Why the fuck does he keep spoiling movies with no warning whatsoever?
Most of his reviews are just plot summaries.
Why the fuck does he keep spoiling movies with no warning whatsoever?
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Leave him alone, he single handedly brought down the ghostbusters reboot movie.... he is a damn hero.
This year has been disappointingly lazy and it's also the last full-month Monster Madness. Well, everything good ends eventually.
It used to be so he could let choice clips play and work on his editing skills. Now its a chore to sit through.
how did he get his black cat to pose so perfectly
it's like one of those halloween sillouettes
this year fucking blows, "wahh it takes too long to plan, wahh i dont want to watch movies i claim to be super passionate about, wahh i want more time to make shitty movies"
fucking dickhole
That cat must be pretty old by now. Looks like it.
never forget
This cat was born spooky
>his name is Boo
No joke
They're still fucking taking pot shots at him.
It pisses me off they'd stoop this low.
>But because 2016 is a never-ending nightmare that will allow nothing good and pure to exist, all this comes with a condition: Avoid the events featuring one of the Expo's special guests, James Rolfe—better known to gamers as the obnoxious YouTuber "The Angry Video Game Nerd," and better known to everyone else as one of the jackasses behind last spring's misogynist anti-Ghostbusters campaign. Make no mistake: The Portland Retro Gaming Expo is still totally worth going to. But Rolfe typifies the kind of outdated, exclusionary thinking that gives gamers a bad name.
tldr. Portland.
Well they are right on their diagnosis that " 2016 is a never-ending nightmare that will allow nothing good and pure to exist", they just don't realize why.
>Hating on one of the nicest guys on the Internet
>Because he didn't want to watch a shitty movie
I fucking hate "progressives".
>Keeps spoiling movies without giving spoiler warnings
>Movies he's "spoiling" are older than OP
Aww man I didn't know he was gonna be at the prge. I wanna go now
>no more movieclips
Fuck him
Do it man. Do it for rolfe.
Also send hate mail that fucktard who said to boycott his panel. Fuck that guy.
If you're watching movie reviews online (for movies that came out over 60 years ago no less), you shouldn't be that surprised.
>But because 2016 is a never-ending nightmare that will allow nothing good and pure to exist
That's rich.
Truth is, the left are the ones that hate everything good and pure.
At least Devin got his life ruined forever.
Cats are disgusting animals
I had mine for ten years and every day I think about killing because I hate her so much
>I do not remember this. I can only believe you and beg forgiveness for having been so vile.
Where is he now?
He's at a Burger King taking orders.
The man is in his 40's, has been a movie critic for years, and was publically revealed to be an abuser of women. He has literally no hope of ever getting a career again.
It's pretty satisfying, honestly. Devin will likely be dead within the decade, from stress or suicide.
It is really beyond me why people watch a review and then complain about spoilers.
Why don't you just give it away?
I would love to have a cat.
It's my sister's and I'm too poor to move away and too antisocial for roomates
It wasn't just a "shitty movie".
It was a statement. It was a big push for the SJW agenda.
>Take a hugely popular classic movie
>Replace multicultural cast with all-female cast (complete with drop-dead-sexy passive manservant who gets constantly ogled instead of sassy, frazzled take-no-shit secretary)
>Replace sarcastic and dark humour with modern, safe, gov't-approved humour
>characterizations that go from uncharacteristic to downright prejudiced (Fat character ends up in fatty slapstick situations, black character gets all cartoonishly sassy, in-your-face, and just "Aw HAYYYL no!" about everything)
>They'll have to praise us for being progressive, even though we're creatively bankrupt and hypocritical in our representations and messages! If they say otherwise, or give us bad reviews, we can slam them for being racist and sexist and bigoted, hell, you name it! They'll be totally discredited, leaving no room for negative critique! This can't fail, it's too big, too safe!
>This is the key! If we can push this through, we can push anything through! They'll devour 2-hour footage of a steaming turd if we spin it as "progressive" and name it "Citizen Kane"!
>If this works, the SJW generation will be even easier to milk than we thought.
Even if you don't see it as some ulterior motive, you can't deny that it was such a shitty, desperate, hollow cash-in movie, that letting the studio get the encouragement of the hundreds of positive reviews from blind-support SJWs, Feminists, and straight white guys who fell for the "white male guilt" meme would not be worth it. We have to let them know that this shit does not fly, not even with the "locked-in" reviews of the target group they're pandering to.
Well, you're just a bad person for hating cats.
>can't even use actual footage from the movies like previous years
>instead it's just him talking over snapshots of the movie without audio, like it's a fucking slide-show
What is even the point any more?
Liberals are such an inexcusable fucking joke at this point.
>one of the jackasses behind last spring's misogynist anti-Ghostbusters campaign
Holy shit they've misunderstood reality so completely in so many ways
Right? Without the interspersed clips, the """reviews""" become sleep inducing.
>>instead it's just him talking over snapshots of the movie without audio, like it's a fucking slide-show
You mean like every movie review he made, up until 2010?
>But because 2016 is a never-ending nightmare that will allow nothing good and pure to exist
The irony of this statement.
SJW's are the ones who demand that everything enjoyable be ruined. It's why they are so fucking hated.
Monster Madness is about reviews? He's telling you about monster movies and then gives his thoughts on them.
Guarantee James is for the most part a liberal. That's what is so ironing about this.
>He's at a Burger King taking orders.
I wish.
