Now that he died, when will we see another asian guy with a white chick on TV again? 10 years? 20 years? Me and my girlfriend are tired of the lack of representation of couples like us in the media...
Now that he died, when will we see another asian guy with a white chick on TV again? 10 years? 20 years...
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Glenn is clearly a white male
>Now that he died, when will we see another asian guy with a white chick on TV again?
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
He's a really good looking kid, it's a shame he probably won't get very many projects after this
never because gooks are beta provider cuccs hahahahahs
we saw it in the fast and furious movies with han and wonder woman
Don't know about tv, but he's the one asian everyone knows like that Michael Pena guy is the one spic everyone knows, somehow I doubt he's gonna fizzle out any time soon.
glenn is asian?
I dont think any of them will unfortunatly. I wonder how andrew lincoln feels after not getting any opportunities yet. Normally when shows go on this long, someone on the show normally ends up making it into bigger projects and then leaving the show. Not even darryl gets anything.
I guess you can count shane, but thats about it.
Well media usually represents reality so see pic related
Michael Pena hasn't been in shit, man, and I'd imagine he's less well known than Glenn.
>Me and my girlfriend are tired of the lack of representation of couples like us in the media...
Then why didn't you become an actor then?
Andrew Lincoln is a family man. TWD already takes up a shitload of time and energy to film. He's talked about how stressful it is on him to be away from his wife and kids so much. They don't leave England.
>Me and my girlfriend
Immersion ruined
Michael Pena has been in tons of shit. Never more than a supporting character, but still, tons.
He is typecast pretty hard.
How long do you think it will be before he is in anything, movie, tv , dinner theater and the minute he appears the crowd roars out "GLENN!"
>when will we see another asian guy with a white chick on TV again?
When the Asians start breeding some more actually handsome men and not just little fucking bingbong monkey creatures.
now that you mention, amazon prime did get me my crazy ex girlfriend on time
did they mention amazon prime like 20 times that last episode or what
unbreakable kimmy schmith
Every time he mentions his wife is like a dagger to her heart...
>Me and my girlfriend are
Learn to English, slope.
Explain numbers or how this works
Take your race/gender and find it on the side. Then find whatever race you're interested in contacting on the top. Find the square where they align.
For example, white men get more responses by black women (38), than black men do.
Basically everyone replies to white men on a pretty regular basis, asians and blacks have some of the lowest reply rates.
In particular, it doesn't appear that asian women are very interested in responding to asian men for whatever reason.
asian guys are literally the cutest
every day i thank god that most people are racist against asians, it means i get to have them all to myself
t. white homo
Blacks have it worse.
I'm torn between feeling disgust at this couple in general and feeling happy for the guy cause he's got a "wife" that he clearly loves dearly. Can't imagine what must be wrong with him to be "married" to that thing.
just googled it. and the Indians are up 3-0 on the cubs.
that girl is jewish, not white
Holy shit what a fucking useless waste of life you are
Surprised Sup Forums hasn't mentioned this with all the "leaks" thread we get here, but there's been a rumor that has been going around for a while that Steven is in talks for a DCEU role as Nightwing.
I still think glen would play a great adult shortround in the upcoming indiana jones, but its not gonna happen
Me: smooching and cuddling a qt asian manlet
You: alone
Whos laughing now?
Do tv show stars get royalties? could he never work again and be fine (don't assume he has saved up a lot, I'm talking does he get a check from time to time with an assload of cash?)
They made it illegal to save pictures or clips of the event, so only pirate copies would exist - he isnt gonna get any royalties from those
Steven Yeun isn't alpha, despite what you think
>Black female
wew lad
how about from reruns of the show? or dvd sales? does a percentage go to the performers?
When you stop going with the "am mascurhino too here me roaru" character shtick and become what you really are, that is cute virgin fuccboi slave for the whitey.
Haha sorry i thought i was in the Black Mirror thread
ignore my post, its nonsense
i can't really tell if he's a spic or chink.
the important part is that we can tell youre an idiot
Be honest, did you cry?
he's a spink.
>tfw Asian but tall and good looking
literally EASY mode for Tinder
maggie ill look for you
omg i am cringin
>for whatever reason
because they love the BWC
the only time i've shed a tear in this show was for eastman
Pretty much this. Glenn is very alpha for being an Asian-American sorry to say. Most westernized Asian men seem so emo to me and the ones desperate for white women make it worse. I'm saying that as an Asian-American man. However, my problem is I look somewhat like a light skinned Latino. It's probably due to have a angular looking face with a straight nose and large eyes. Different from the usual smooth feminine features of usual Asian guys.
