Is he our guy now?
Is he our guy now?
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wtf I love chris cuckmann now!!!!! Was Mel's movie really that good?
He was always /our guy/
He's Reddit's guy
>"I drove home in almost complete silence just thinking about the movie. THAT'S how good this movie is."
What's with this guy?
Yes, yes,please go back to Яeddit.
Tell that to Cuckmann's snapped reputation
>My wife invited Chris to stay with us in New York thinking that this is what I wanted. Instead of saying no on the spot I let it go thinking it was one of those maybe one day kind of things. Soon enough Chris was making plans and I didn't have the heart to say no at that point. It did lead to me and my wife having a conversation about communication. We both should have stopped and thought about this. I decided to make the best of it and take a few days off. A few days were needed because this wasn't a two day thing, Chris ended up planning a 4 day 5 night retreat at my place. I wasn't up for that but he already booked it. I sighed and just thought I'd make the best of it.
He's everyone's guy.
And we are his personal army.
hes married and leaves the basement, so no hes not /ourguy/
>During the trip Chris was a dark cloud, a very brooding presence in my happy home. We tried offering to go out and do fun things but he only wanted to see movies and do his reviews. He did a wonderful job of ignoring my kid who wanted to talk to him and even tossed my wife attitude when she asked him about his goals and spoke candidly about his future goals. He may not have noticed but this is what we got. He's the type of guy to make everyone miserable and then apologize for it and play the victim. I can't stand that type of person.
sounds like me desu
Hi Chris
he's a fucking lunatic, he's barely holding it together.
I'll stick with Cinema Snob
someone post the chris autism gif, i thought i had it but i dont :(
I dont think calling him socially awkward is ruining his reputation. Its kind of his whole shtick
Which RLM video did they joke about him in?
it was the beginning of this one
Jesus that's fucking nothing. Such obvious banter.
>those FB commenters are *this* mad about *that*
wew lad
RLM really is review-kino after all
the man is autistic
my favorite one is from hardy bin mohamad.
>I hate red letter media
reddit letter media is trash
How is the grenade kicking scene? Why does the grenade exploding look like animation?
>not A+
FUCKING DROPPED, I've had it up to HERE-------------------------------------------------
with this little sniveling bitch of a reviewer. THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE HIS BIG COME BACK AND HE DARES SHIT ALL OVER BASED MELS HARD WORK, not only that but also shitting on the brave medal of honor winner it is based on. NO fucking shame.
Not really. Wasn't really excited about the movie anyways.
this, looks really shit honestly.
Um A is still pretty good. Havent seen the movie but the grenade kicking scene would make me drop it to A
Not that it looks shit, but that it looks like every other generic war movie ever made, only told through the eyes of a pacifist.
t. pacifist plebs who thinks well done war movies are bad.
this tbhfam
Probably just kids with no fathers. I think this sounds like one of the best father/son movies in the last 15 years, just all those themes you want to see, like the old timey religious passionate guy you can root for, the brutal war scenes you can both go ooooh shit I am glad mom didn't see THAT, a nice good girl that your dad will want you to try to marry, you can talk about WWII history, and history is always good manly discussion over burgers, and someone kicks a grenade which you can laugh with dad about.
Literally this, me and my dad are going to fucking love this movie.
what did he think of Dr. Strange?
this is hard to watch
probably loved it
That fucking thumbnail alone is enough for me to not wanna watch that shit
Who said this?
It's cuck propaganda that trivializes war. Watch The thin red line if you want a good war film about the human condition
why does Sup Forums support a youtuber that does clickbait thumbnails?
I don't think you understand what the term clickbait means
Putting your face in the thumbnail is not clickbait
>Hacksaw Ridge
>release date
> 12 January 2017 (Brazil)
>it's a Chris visits a still-operating Blockbuster Video and has a religious experience episode
>even tossed my wife attitude when she asked him about his goals and spoke candidly about his future goals
>someone you don't even know comes at you bitching about some fucking 5 year plan like she's your mother
>everyone gets mad when you tell her to do one
This is why I detest normies, mind your fucking business
totally my dude, pop open a couple brewskis in the ol' mancave and hope the ball and chain doesn't find out bro
those war scenes were mad sick though, I was like ''whaaaat, no way man'' and the old manly man (hah, a little wordplay) was like ''awesome!'' and the pacifist was a pussy but the grenade exploded
>the brutal war scenes you can both go ooooh shit I am glad mom didn't see THAT
>a nice good girl that your dad will want you to try to marry
>history is always good manly discussion over burgers
>someone kicks a grenade which you can laugh with dad about
user are you OK
He wasn't there for you, was he?
>He changed his mind about Amazing Spiderman 2
>He didn't like Suicide Squad
Nope. Get him outta here
It is obnoxious, but that's not clickbait.
Pic related is clickbait
>One of the issues that bugged the hell out of me was how financial unprepared Chris was to come to New York. For weeks I had told him to save up because New York was expensive. Prior to arriving he spent money on a bunch of Blu rays since he was now starting a collection. My wife left a message online telling him to keep saving for New York. Of course we had food for him that was the extension of our invite and I even went out and bought an air mattress. We didn't have money for these things since my wife was out of work but I put it on credit. I didn't mind , I even spot him for the imax tickets for Mission Impossible 3 he said he'd pay me back because he didn't have a card.
>When he got back to Ohio he posted up pics of more blu rays he purchased and even a TV. This was like a slap in the face to us. We couldn't help but feel used. There's a way to handle an invite to stay with people and then there's mooching. Even if the TV was purchased by his parents, why didn't his parents give him money for his trip? That's what any parent would do no? make sure he's got enough and not be a burden to the people hes staying with?
>It's not an issue of money, because I treat my friends to many, many things
>It's how it all came together... you go back home and start posting pics of your new TV and your blu ray collections
>and I'm do you have those things now when in New York you could barely afford a metrocard?
>It was pure D-baggery and I kept quiet about it. I didn't confront him about it
>the colors were already shown especially when he ignored us after his trip
>He admitted he ignored me because I was somehow a negative influence on his spirituality. I found that to be a hilarious excuse
>I really understood him as a person after he said that.
this guy is the living embodiment of reddit
thats mild clickbait, real click bait is
This man actually saved lives, his videos prevented someone from suicide. Literally Sup Forums literally /ourguy/
Can he stop making those shitty facial expressions, I want to punch this little faggot so bad
well? what are they?
Stuckmann would be a lot more tolerable if he stopped acting like a giant film buff when he isn't, he should just admit that he's a pleb
Basically the subtext I'm getting from this is Chris definitely fucked the guy's wife
Standing there with your stupid mouth hanging open isn't clickbait.
>Pic related is clickbait
really? why? I don't get what the big deal is...
Anybody else fapped to his wife's heavy breathing in the Halloween video? She even moans "p-please stop". Fucking whore.