>Taylor Swift has signed on to The Batman
Leave waifu kino to DC
>Taylor Swift has signed on to The Batman
Leave waifu kino to DC
is it true she became a lesbian and lives with her GF?
She consorts with jews and niggers user.
Who will she play?
How are you enjoying the Sup Forums app, miley pedo?
>Taylor Swift has signed on to The Batman
source you nigger
oh no, have you kys yet
What the fuck is with that picture
When will she marry me so I can kiss her
The Cuckquean.
She needs to play an SS officer who hunts down bad boys and punishes them.
She is legitimately a horrible human being. She'll fit right in.
>Same night
>Cash in bra
You know that Jew paid her a good sum to get BLACKED by the ghetto BBC while he watched and jerked off.
prove it
fake and gay
Why does this basic bitch make my dick so hard?
because she's an aryan goddess
ugh. tall girls are disgusting
No, Karlie and Taylor are just friends that happen to live together and sleep in the same bed
No idea.
She makes me diamonds too, and she's literally nothing like I'm usually into.
literally some kind of semen demon
like if you get it
She's tall and has pretty lips