I get approached by Latinas and white women more so than by Asians. Disappointing since I have a big preference for Asian women. Prefer to be with someone that understands the Asian culture and food. Plus I like my women small and petite.
shut up dim sum
>I get approached
I'm okay with this
I live in California so girls here are more open. Never had a problem with girls here.
I was sad but I didn't cry. I smiled when Glenn got up and had his eyeball out of the socket and part of his skull bashed in like in the comic.
Maggie, look for my nuts.
Glenn is American. Just has Asian heritage.
Americans get weird with the race shit. He acts like a normal American. Not like someone recently from Asia.
I'm tired of the racial tensions here in the US. Seems like it got worse or maybe more apparent due to social media. Even more pathetic when Asians get easily triggered over stupid stereotypes that aren't as negative compared to say blacks and mexicans.
>media usually represents reality
Asians are perpetual foreigners
You can be a third generation Asian American and people would still ask where you're from
Just like how in media blacks are represented as hoodrats and live in ghettos. There is no way they are like that irl.
>Lauren Cohan
Irony is in Korea, where his family is from, no one knows who he is. He's basically one of the highest paid and more noticeable Korean/Korean-Americans and yet hes not even a blip on their radar.
They always ask some type of East Asian country too as if SEA doesn't exist. China, Japan and lesser extent Korea is what they always ask me.
I know Hollywood movies are worldwide but that probably doesn't apply to American TV shows I take it.
>be Native American male
>want a black chick
>right after Native American women the most responses are from black women
It was destiny.
>attacking a position I don't even hold out desperation.
Neck yourself
>Not even darryl gets anything.
Daryl is making the first true vidyakino.
He's a Jew.
Which one? If you mean that Silent Hill game, it got canceled.
Kojima got the boot from Konami and cancelled Silent Hills but Kojima made his own studio and stayed in touch with Reedus and are working together again on a new game called 'Death Stranding'.
Glen is an honorary Aryan male.
Pathetic oriental cucks like yourself need to go back.
Oh shit how did I miss this?
That's exactly what i was thinking. A combo of 'good for him' and 'what the fuck must be going on in his head?'
>literally nobody wants black males
I want off this ride
>women rather have alcoholic Native Americans
Sorry, bro.
I always figured we were bottom of the barrel due to stereotypes as well.
If it makes you feel any better I am an alcoholic and can't get laid to save my life.
I puked all over my shirt and fell to the ground kicking and screaming.
The Negro male suffers in silence whilst the media booms out lies of black supremacy and paints a false image of everyone loving black guys.
I know more black virgins than any other race.
We are many.
We are silent.
>tfw even weeb black girls are slaves to the bwc and Hung Li
>asian women are very interested in responding to asian men
i have a sorta low opinion of white guys that get married to fobby asian women, if their born here then its fine, but settling for a fob one just makes me think they cant hack a proper relationship so settle for someone desperate.
I hope he gets more roles. I liked his VO work in Legend of Korra.
what the fuck is wrong with people
>Me and my girlfriend
It's "My girlfriend and I", you uneducated baboon.
juden x filipino
I unironically watched this show from start to finish
who /Crazy Ex-Girlfriend/ here?
She's such a babe, dem titties
>media working 24/7 to try and make black men seem cool and sexually desirable
>we're supposed to feel bad that you still can't get laid
Nah fuck that. The rest of us would to have our own PR firm dedicated to trying get us laid
She's an aging jewess with bad breath due to halitosis, you can see her demonic form in the right light.
someone wanna see if this shit is legit? cbf researching it myself.
if it is true though, why are there so many BM/WF couplings on shows and movies? i never gave a shit about it before i thought black guys were doing fine with other women, but if they arent, it does seem like its being pushed on people.
And? The media sets unrealistic standards for black men. They paint us all with the same brush, and people hate us when we don't meet what they've learned from the Jewish propaganda.
Everybody loses.
>intelligent and educated black males never get wives and die out
>Tyrone and his squad spread their seed into easily impressionable white girls and black girls
>White guys must either "man up" and raise Jamal Jr., or fight for the small pool of pure white girls left
>smart white men die out
>smart black men die out
>world is populated with retarded mutts cus of some instagram memes
At least you're allowed to have a range of personalities.
If I'm not big tall ooga booga Tyrone then I'm automatically an oreo.
You can always settle for some ugly chink girl that worships white guys, but I literally have nothing.
Thank you for saying what I came here to post
okay that guy is pretty legit handsome.
are there any guys that look that good on shows? glenns the best looking one i can think of and even then hes like only a 7.
I hope they do more of that and white male/asian female
Truly the best racemixing
>the ones desperate for white women make it worse
jesus christ this. holy fuck, its the most awkward fucking thing ever.