Killer Clowns

You guys heard about the killer clowns roaming Europe, especially Germany? I am guessing they saw these videos


Stupid teens are now doing this in Germany, except they're not doing pranks, they're trying to hurt people for real with baseball bats and shit like that. Pretty messed up.

i saw a video of some guy in a clown costume breaking the windshield of a car with a bat.

the thing is, there was a person in the car. are you telling me you wouldn't turn it on and gun it at the guy?

you don't even need to actually hit him, i'm guessing the whole' creepy clown' vibe will be gone if he's running for his life.

if a bunch of punk kids were doing this around certain parts of where i live they'd just end up getting the shit kicked out of them

Yea I would run him over if he did that to my car while I was inside.

Yeah I figured it was those guys' fault, but it doesn't really answer the question of "why now?"


I've been wondering that too. I mean I saw those videos years ago when they came out. Maybe only now the bydlo normies have found them? I don't know.

>not reaching in the center console to grab your car-gun and shooting the clown through the windshield

Europeans don't do this?

>I am guessing they saw these videos
Or they're just copying the retards in England that were doing it in 2013-2015.

>be a PR hack with a worthless bachelor degree in advertising and a minor in psychology/art history/literature/dietary science
>decide to do viral marketing for IT
>don't realize people have been clowning around for years
>keep up the shill machine and hope the executives don't realize how fucking played out your idea was

nah its especially messed up that theyre mainly doing this shit to old people and kids. like how much of a coward do u have to be


my brother told me yesterday, that he was high in munich, sitting on a hill, and then the police controlled them because they thought they might be clowns

Anyone else think they wouldn't react like these dummies?

I'm a pretty big guy, 6'5, and I'd like to think that if a dumbass is halloween mask started running at me carrying an unwieldy hammer I'd just shove them down.

Photo taken in west germany. Tip top fun (:

>I'm a pretty big guy, 6'5
For you.

Fucking cringey

>chef friend from work is a real no-nonsense guy
>doesn't have facebook and hasn't heard about these clowns scaring people
>we see a clown in the local mcdonalds
>real beta type who thought it would be funny to get in on the meme
>friend asks if he just went to a birthday party or something
>the clown explains he did it to scare people like all the others on facebook
>friend just rips into him saying that this clown is a worthless piece of shit for trying to scare people and really lame to just follow this trend
>should be ashamed of yourself for being such a little bitch
>beta clown kid ends up crying and runs out of mcdonalds

My girlfriends college had a shelter in place the other day because someone reported a clown with a weapon on campus.
It was a hoax, obviously

it's not real
it's happening literally in every 1st world country
it's just people dressing up and recording their friends
it's all set up
come on.
you're better than this.

lmao pretty based

Spoiler: Claiming pre-existing """""cultural""""" phenomena is a highly scum bag thing to do.
Some of the people throughout the past few years playing around as clowns may have been doing so as performance art.

And if you want to shill your shitty King adaption, do so on /x/ where it makes sense campaignwise. Youtube isn't Sup Forums and neither is "OMGAWD HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DESE CLOWNS"
Does a degree in advertising really kill your ability to be truthful?

Your friend bullied me user. I was just trying to be popular and win the heart of a girl I've loved for ten years.
I'm still crying over your friend's hurtful words. Made me feel like a real dummy. A clown, if you will.
My tears are real.

Don't speak to me or my face painted me ever again.

>things that never happened

Epic as fuark, yo!

>Go home, live in shitty little germanic town.
>Literally nothing ever happens. Suddenly shitty scary clown gazes at me from the other side of the street.
>Pretend nothing happened and go on.
>Clown follows me.
>Fuck Fuck, what should I do. Drunk brain help me.
>Suddenly shadow jumps at clown, thrwos the fag on the ground and beats the shit out of him.
>It is fucking Batman.
>Not the real Batman but some guy in a Adam West costume.
>Go home, knowing some even more crazier than clownpeople protects this town.

why not take out yr wheel wrench and fuck em up?

is the joke that guns are illegal in europe?
if he did this in USA he would get shot 10 times by niggers in 2 seconds

Which is scarier: a gang gang (think Crips, Bloods, Mexican Mafia), or a gang of clowns?

A fedora of neckbeards

In the uas the clowns could have guns too tho. I think a knife or some rod are pretty much enough to scare them away. The thing is like said. They're attacking elders and kids who are scared easily or can't run away

>muh height

Clown costumes are the Guy Fawkes mask of the 2010's. As in:

Everyone participating is an ignorant and cringey pop culture faggot who'd soon let loose the mask should someone beat the slightest threat appear.

>putting yourself in a position where you cant claim insurance

And you're meant to be a yank

what does this have to do with tv? or movies?


I heard Batman is going after these clowns which is hilarious.

There's a serial killer running around skinning 4channers and wearing their throats? That is scary indeed.