"m-maggine i... i'll find y-you"
what did he mean by this?
"m-maggine i... i'll find y-you"
what did he mean by this?
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He wasn't a Godless faggot like you.
He was partially blind from the hit.
He couldn't see her, and therefor he said ''I'll find you'', as in he will see where she is soon enough.
It was dark too, so that might have had something to do with it.
>believing in God and Heaven
>when zombies exist
Isn't it a throwback to the prison episode when they get separated after the governor attacks it?
The classic reason for cinematic zombies to even exist is spiritual.
Why do retards shit and piss themselves?
Because their brain doesn't fucking function..
He was braindead, speaking gibberish. He was so far out he couldn't even see straight.
I guess in the afterlife?
I don't know, I haven't watched the show since season 4 and I knew it was going to happen but Glenn was pretty cool, he didn't deserve that.
>Zombie virus that defies science is real.
>God can't be, that would be ridiculous.
>glenn didn't kill any live human being for 6 seasons
>finally killed a couple of them in negan building
>die shortly afterward
The obvious and objectively correct answer is that when Maggie dies, he will find her in the afterlife so they can be together again.
You fucking retards are so stupid it hurts.
>He was so far out he couldn't even see straight.
i see what you did there
>that part where hes just twitching on the ground
jesus christ AMC
>God created us just so that we could be tortured by walking corpses
you can see his fucking eye in the middle of the mess
Test, mysterious ways, greater plan, satan/man's free will did it, etc etc
God actually created the walking corpses so we could have fun and live a fulfilling life instead of wageslavery
>believing in God and Heaven
"Muh God chose to kill innocent young people he has plans for them"
Jesus really Rick?
Hey we do it, and man is made in the image of God, so those little fuckers have what's coming to 'em.
>when Hell is full the dead walk the Earth
>not religious tho
>God is responsible for all the evil of man
its almost like he would come up with something like Free Will to avoid having to micro manage 7.3 billion assholes for the rest of eternity
>believing that there's anything intelligent that's ever contacted us devine or otherwise but ourselves
We are totally. Completely. Absolutely.
Alone. A small pale blue dot in space incomprehensibly large, fighting for inconceivably small fractions of it.
There is nothing important enough about the human race for god to waste his entire purpose creating us.
The universe itself is far more complex and absolute, if there was a god, he'd write to us how amazing the cosmos he made was.
get the fuck back in your coffin carl sagan
There is no life after death, but there will be life born from your death.
I agree
Yes! Insects, coming out from people's rotten corpses.
>Year of our Lord and Savior 2016
>Being on Sup Forums
>Being a fucking atheist
Why not go to fucking reddit
hattori hanzo edge on this faggot. kek
I bet you like Trump.
It's Post-Post-Revivalism.
Tell me anyways, why a God would waste his time creating something so simple compared to a sun, on a human being?
I mean sure, a star necessitates life itself. So do all the other planets in the solar system, one vanished, Earth wouldn't be able to hold itself in this nice little gravitational bracket we have.
But in order to calculate all the math required, to make something so entirely mediocre in comparison. For such a being, capable of understanding so much about our universe, why skimp out on the complexity of your divine creation? Is it because there is beauty in simplicity? I suppose I could see it.
But, then why would he be upset when the simplistic creation betrays his rules? Surely such a powerful creature could forsee such an event happening.
Why couldn't he just, try something else?
Face it. Aliens exist in the simplest forms of life out on some scorched planet or planetoid light years away, and anything passing intelligence is even farther that they wouldn't dream of imagining what we look like.
The chances of any god or any alien contacting us ever in our history is zero to none.
We're alone. We were always alone. And we've always thought we were important. Every animal does.
Trump is a degenerate.
God's Pranks 2016
>we are alone
>we were always alone
>in a galaxy with billions of stars and potentially habitable planets
>its just us humans here on this backwater rock
>in all of existence
>just humans
pretty fucking pathetic if that's the case. makes me sad for the galaxy. This is it? lame
You know what feels really great? Not having watched the walking pleb and having no idea what you plebs are talking about, feels fucking good. Everyone seems so confused as shit in this thread from crap they watched.
Habitable doesn't mean there's life. Mars is "habitable". Venus could possibly be habitable.
Out there in all the dust, radiation, and light stretched thin, you're going to find a universal fuck ton more Mars' and Venus' than Earths. Planets that, if they did have life on them, would carry prokaryotes at most complex.
