums, man.

>Elvira makes a video mocking Hannahs style and insulting her in general
>Hannah either doesn't know or doesn't care and does her own normal style of video with Cassandra as her guest

I wonder if she was just happy to get the attention from Elvira

I really wish she did porn. Any porn actress that looks like her? If anyone can hook me up, id be the happiest user ever :)



one of my first faps


She's reached GILF status.

Oh, okay then.

Larkin Love, a little. Closest I can think of.

Yeah i could see that.

just download her sextape

How you lie!

>dem hands

How old is she here...?


quite sure she's over 60. She appeared on an episode of Counting Cars and still look great

65 man

Enough's enough.

Stop posting images of this broad.

It's okay to discuss her but please stop posting current pictures of her.

>Claims Tom Jones took her virginity while already working as a cabaret dancer
>Jones denies having met her, despite it being a massive notch in anyone's belt

Gotta back my boy TJ here and say Peterson is a bit of a lying cunt

I believe women

Wasn't she 17 at the time? I can think why TJ would deny it.

why? She is fantastic. A Halloween and 80s icon

AOC is 16 in Nevada, Tommy got nothing to fear legally in that regard

to be fair she's totally unrecognisable when not in her elvira costume

Tom Jones made mince meat of her roast beef if you pick up what I put down honkies

>hover hand

Still would. All dathe, every day.

Her and Rhonda from Up All Night are two of my first fapsemester.

My copy of Mistress of the Dark was unwatchable in certain scenes, to the point that no amount of Tracking would help.
>Just grab a tool and start banging

No she's not. I just listened to her on RuPaul's podcast. She lead a pretty fascinating life. Lived in a tree in Hollywood with her boyfriend, toured Italy in a band, fucked Elvis.

*marquee sign falls on Elvira*
>How's your head?
I haven't had any complaints yet!

movie is pretty funny, even if the plot is pretty gay

she only credits Elvis, he slept with her in vegas when she was a dancer at 17. he apparently told her to do something greater with her life because she had a good personality or something.

they had a nice lunch together?

Does anyone know where you could find the old Elvira episodes from the 80s?

Larkin Love actually has done a porno where she's dressed as Elvira.

>I just listened to her on RuPaul's podcast


theres a few on myspleen

Darla Crane did a bondage set dressed as her

Any of you guys watch Elvira's Haunted Hills? Pretty terribad.

You obviously haven't watched Roger Corman's Vincent Price Edgar Allan Poe movies. The Haunted Hills is basically one huge homage to those movies.

homage or not, it is barely watchable. To be fair it is camp so taking it seriously is a misstep, but still... would not recommend

Those movies are unintentionally terrible, which is where the charm comes from. EHH wanted to be a bad and yet still funny. It didn't work IMO.

He's right, it's pretty fucking bad, i couldnt get through it all. it has a hot dance number and a foot massage scene though.

I need to play the video games. I heard good things about them. Just not sure how.

>it is barely watchable.

Oh come on. It's not as interesting as the first movie in terms of plot, but it's got plenty of hilarious gags like Fabio 2.0 stableboy's actor voice being overdubbed and Richard O'Brien is always a blast.

In color.

Oct 82 TV Guide


I remember a chamber pot stew joke that I laughed at. I wanted to like it, but I did not and I don't think many people would. The premise in which they hang the gags is boring and the jokes don't make it worth the time, in my opinion. There's bits in it that are good, but overall it's not worth the time if you have anything else to do

theres a softcore video of her online

Alive and still very much bangable.

Who is this hot girl?

Does this look like a lie to you?
Give me few minutes I'll upload it.

someone should tell the granny to cool it tbqh

Great picture and sadly no video to go with it, liar.

>you missed the opportunity to get backstage head or private massages from Poverty Minx

What a time to be a teenager

She did a gravure video in Japan

Buck Angel


Did you know that Elivra has many 2nd, and 3rd degree burns over her body, chest, and neck? this is why she wears so much makeup

So what would you like to do with her? Watch The Blob?

are sun spots burns? any old person who gets sun looks like that

I want her to give me a FJ

That's hot.



she was burned at a young age, so when she started her character she had to cover up. burns heal, but take like 20 years to not stand out

i have a nude set of her from the 60's -70's, she looks fine.

Give it up and nobody gets hurt.

just got back from my ban, google it

Why didn't they bring her on as the new Mad for MST3k?
They claimed to be going for a female with nerd cred.
Why the camel?

wow what a cute female girl with two X chromosomes, what's her name?

Don't tarnish her by getting her involved with that shitheap trainwreck. I'm glad she's not involved.

>Why didn't they bring her on as the new Mad for MST3k?

Because it wouldn't work.

>Larkin Love actually has done a porno where she's dressed as Elvira.

Where the fuck can I find it?

but le ebin nerd hag does?

>She says, "I was severely burned, and I felt a little like a monster myself.

"I think I related to people like Frankenstein and The Mummy. The burns made me feel like an outcast and a loner. I certainly was not popular. I was a major geek.

"Thirty five per cent of my body was skin-grafted, and I spent three months in the hospital."

That overdub was fucking hilarious.

Google cassandra peterson tits.

I literally just typed "larkin love elvira" and it was like the 2nd result

at least fucking try, dude

No need.

The Elvira persona works as a host but not as antagonistic Mad. Felicia Day's character on the other hand is meant to a generic bossy evil cunt which translates well for a Mad.

Elvira's too good to work as a mad. She'd be a much better guest star.

Clayton, Frank, and Pearl were all winning to take pratfalls for the sake of comedy, though. Can we expect a stuckup SJW feminist to do the same?

the first one is hard to find not in German and i found it pretty difficult. the second is like a cool horror point and click adventure game, but my emulator has a glitch where every time there's a fight, my attacks do nothing and I get killed :(

what an absolute load of horseshit

>"Thirty five per cent of my body was skin-grafted"

Don't they have a video together?


Honestly, in this case it was warranted.

>I'm looking for the comic-con

Just get the tatts removed Larkin

>Locate both games on abandonware sites
>Or all three if you count Waxworks as an Elvira game (doesn't feature her though)
>Download ScummVM
>unzip the games into dirs into the scummvm dir
>start scummvm and let it scan for the games

something like that, its not that difficult.

>Does anyone know where you could find the old Elvira episodes from the 80s?

I'm so pissed that there's not a gigantic torrent out there with all of Elvira's stuff, or even a DVD boxset with just all the clips.

Guess there's no market for it.

>Common Cock?

>Guess there's no market for it.

It has to be something to do with rights or lost masters. She's still super popular.