How is he a villain? He literally did nothing wrong.
How is he a villain? He literally did nothing wrong
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Hes rude
He a gud boy
He dindu nuffin
He literally didnt though. Rick's group got off easy.
Ricks group killed members of Negans in self defense though
No they didn't. They invaded their compound and killed them in their sleep.
Murderers killing murderers. Rick's group crossed a line that day. Both groups are equally awful.
Seeing how they killed a compound of his guys took all the shit they had there to only kill one of Rick's group (two in the show) was letting them of really easy the end he only wants half the shit you get
I would have kept the girls there as slaves and taken his son. Negan seems like a very nice and fair man. He doesn't even use bad language.
I think he only said one S-word. And that was Rick's fault
You gotta have something wrong with you to do that to someone's skull. Like sure bullets are precious resources but its just a bullet. Unclogging your toilets is worse enough who wants to see that and do that cmon senpai unrealistic
>How is he a villain? He literally did nothing wrong.
He's literally the good guy.
Ricky is a degenerate liberal. Fact.
>what is fear and intimidation
So is this guy the real Negan or not?
How is he a liberal when he's a cop? Don't liberals hate the police?
You literally did not need to make a new thread for this post.
Fuck the degenerates I say as I bash someone's eyes out their skull with a baseball bat I am not a degenerate this is a very realistic solution to my problems
He's Punished "Venom" Negan.
That's the world they live in now. If Rick hadn't fucked with his men he wouldn't have killed them.
Ruling with fear is easier and more effective than being loved. He's just taking the rules back to the ancient times.
He's certainly a psychopath but what he did has been done many, many times in human history and you could argue that it was just a retaliation against a new, unknown foe. To him Rick and co. are the same as every other hostile group has been to the viewers
Not him but you don't know what a "liberal" means, no one today does. He just wants to be left alone, he wants to be free with his people.
The police has nothing to do with it, it's his passion, a job to keep people safe, a lot of people want that. We just don't like being bothered by the government and how they sometimes use the military/police to do what they want even if we are generally opposed to it.
Liberalism is also a centrist ideology. It's just been drowned out by the loud rise of the radical left (Neoliberals, SJWs, Tumblr) and the far right (Neocons, Sup Forums).
he's absolutely retarded for keeping rick alive since he's probably never had this much trouble with one single guy and he still keeps him around.
>Rick kills 50 of his people
>bashes the skulls in of two of Rick's people
Negan is a man of his word and will kill to keep people in line.
>Rick's group invades Negan's compound, kills 50+ of his men and takes their shit
>Negan kills 2 of Rick's men, gives them a truck and takes half of what they have
Negan is literally the good guy.
He's still a monster though, just a smart and calculated one.
he wears a leather jacket, he's obviously a terrible human being
In the comics he states that he won't kill Rick because he'll just turn him into a martyr for his people to rally around.
Better to break him into submission and let him take the blame for Negan's oppression to sow disunion among his community, which nearly worked.
>In the comics
The 3 worst words of this decade
Yep just the way the world is in Le Walking Shit.
Just saying that what is clearly implied on screen is stated outright in the comic because you were too thick to see it.
Neocons arent far right. they're leftists who have a strange obsession with bombing arabs. their only right-wing bona fides is how they have historically let the religious right tag along with them like a sidekick
If you were Rick, would you forget about Daryl, take everyone else, and haul ass to Lollapalooza?
I mean you know at least 1 other person's going to die if you hang around
dumb anime poster
But it came out of the Demo-con movement. So it is right-winged.
>my middle ground is always right
Such a bore.
liberal doesn't mean classical liberal idiot
If you kill your enemies, They win.
he's actually right you know
>He's just taking the rules back to the ancient times.
hahaha you can't be serious.
Says the anime poster.
Animu is better than Murrican comics.
Stronger armed group subjugating others by fear and taking tax/protection money is literally how most human civilizations have been organized since forever.
Why didn't rick use the RPG to shoot at the truck when all of Negan's men were on it at the last blockade? Makes no sense desu.
They're completely interchangeable, stylistically bankrupt production line shit designed for NEETs.
Not to say that there aren't similar genres in Meristan, but at least there's variation and self-awareness.
Negan's Saviors are a mixture Genghis Khan, feudal lord and Mafia protection racket. Antecedents can be found throughout any period of history.
Not to say
Because Daryl is a retard and wasted what might have been the last RPG on earth to blow up like 20 zombies max in Alexandria. Daryl literally ruins everything; prove me wrong. Pro tip: you might be able to.
Because all enemys of the protag are antags
Anyone with half a brain knows Negan isn't a villain. The worst he is is insensitive.