Life as a phenomenon isn't very common as far as we can tell.
It could be very common also, but the spaces involved are so far apart due to the likelihood of the phenomenon occurring being so small.
Whoever is out there can't contact us, and we can't contact them.
I don't mean habitable in the sense that we could live there, but in the sense that it seems like there should be at least some other form of intelligent life out there. With all the stars and planets orbiting them in this galaxy, that humans are all there is is pretty lame and the galaxy and all of us should feel bad. And stop it with the fucking double spaced reddit formatting every other sentence.
I'm on my phone right now so I didn't notice with the formatting. Also it is a bit depressing. But also, you have plenty of life around you already. You got so much life on earth it's growing out your ass. It's not a total disappointment.
No, you're right, it's just the "this is really all there is?" line of thought. This insignificant little rock is it. And nothing matters. Oh well
Stay beta
>watching brainwashing shit that is a waste of your time is
>there are people who are unironically so stupid that their view of the concept of higher power is in literal and distinctly human terms, and they dismiss the possibility of such a thing existing based on their own misconceptions about the rules that would govern it or the course of action it would take
lmao @ redditors
who says god likes his creations? Fuck, the god in the old and new testament is vindictive as heck. Do you like half the things you create?
>there are people who are unironically so stupid that their view of the concept of higher power is in literal and distinctly human terms
So in other words your God is an evil inhuman God, you have to argue the fact that you have faith in an entity that is devoid of any and all humanity and works in mysterious ways.
I thought man was made in his own image, for someone who hates viewing things on human terms he sure does seem to be obsessed with it
When I went to the vet to put my doge down, I said same thing to my doge. "Don't worry, I'll follow you soon".
Why would god be vindictive to a small remote planet out of trillions of planets
If he wanted to make things as simple as they were in the Bible, he would have, interestingly enough, created the cosmos in the small size of say, what you can see through a telescope. The moon. And the sun.
What is the point of wasting all the processing power to create a universe and then being excited you planted a seed that itself could form out of some chemicals, goop, water, and heat, in the right atmosphere
Works in mysterious ways, I don't gotta explain shit!
Fuck off a thesis have fun burning in hell while being buttfucked by Satan
Hell is existence without God right?
You're already in Hell
>implying God is responsible for correcting every little thing that goes wrong with humanity immediately
>implying you want to live in a world where every problem is solved for you and nothing interesting happens
>implying that someone truly faithful doesn't realize that death and suffering are ultimately meaningless to the righteous because Heaven exists, in the same way that earthly pleasures are merely temporary comforts to the wicked
I'm not even a Christian, but fedoralord atheists really get on my nerves. It's like you're being stupid on purpose.
>implying the walkers are the apocalypse and not just a HUGE speedbump in human existence
Just think of it as a really bad spanish flu
Exactly, his brain was so fucked it resetted all the way back to the part where they get separated
>implying God is responsible for correcting every little thing that goes wrong with humanity immediately
He sure gives a shit about his ultimate creation in a cosmos so vast it overshadows them.
>implying you want to live in a world where every problem is solved for you and nothing interesting happens
Interesting hypothesis. No wonder God's bored.
>>implying that someone truly faithful doesn't realize that death and suffering are ultimately meaningless to the righteous because Heaven exists, in the same way that earthly pleasures are merely temporary comforts to the wicked
It doesn't exist. You're alone.The only ones you have around you are your fellow man. There is nothing here that could or would care about us in any real way that could change each individual life on Earth. God is a creation of minds who didn't think of the louses and the mites and the bacteria in the slime. Or about the size of space.
But you do you there's not much else to say.
its almost as if the bible is manmade, and men are inherently flawed
>It doesn't exist. You're alone.The only ones you have around you are your fellow man. There is nothing here that could or would care about us in any real way that could change each individual life on Earth. God is a creation of minds who didn't think of the louses and the mites and the bacteria in the slime. Or about the size of space.
You're stating your personal viewpoint as empirical evidence of the way the universe works rather than arguing the philosophical point. As I've stated previously, I'm not Christian, but if I was you'd be doing a terrible job of changing my mind. Rather than pointing out what is actually wrong with that particular mindset (which is based on the assumption that there is a Heaven) you just said "nuh uh." You should work on that.
As a Christian (not a fan of organized religion though) these have been my thoughts for a long time. Some people actually want a totalitarian God who controls every little thing? Who the fuck would want that? Why the fuck would God even bother creating this existence if he had to micromanage the fuck out of it everytime some retard stubbed his toe. He made us and then went on to another dimension and that's that. Maybe he'll be back, maybe he wont, but he gave us free will so we could think and act for ourselves and on our own.
