Fuck William Edition.
What the fuck is Ford's endgame and did he kill Arnold?
Reminder that MIB and Logan had done nothing wrong.
Old thread
Fuck William Edition.
What the fuck is Ford's endgame and did he kill Arnold?
Reminder that MIB and Logan had done nothing wrong.
Old thread
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First for shrinkrays finally confirmed
Honestly the only reason to keep watching this show is because of Ed Harris, if not for him I would've dropped the shows after this episode
>tfw William and Man in Black are the same person
First for no debunking of human pig farms in Adults Only sections of the park.
crazy theory
what if MIB is just a regular guest and he's MIB
what if hes not anyone else and not a robot
Cast him
second for baggar
Arnold in the past timeline
town punching bag
Remember, this is a 10
He already confirmed that he knows about Arnold and the maze, and he is a main character so I don't see how he's a regular guest.
Cast him
Was the "which would u prefer :D" girl a robot like she said?
Why did they make a robot that's aware of being a robot and if they did why would it be such a big problem if the other robots found out they were robots?
In the real world she's at least a 20
Lots of people know about Arnold and the maze, MIB has been playing before Arnold even died and was like Ford, a director of the park
Bernard knows
It's something that someone who has his much experience in the game would have found as easter eggs already
Nobody said that. Compared with the tattoo girl, the blonde plane girl was a 2.
town heckler host
Teddy in the future
He's been going to the park for 30 years. Of course he knows all that shit.
Teddy brought to life
Try and prove me wrong.
> he doesn't know
why is reddit so obsessed with this two timelines shit?
>MiB telling that other guest to shut up because he's ruining MiB's edgy persona in Westworld by reminding him what a good guy he is in real life
Shemale whore?
classic paula
fucking roleplayers
>shrink rays
I can't.
This series needs more Old Bill.
I gotta be honest with you guys. Seeing all these black characters in a Wild West Setting, even if it's set in the future really breaks the immersion of it all.
I mean, blacks don't even like Sci-Fi/Fantasy so why even bother cater to a demographic who won't even watch the show, let alone be able to afford the channel it's on?
Azor Armistice
Fuck timeline fags and theoryfags!
Town preacher
Arnold is older than Ford.
Ford is older than MiB.
MiB wants Arnold's legacy.
MiB = Arnold's son confirmed.
MIB=Arnoldfags BTFO.
MiB=Williamfags BTFO.
It's realistic. It's not the show catering to the audience, it's the park catering to the guests.
Who would pay a fortune to get called a nigger or a gook and do basic jobs and get kicked out of the saloon ?
>even if it's set in the future
but there were niggers in the old west
And it will continue this way until they stop acting "oh so mysterious twist" and get on with the fucking robot uprising (that's right, an uprising of robots fucking).
The show purposely leaves out information and keeps everything vague to prolong the "mystery" that keeps people watching. Doesn't make the show better, it just fills the pockets of the creators/producers.
Episode 5 is where it's at, nigga. And episode 4 was good.
Im so glad Sup Forums doesnt write tv shows
Friendly reminder that this takes place in an alternate reality where Ford Motor Company makes androids and not cars.
Why do you think we haven't seen a single car anywhere, hmmmmmmm????
Yeah, there's really a false intrigue here that they're trying to milk by purposefully presenting these open-ended questions. And almost all of it comes from Ford's doing, the reveries and memories are part of Ford's new programming and script. It's not some mysterious sentience that's suddenly come from nowhere.
>not wanting shrinkray and dolores pig farm
We also haven't seen any Arnie flicks in WW yet, I guess in this timeline he jumped on the android bandwagon instead of bodybuilding
MiB and that guys edgy as fuck friend who fucks everything are probably my most hated players in video games.
>One guy just wants to fucking skip all the dialogue and just get to the gameplay and then ask me whats going on and just cares about loot and PvP
>Other guy hates being reminded and break his role of his character when his wife is calling him from his DnD session
I especially hate the former because they don't want to look for secrets, listen to the story, go out on adventures. They want to spend a game for $60, skip EVERYTHING expect gameplay and PvP and then tells me the game sucks because he didn't understand what was going on and returns the game the next week
Fuck him and his kind. ALso, they blow money on every single game before reading reviews and then bitches when it doesn't work or it's not what it was like at E3
>muh video games
fucking manchild
I unironically like Logan.
Also why is he encouraging William to cheat on his wife (Logan's sister)?
Mysteries in a mystery show ? How did they get this idea ?
Perhaps you're looking for something more straight forward, like John Wayne movies, or if your asperger is really severe, try nonfiction.
She's so beautiful when she's in her bed. It's weird because the actress is not attractive irl.
Oh, great, it's the faggot from the group who went to West World last week. Your the faggot who kept trying to hook up with that bitch at the Saloon and kept getting denied.
>Can't even pick up a girl
You're the same shitter who killed all the NPC before we could even get the damn quest. You fucking shitter.
I want Dolores to sit on my face.
>ywn hear her say good morning to you
why even live? why even fucking live?