Pretty sure they had 3-4 RPGs. Abe found a case of em.
webm when
are we ever gonna get a twd season that isnt stuck in some fucking forest?
Someone made a two part webm already.
Fuck you AIDS Skrillex
I thought this show was supposed to be about zombies and shit.
>'popped' twice in one line
HQ writing
>having the best vocabulary
Did you not see the part where he didn't know what a hatchet was?
I would say it's more about surviving in a world full of zombie.
I don't even like this show, i watched the last season only because people told me that Jeffrey Dean Morgan was in it (Negan). Now i'll just watch for him, i fucking love this actor.
its mainly about drama now, dragged into infinity. if you wanna watch an entertaining show with zombies, watch z-nation
Naw, TWD has been mostly about the nature of humanity with the post-apocalypse bringing out the worst/best of people.
>Ricky is a degenerate liberal. Fact.
are you proud of that fact that you're a living, breathing, hate-meme?
>replying to some Sup Forums baiting faggot
i think j.k simmons would have been a better negan
You can't tell me you wouldn't go absolutely nuts bashing someone's skull in if they harmed your family...
I told my wife several times. If some fuck has the balls to break into our house, I'm blowing off their shins with the DP12 I keep next to the bed, dragging their sorry ass into the garage, and stuffing their fucking head into the drill press. Hell, I'd even take one out of the Dahmer book and pour some acid in for good measure.
All I know is, Negan was friendly. Anybody fucks with my family and they're in for a very rough time.
I am still waiting when the deaths get real enough that you see people shitting and pissing themselves when they die.
>Negan is a nice guy who did nothing wrong
wew boiz watch out, we got uh live 1
1. Protects those in his "kingdom"
2. Kills anyone who rapes women even if they are from his crew
3. Killed two of Rick's people at the cost of having 50 odd people murdered by Rick and his group.
4. Shows humanity and understands other people have feelings, but has to stick to business.
Does she know you spend time away from her arguing with Anonymous losers on a Japanese image board about tv shows and film instead with her and her friends?
If you call Rick a villain, I will understand you calling Negan a villain, otherwise your logic is fucked.
Careful, pal, might cut yourself on that edge before you get to act out your torture porn scenario.
Hurr. Yeah I know, I really put on a fantastic "internet tough guy" shitpost up there.
I've gone through quite a bit of shit. Had guns pointed at me, almost got my neck sliced out 10 years ago, got thrown in a pile of broken glass, half set on fire once... Lots of assholes out there. And that's just what happened to me. My wife has a pretty bad past too.
When you go through life trying to be the "good guy" and someone cuts you down hard, you play it differently next time.
Mark my words- it'll make national headlines for being so fucked up if anyone breaks into my house again. All in self defense.
Did Neagan not initiate the general conflict? That changes the entire dynamic of whether or not he is a villain.
I'm pretty sure fans of the comic has said he's rather sociopathic, if not psychopathic. I'm not sure if he can show humanity to the point of a normal human, but even if he can show humanity, doesn't change the fact he is a villain. Most villains have good intentions originally.
K. Keep me posted.
>it'll make national headlines for being so fucked up if anyone breaks into my house again.
Negan is restricting freedoms and turning Rick's group into wagecucks, he's a liberal.
holy shit this would have been absolute kino
Saviors were the protectors of the Kingdom. Because of that they had the most power and could be bullies. The real fucker is Gregory at the Hilltop. Maggie has him hanged eventually.
no hes the fake negan, real negan owns a tiger
Holy fucking hell! The Comedian!
Alright, so the saviors overstep their boundaries, Rick's group defends themselves, and then what? Negan comes over and bashes Glenn's head in? The bro? One of the least morally ambiguous characters? It doesn't sound like justice, it sounds like a tyrant trying to restore order by using excessive and unfair punishment.
>give me your shit or I'll kill you
Literally a nigger, only niggers would side with this retard
Negan has no clue who did what. Just like all those Saviors Glenn, Rick, and everyone else killed. Negan and his group are just survivors like Rick's
Yes but they take land by force and then turn people into something that is comparable to slave, right? It doesn't seem uncalled for to try and fight off people like that.
I demand #standforglenn and #standforabraham !
all me
That show is even worse wtf
this is going to be a stupid question but why dont negan's men just kill negan? what do they have to lose if thy kill him and his Stockholm syndrome loyalists
What makes him a villain is that he's not interested in rebuilding society.
Why the fuck would they kill him?
good question
because he does bad unecessary shit. what do they have to lose by killing him?
What's even going on in that show? Haven't watched any of S3 yet.
He made a qt spicette cry