What is your favorite James Bond film?
What is your favorite James Bond film?
whoever made those drawings should be knifed.
From Russia With Love
god damn I hate caricatures. Lowest form of art below stick figures
>Favorite film
Tie between "License to Kill" and "From Russia with Love"
>Favorite Bond
Timothy Dalton; Pierce would probably beat him if he had Dalton's material though he's sort of a best mix of all the old Bonds.
>Favorite Bond intro
"On Her Majesty's Secret Service"
lowest form of art is actually anime
From Russia With Love
On Her Majesty's Secret Service
The Spy Who Loved Me
For Your Eyes Only
The Living Daylights
Licence To Kill
Casino Royale
My favorites.
in a free-for-all brawl, roger moore and pierce brosnan would be the first to get KO'd
I go back and forth between Dr. No and You Only Live Twice
Dr. No is before the films really become that over the top male wish fulfillment and isn't as goofy in terms of plots and gadgets. This applies to From Russia With Love as well and Goldfinger is that "turn" where it gets a bit too comical and most after that border on or completely cross over into the ridiculous.
That being said I love You Only Live Twice since it just goes full out ridiculous and goofy and I think gets parodied or referenced the most in Austin Powers, the full introduction of Blofeld, the volcano lair, the procedure to look Japanese, the ninja spy school, cheesy and campy helicopter fight. It is just so over the top cheesy that it is just so much fun to watch.
Casino Royale easily.
hideous caricatures. really bad.
I like the bra spelling 007 and literally nothing else about the picture. I think it's quite mean that they made Lazenby look retarded
that depends
original Casino Royale is pure kino
You Only Live Twice > everything else
>Price Slasher
What did he mean by this?
Craig Bond?
Quantum of Solace.
Other Bonds?
OHMSS or License to Kill
Favourite intro: Die Another Day. The rest was absolute garbage but I have some nostalgia over it.
Favourite of all, probably GoldenEye. Enjoy most of them for what they are and liked Spectre. Craig is not best Bond.
Remind me where that picture is from.
Hot Fuzz
Connery looks like Sam Niell
>Quantum of Solace
It gets more shit on than it deserves, still a pretty weak film though.
>Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan > everyone else
Haven't seen the older ones, only the Craig series. Favorite was Casino Royale, favorite Bond girl was Madeline Swan. Best intro was Spectre, though it was a mediocre film.
man you need to get on that.
Die another day.
Yeah, it does. I recognize it's faults as a whole but i personally love what a personal story it was.
> Casino Royale
> James Bond movie
Pick one.
Your right
Casino Royal> a James Bond """Movie"""