>You're stating your personal viewpoint
It isn't personal. There is no life form that will give you life after the electricity in your body stops. There is no life form so complex that it would create an entire universe for one single fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a spec, only to treat it so carelessly throughout history. There is no form of life that would care about the existence of the latest successful form of life to evolve, when there were before hand in aeons past even more dominant world spanning ones, quite smaller than people but lived for a billion years nonetheless.
Nothing matches up with what we now know. We are an example of a phenomenon in the universe.
>There is no life form that will give you life after the electricity in your body stops. There is no life form so complex that it would create an entire universe for one single fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a spec, only to treat it so carelessly throughout history. There is no form of life that would care about the existence of the latest successful form of life to evolve, when there were before hand in aeons past even more dominant world spanning ones, quite smaller than people but lived for a billion years nonetheless.
The madman, he did it again!
Now we've come full circle, and you've looped back around to saying the exact retarded bullshit I was talking about in my original post. Good job.
You don't understand the concept of "higher power." Everything you are saying is based on the assumption that a divine presence would follow the rules of the physical world, and would exhibit behavior easily understood by inhabitants thereof. You've done nothing here but prove my point.
Tip harder, fedoralord.
>Now we've come full circle, and you've looped back around to saying the exact retarded bullshit I was talking about in my original post. Good job.
So there is a life form that is all powerful that exists just to pump the real you full of electricity that's actually invisible once everything stops functioning in your body because you're his favorite toy, but also created the universe and time and intricate quanta for shits and giggles for what must have been a pointless amount of time
You are saying we are ruled by an intimate autist who cares when he feels like it and only cares when you're dead .
Why do people watch this fucking retarded show? I hope no one actually thinks it's good or top 20 worthy
hello dog!
>You are saying we are ruled by an intimate autist who cares when he feels like it and only cares when you're dead.
No, I'm saying I'm arguing with an illiterate autist who thinks he's arguing with a Christian, and not somebody who detests how he argues with them. And, once again, your perception of not only the Christian God but divinity in general is very simple-minded. You talk about God like he's some powerful man who should think like a person thinks, and not an entirely different sort of presence on a different plane of existence, who knows things we don't know and understands intricately the workings of the universe it inhabits on a level that is utterly incomprehensible to a 3D creature in the same way that a 2D being would be incapable of understanding what "depth" is.
>this is fine but a female nipples are censored
>and not somebody who detests how he argues with them
You're stating your personal viewpoint as empirical evidence of the way the universe works :V)
Faggots like you are both hilarious and pathetic at the same time
Fedoras are definitely way way more annoying than preachy Christians these days
What happened?
>There is no form of life that would care about the existence of the latest successful form of life to evolve, when there were before hand in aeons past even more dominant world spanning ones, quite smaller than people but lived for a billion years nonetheless.
And how would you know what God does or doesnt find important you worthless sack of flesh? Are you legit autistic or do you not understand if something like God were to exist it wouldnt even REMOTELY play by our rules our way of thinking
Sweet fuck i didnt even consider that possibility
>be asian
>believe in budd---buddddhhh-budddh
the end
Why didn't he dodge the bat and used the speed to CQC it out of the guy's hand, and turn the tables?
What an useless faggot
It's shit, i don't know why i do it. Stockholme syndrome i guess, or force of habit. At least i pirate it, so amc isn't getting any of my money
thank you
It's like the show has one or two good episodes surrounded by 14 shit eps every season but those 2 episodes are so godly it makes it almost worth it
Why was he bleeding?
ITT: shows atheists don't understand
Fuck off
Who is this Ahlfiou? Hinting at a new character?
He said Maggie I'll fight you
The bat must have really screwed with his brain, why would have want to fight her?
wow guys
>Okey dokey, Dr. Jones!
wow his brain was resetted to his childhood
> he doesn't know zombies exist because hell is full
Pepe stop
Why doesn't Satan just hire a contractor to expand?
You guys are retarded, he was making a pun
>EYE'LL find you :^)
This is the most likely scenario.
They should have just stuck to the "I love you" from the comics.
He's going to come back as a zamby
>what is jesus
"Margie, I hate you"
I "see" what you did there.
>simple as they were in the Bible
>the bible
>living in the multi-verse era of physics
>>still a closed universe materialist