>why is he encouraging William to cheat on his wife
Same reason why he thinks his cruelty is okay, he considers robots to be things, so he doesn't see it as cheating.
you are a fucking idiot wow
Bernard is a human, he will go crazy questioning whether he is a robot or not
screencap this
>implying early episodes were so much better
more like
>Mysteries in a mystery show ? How did they get this idea ?
False, forced "mysteries". Of the cheapest kind.
MiB doesnt want to break immersion though as visible in the dialogue with his admirer, he skips only those dialogues he knows.
How do guests tell each other apart from the hosts?
>ywn hear the sound of her guttural groans when she grabs your head and forcefully makes you lick the sweat out of her asshole after she has been riding in the scorching sun all day
There is no point in living user.
this. what's to stop a guest from shooting another guest?
loved the Bagger 288 cameo!
> Hey, are you a robot ?
> What's a robot ?
not a guest
> Hey, are you a robot ?
> no
>MiB finds the maze, wokes the robotos, it's anarchy
>visitors being massacred, hosts running rampant, anarchy
>People step up to try and take down MiB but decades of Westworld have made him too fast, too rad to be taken down
>enter Old Bill
>MiB doesn't try to defend himself
>MiB doesn't know that Old Bill's safety protocols are so obsolete and atrophied that they don't work any more
He's fine on the dialogue department. Only thing I was referring to MiB was his roleplaying, that's it, dialogue skipping beef is with that one guys edgy friend. There's always one of those in every fucking game. ALWAYS
form the original movie story line the bullets are heat detecting the host are cold blooded. when they detect human body heat they disintegrate on impact. when they detect a host they remain solid, which is why you cant bring outside weapons into the park.
First and only one for hookerfu.
What I don't understand is how they keep up with edgelord fags that break the storylines by killing random npcs.
I get it that they can jam the guns now, but its still reactionary, so you'll kill a couple fo dudes and break a fuckton of storylines other people were following and shit on their entertainment
Its a griefers paradise, there would be people who do nothing else but ruin someone elses fun and you can't do anything to them except call the gm.
>This is Arnold
>He's been trying to give the map to the maze away for 30 fucking years but he always gets stabbed or shot before he can do it.
Screencap it.
Obviously asking every person who you suspect of being a guest is a little immersion breaking and nothing is more immersion breaking than going massacre-mode and finding a few bystanders actually have god mode enabled
I'm confused by what they meant by 'wetware' when they were talking about the host that smashed his own head in. Do they actually have like brains and shit in them?
>he always gets stabbed or shot before he can do it.
But Anrold is a human, if you shoot him he dies probably
it just werks
> people stirring shit up are a minority
> in this episode, the guest with the gang was just part of the story, he didn't start it
> jam the gun and throw in jail
> people who have already started a quest are out of town
> those who haven't can still find numerous hosts to do stuff
> worst case scenario they stop time to replace hosts and just give a compensation to the guest.
He's pretty based
It's also a bonding/hazing thing.
Logan clearly thinks that William is a wimp, so he's trying to get him to break loose cause who wants a pussy marrying into the family?
>we've got a request for splosions
>sure ok let's do it
They didn't even check if it would harm a visitor or not, MiB had the exploding cigar in his actual mouth, this seems like a terrible lapse in security
I started to like him in this episode. He just wnats to go full ham in the game and William won't let him have that fun.
I think it's interesting and kinda funny how in the original movie, his counterpart brought his friend to Westworld to get over a divorce, but here it's because he's getting married.
why do you think he has the eye patch
Logan is based. Everyone who hates him is LITERALLY a r*ddit fedora tipping white knight.
>nothing is more immersion breaking than going massacre-mode and finding a few bystanders actually have god mode enabled
You're thinking about Skyrim. In Westworld, you already know you're not the only guest, you can't decide to wipe out the entire desert.
Logan thinks the AI to be baseless like those found in a video game.
He's an idiot to think that.
nigga they show multiple scenes of guest just shooting everyone in town
what if someone in town is a guest?
what if a guest accidentally another guests waifu?
The game is not fun if you break all the rules and don't immerse yourself in the world.
Might as well play a game on your mobile phone.
>to be baseless
What the fuck does that even mean?
And it IS a video game, just without video. Only idiots treat robots like humans.
>hey dude let's go to this place where you can do anything you want
>oh, you want to do what you want to do, instead of what I want to do? Well FUCK YOU, I am going to BITCH and WHINE and COMPLAIN at you until we get to do what I want
I would just ditch that faggot
Logan's a bore. He's like the friend that whines that a party is lame, but then when you leave together, he just wants to get stoned in a parking lot at night.
why do they still use the same technology in future?
Not thinking this was the best episode yet/
MiB is the head of some bio-medical corporation.
Probably the corp who helped William and Arnold advance from metallic shitty droids to bio-engineering.
That is exactly why he can afford 30 years of playtime and is authorized to do anything he damn pleases.
Logan didn't realize that William's idea of fun is playing a faggoty white knight and trying to get a fucking machine to safety instead of fucking letting go and enjoying himself knowing that none of those machines actually matter.
It is very efficient.
>ayy lmao is a 10
There are no girls in this show that'd score even a 8.