Post movies that make you cry tears of joy

Post movies that make you cry tears of joy

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is this flick really good?

>yfw you finally found a bull for your wife

It's the most bro movie I have ever seen. Makes you really appreciate friendships.

oui, it's genuinely class

>rushing home to surprise her


its a happy movie without tugging on your heartstrings too hard halfway through to milk the happy feeling at the end like most feelgoods do.

The situations and struggles of the main characters are actually believable.




Did you see his BBC

This is pretty accurate. It felt so natural and so sweet.

It's an actual feelgood movie : it doesn't try to manipulate the audience into some emotions see Me Before You the problem of both characters seem genuine and believable in two opposite ways, it has a very good depiction of a strong friendship which is a bit rare.
It's not the most subtle thing you'll ever see but it's still a solid movie, especially considering how blatant movies of that kind usually are.

it's good.

its a bullshit propaganda movie


Thriumph of the will especially when hitler comes on

i loved this movie

Why are kids posting on Sup Forums?

what kind of propaganda?

immigrants are good, hardworking people.

wew that's not what the message of the movie is at all

its the message between the lines. The real message is that retarded spastics are people too abloo bloo.

You can cynically look at this movie's entire premise as oscar bait-esque and corny but damnit it was so nice to watch. It's really good and very charming

The black guy isn't an immigrant and actually in reality the black character is based on a middle eastern man

I know right, Sup Forums is for mature adults

What happened to the younger brother of the black guy? That plot thread kinda went nowhere.

Man of Steel. I tear up often when I see the "First Flight" scene. For me, it perfectly captures his joy while simultaneously conveying the power and majesty of Superman. It is escapism that somehow inspires me.


Holy shit, guy on the left could do so much better than that uggo on the right

He's probably a sugar daddy

I loved this film, really enjoyable.
The music was great too.

Stranger than Fiction

it's really artificial & forced. Awful photography & mediocre cinematography. As a Frenchfag who love cinéma, it makes me deeply ashamed: the state of our national kino production is a disaster desu.

The movie I wanted to see had sold out but my friend suggested this one and the ticketeer said it was like a French driving miss daisy but with angry cripples. Unconvinced, I bought the tickets and I ended up crying happy tears in the cinema for the first time since I saw the end of the Lion King when I was 5.

Watch it.