/got/ general


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Anyone remember bethfu?

>they're THAT retarded

Yeah most of the fighting had been done, the battle was almost won... For the Bolton.

>its another melisandre's tits episode

/got/ knows only one Lyanna whose name is Ozge.

honest to r'hllor these pics of beth and ozge (and few other shops from daddario, kstew, etc..) gave me a fetish for girls with crown of blue roses


Azor Stannis


I miss the days when we guessed who's playing Lyanna. Then we found out it was mexicanfu and our hopes were all shattered.

those fucking eyebrows

Nice bait

Azor War of the Two Ships

Jonerys vs Jonsa

Which will be canon and which will last

>the truth is b8


it was for the best really. mexicanfu was a good choice

All hail the true Azor Ahai!

What's the story behind this picture

>catelyn, even ser gregor
>They were resurrected through science experiments.
>Berric is the only other one resurrected by the lord of light.
Gregor ok, but Catelyn?
How was it a "science experiment"?

Also it's pretty certain others have been rez'ed.

And in the Kingswood brotherhood, there was a man named "The thrice-hanged"... this is awfully suspicious; Beric also has a rep for being impossible to kill among the smallfolk and even random knights... But we know he's possible to kill, only they just bring him back. Maybe it was the same for that guy. As unlikely as being rez'ed up seem, it seems more likely (in asoiaf setting) that everyone randomly failing to hang the same guy.

Daemon > Dayne > Gwayne Corbray > Aemon > Cregan Stark > Barristan > Ryam > Gerold > Jaime > Prime Robert > Smiling Knight > Oberyn > Mountain > Hound > rest

she is the real azor ahai's dick licker.
emilia's birthday. producers wear masks.

Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright

I tried.. but i can't, i literally can't

>elmer fudd was a good choice

She looked like a fucking pig

Summer is almost over and we haven't gotten the next season yet

She'd be perfect to play the annoying uptight secretary in some sitcom.

Lyanna was supposed to be beautiful and wild, that's 0 for 2.

>Lyanna was supposed to be beautiful
wait for Rheagar then.

Bethfu is best fu famalam

Summer ended two months ago.

Nope looks like a retard

The thing is they already had the perfect lyanna in the form of pure cordy but they fucked it up with mexicanfu

Yes and this month is almost over, so two months.

Aisling is perfect for the role lookwise. not disgusting like Maisie but resembles both her and Jon. Just like the books.

that was a nice casting.


>was told in his third chapter that he needed to live to save the world from winter
>separate character has been having green dreams about him for his whole life
>two high born heirs to their house left their homes to make sure they could guide and protect him across the continent
>most powerful human character alive has been watching and waiting for him for a hundred years
>a character explicity says he's going to stop the white walkers when all the men of westeros and all their armies cant
>a character explicitly says if we lose him we lose everything
>a character explicitly says he will be needed when the night king comes

bran is the last hero. azor ahai who


Azor Roachfu

any picture of her with the flower crown?

Not to mention that Meera and Jojen LITERALLY swore to him by ice and fire. And his actions mirror that of the Last Hero.

Fall starts September 1st you faggot.

There are 4 season in a year 4/12=3

Autumn - September - November

Winter - December - February

Spring - March - May

Summer - June - August

>10 minutes into kidnapping&harp and she gives you that look
wat do

Old Nan never got to finish her story about how The Last Hero defeated the great other because it's also how the end of the series.

If Bran defeats the Others in the book I think his role will be diminished in the show. D&D have never been that interested in his character.

So it seems after her death, Lyanna convert to Islam. and Ned found her in the afterlife.

Really hardbreaking scenes.

user the equinox is not the start of fall the same as the summer solstice is not the start of summer.

There are 4 seasons in a year 3x4=12.

>emily will never be on her hand and knees pointing her fat ass towards you
why even live?

Somebody get on this shit plz

Because there's millions of more attractive women who will do the same for a hundred bucks.

Ugly enough to play sandnigger.
>point proven

Then why do they keep having characters imply or outright say that he's the one who must face the night king, separate from any delusional religious nutcases pretending they get messages from God in the fire


What does that have to do with anything

Actually she's really beautiful lol

I can't wait to see what Jamie does to Cersie :^)

lyanna was supposed to be beautiful not hideous :/

Can't wait to see her face when he kills and raises Viserion.

This must be how CIA saw her at the Turney.

Looks tense.

Uncle Benjen said he must learn to confront the Night's King.

Nah Lyanna was ugly irl, Ashara was the hottie.

>My wife is a jonsa shipper. I don't ship Jon with anybody because quite frankly they have bigger problems.
>Nope. Elizabeth of York is Sansa Stark. Henry Tudor is Jon Snow.

What did WindsOfWinterr mean by this?

Nothing because he's a good little cuck

she is pretty.

pretty as a pig

>had Viserion fall into water so Drogon and Rhaegal can't burn the body and to make "dead things in the water" canon



Nah, she went too far this time. He mad.

Who is this?

Some ugly autistic boy

>Guys. My Uncle is an extra on set.

Dude's fake as shit.

I know he's fake.

No one's stupid enough to say it's their wife and the exact job she'd have for the show.

And look at the baked in excuse he has about his wife lying to him sometimes. The second anything disproves his bullshit he'll just say his wife lied again.

Not to mention the things he says half of them we already know and the other half are based on shit Sophie's said and the leaks


holy fucking shit someone kill this person.

The average Jonautist everybody


Friendly reminder that Syrio Forel survived and is currently disguised as Meryn Trant.

I wish someone would release the unshooped version of these, I want to see her thick flabby butt and thighs.


SpongeBob and Dora confirmed for season 7 end game characters

i ship it!

are videos ok?

sophieturntits is worse to be honest.

Sansafags are always the worst

Is it confirmed her tits will be out?

>Jon's gonna creampie the bloated form of this


of course it's fake, only Sup Forums gets legit leakers

she has lost weight. immensely.

>that sudden crossfade to a moonlit sky


Oh, good.

Sex scene should be hot if she'll get naked.

Rose really does need to watch out


go on


Not until we don't even wanna see them anymore

>all this waifu faggotry itt

Based king of night

you can easily see she has lost weight in that photo.

Emilia takes whatever she wants at this point. Rose is done.

>Rose needs to watch out
>implying they didn't already have a threesome

Also, what the fuck is a mountain troll doing in that pic?

>what the fuck is a mountain troll doing in that pic?

i see two so youre going to have to be more specific



you are mistaken, one of them is a cave troll.

Rhaegar has got to be THE gayest character ever created in a fantasy series and that's saying alot


jesus christ maisie
i know this meme gets thrown around a lot but maisie would be doing society a favor if she became a recluse
its too bad becuz in S1 she was cute but puberty wasnt kind to her
>fuck i dont have the bald shoop, some1 pls for keks

emilia is cute tho - she just cant pull off chubby. she'd be a solid 8 if she lost weight
