Shane would've made a better leader than Rick.
There, I said what everyone was thinking.
Shane would've made a better leader than Rick.
There, I said what everyone was thinking.
>Selfish snapped psycho obsessed with pussy
He made for a good survivor until he tried killing one of his own over a vagina.
Survivor though, not leader. He's not a good leader if he'll kill first and leave people for bait to get away.
I disagree, there I said what everyone scrolling past this post is thinking.
>bald men are evil
>bald men are the bad guys
This needs to stop.
Shane only cared about Lori and Carl. Anyone other than them was either just there and not important or in the way and should die.
>le nervous head rubbing man
>good leader
>baldie's mad
look at his hairline you disgusting weirdo
>There, I said what everyone was thinking.
people have been saying that shit since he died, you're not special
>Ywn have Shane VS The Guvnor
>Ywn have Shane VS Negan
>Ywn have Shane VS The Skins
Who am I kidding, the Guv would've had him for breakfast. If some survivor didn't kill him first.
i've been saying this since season 1 breh
t. hairlet
>t. short bald man
> you will never be a walker who catches andrea alone and feasts on her badly-tanned flesh
God can you imagine how hot it would be to watch her die? Her death in the show was absolute bollocks and i was extremely disappointed by every aspect of it. I wanted her to be eaten alive by the Milton zombie, slowly, helplessly, with her arms tied so that she has to experience every second of it. Every second of delicious agony as that skinnyfat accountant rips into her throat. It was even worse cause the actress they chose for her was a dried-out milf with a bad tan. I wanted the Andrea from the comics, at least somewhat sweet and young and innocent. Yeah she fucked Dale which was pretty weird but she is incredibly cute. I wish she had gotten Gabriel's comic's death. Just imagine her hanging there screaming in agony as the zombies converge on her, their teeth tearing into her soft breasts, thighs, and buttocks, ripping flesh away in strips. She would probably drown on her own blood, and her gurgling could choke down her screaming before long so all she could do is whimper helplessly as the zombies tear her apart. God I wanted that shit to happen so bad. I wanted Annie's death to last longer (the retarded cripple girl who tripped and fell then forgot to shoot herself) but it went too fast. I wanted her to get pinned against the fence and have her cheeks ripped apart while she screams. Same with Jessie, the fucking show blueballed me again because her death scene lasted only 15 seconds. So right as I'm unzipping, she's already covered in the fucking zombies. That's why Andrea's death was so perfect. Just the intimate embrace of her and one other walker (Milton) eating her tit flesh in chunks as she screams and blood soaks through her.
You have low testosterone
Nah, Rick was in the right to put him down and he did eventually imbibe Shane's best traits anyway
That said he was a fucking joy to watch and I miss him dearly
>Darabontbabies who dropped the show in S3/4 back at it with the retarded threads
current Rick would rekt shane's shit
>mfw receding hairline at 24
i-its just my imagination... r-right guys...?
but it's the opposite from what i understand
unless you're bald, why would you even know something like that?
Bald "men" are the life long footrests of humankind. Almosy everytime I see a bald "guy" it's some pussified weirdo that arches his back like a flamingo. They're the types to get hard as a diamonds when they get cut off in traffic...Absolute nutless parasites.
Inability to grow hair, low t. Move along sissy
>lots of mad bald dudes ITT taking it out on other mad baldies
>people still watch this tripe seven seasons in, when every episode is the same shit, and only the lowest common denominator would find anything even remotely interesting about it, when even the "human struggle" and "group dynamics" are entry-level story telling at best
>current Rick would rekt shane's shit
this, his powerlevel is way beyond ricks now
>move along
no faggot, because that doesn't make any sense. explain away all the muh gainz bodybuilder types that are bald as fuck or the large bald african man who will eventually cuck you, pussy
you can't silly little white boy
Holy shiite kek
Bodybuilders tend to shave all of their hair you fucking idiot. They don't lose it all at 36 like you did. This isn't hard to understand.
>white boy is this how you win fights on here? Weird for a white bald guy to projecy that hard lol
Don't you worry, think of it as a pleb filter for women. The ones who'd be put off by it don't deserve your sweet cock
t. Amommynous
"I'm achingly proud of you"
Shit i green texted all of that.
t. bald substitute teacher
but i'm not bald or white (or black) funny how that was the first place you went though, did i struck a nerve pussy? do you have experience in the matter? LOL
>implying their aren't naturally bald bodybuilders
how often are you so full of shit? you're a talking portapotty motherfucker
desu you sound like you're bald and really upset about it yourself, lashing out at anons won't make it grow back though :) i mean reacting like that to a simple question wow did the rogaine not work for you jesus
>mfw 24 and have thicc amazing hair
Baldies BTFO
I'm not the one defending bald freaks. YOU are.
I wish people would know the difference between bald and a shaved head.
Bald=spineless maggot
Shaved=professional or worker
Or bald even literally means cancer hahahahahahahahaahahaha btfo bald "men"
Get dommnd
>mad as fuck bald, white, manlets overcompensating for their faults
and the world keeps on turning