Liberals tend to be people of privilege. They usually have some kind of golden parachute in store where even if their own disgusting behavior gets them shafted, they can fall back and get a sweet cushy position that most working stiffs with actual skills could never hope to achieve.
It's a sick world with very little justice in it.
They're the bullies. They're the ones kicking sand in people's faces and trying to drag them through the mud in the social sphere.
The only reason they can get away with it is because while they're bullying people, they're shouting shit like "Stop the bullies who won't do everything we say!" and "Fight for peace and love and equality and all those good things that you wouldn't dare argue", then they turn around and start called non-whites "colored people", separating every group even further by giving certain ones special privileges just for being one race/gender/group and others punishments of guilt just for being another race/gender/group. They promote treating people differently based on their skin color and sex/gender, instead of fighting for equal treatment of all citizens.
They stand for all that is ignorant and divisive, and then claim that YOU are the ignorant and divisive one if you don't join their crusade. Then they pat themselves on the back for doing the "right" thing, as according to other SJWs they follow.
>You mean like every movie review he made, up until 2010?
Watch the other Monster Madness episodes. He's used actual clips and audio up until now.
>muh privilege
Logic of a minority.
I mean ACTUAL privilege, like rich parents that pay for everything and have connections.
Not made-up "privilege" where SJW's think whites get a free-success pass handed to them when they are born.
Because spoiler warnings are a courtesy, not a requirement. If you are faggo enough to look at reviews before forming an opinion about the film yourself, you're a moron.
>does weird box opening sketch
>laughs his ass off all surprised by the contents
>"truth me told i opened this years ago and looked at the contents within"
fuck, it really was great seeing James uncuck himself and completely dominate all those butthurt SJW faggots
I know what you mean. Your alt-right delusion is just ironic.
This year isn't that great. He just sits there pretty awkwardly in the same fucking position every video. It annoys my autism. Why does he do it?
To annoy your autism.
No? Even back in Godzill-a-thon he used a mix of both because YT was becoming too aggressive with their automated copyright system.
The videos might not be amazing or anything, but I've always found James taste and encyclopedic knowledge of horror films entertaining.
Wish I could say the same of his horrible fuckin' music taste.
What a jew.
Some people like to point out all the hypocrisies of the modern left, but I think those people are missing the point.
Hypocrisy only applies when the accused actually has principles. Modern day leftism doesn't have any principles. They only have a target to destroy, and that target is white people.
>Even back in Godzill-a-thon he used a mix of both because YT was becoming too aggressive with their automated copyright system.
He STILL used actual clips and audio.
>They only have a target to destroy, and that target is white people.
Also males and Christianity.
I was going to say something nice about witchfinder general, but I actually listened to it.
This one is better.
You have a victim complex. they target conservatives, they're also white people, plus diversity quota.
He did, damn YT policy, ruining Monster Madness.
>Also males and Christianity.
No, white males are targeted. There's a reason leftists don't target Islamic sexism or African rape cultures. When white males are targeted, gender relations are hurt, resulting in a steep decline of fertility and stability of western societies.
And Christianity is targeted because of their morals. The metaphysical aspect is just a red herring. Fundamentally, leftists hate Christians because some of them have a firm moral compass.
Just because they're white, doesn't mean they don't hate white people.
Op is a fag.
Holy shit, why are they still mad? All he said was that he wouldn't see the movie because it didn't appeal to him. It's not like he told his subs to boycott the damn thing
cats are an invasive pest
Wow. Way to be an unbiased news source. I can't believe I have a journalism degree. I can believe I can't find work because I'm not a liberal.
There is no way Devin will get hired again in this industry. He is a middle aged cishet white guy who was caught with multiple woman accusing him of sexual misconduct, and his response sealed his guilt forever.
He's toxic. Nobody would want to touch him.
Why do people reply to their own posts?
>yfw networking and just spouting the right talking points on the internet would get you further than the well intended ethics you were taught from some diploma-mill who handed you a slip of paper to make their graduation rates look better ever will
Naw, you're just a fucking psychopath.
Is he retarded?
I love how Sup Forums now tries to mantain some kind of hilarious narrative were they liked this loser, after YEARS of calling him a cuck and pretty much creating an entire mememythology around him, his wife, his friend and even his kid...
Literally nobody says they liked him.
They say they uncucked himself. They like him NOW.
fuck I always liked James
>movies that are decades old classics
>cry about spoilers
fuck off millennials
Nice double-speak retard, you memesters are just like your enemies.
You just want to be pander to and nothing else.
>tfw "I'm gonna shove these fukin' games up your ass!"
Mike is so cringy, and all the meme attention he's been given has gone to his head.
Of course. Why do you think they like Trump so much? Because he says exactly what they want to hear even though he probably doesn't give a shit about fat pasty nerds on their mother's basement. Trump is smart, he knows this and has people browsing this site so he can post memes on his twitter.
>bringing Trump into it for no reason
He's using an analogy, you goddamn retard
Well, that was mostly because of his movie, which was admittedly pretty bad. But he's redeemed himself since then.
Underrated post.
Call him an alt-righter next, that'll show him.
>doesn't know what analogy is
Looks like you don't either
Burn it all down, James. Portland is nothing but fedoras anyway, so you'd be improving the country.
wait, he didn't use the lantern? what a fucking idiot
fucking portland
Poor Jimmy
Stop overthinking and get paranoid about any kind of "agenda". It was a shitty reboot no one wanted. Every bad reboot should get the same treatment, sjw or not.