Would all those perky bimbo types really have 4-5 ratings? In their hugbox maybe, I would definitely be ranking them 0 on the sly constantly.
Would all those perky bimbo types really have 4-5 ratings? In their hugbox maybe...
I'd rank BDH a 10/5 desu.
And by turn you'd be getting bad ratings from everyone around you.
thirsty betas plus thy can see who rates them
Those rating wouldn't work because of trolls and shitposter but the point of the episode was not to represent what would happen in reality, but to comment on those people that go to extremes to keep up appearances on social media.
Does she take her cloths off or have a sex scene in this?
It works like the rep system on bb.com - the higher your rating, the higher your influence, and vice versa. You'd be hovering around the 1 mark, your ratings would be meaningless.
She wears tight yoga pants
Yes, she has an orgy at the end with 3 black guys.
Speaking of, I need Alice Eve webms
It's as close as we get to nudity.
Someone slap a Blacked logo on the corner of this
It's an allegory for real life, those with higher status matter more and their opinions hold more weight. If some fat neckbeard virgin called 9/10 homecoming queen Stacey a bitch, nobody cares but if it's Chad Thundercock then it does matter.
this episode, like much of Black Mirror, is satirical. Satire tries to find humor and some moral lessons from wildly exaggerating characterization and events. In that respect the show is good.
By the same token Satire is not logically consistent so you can't apply normal rules of reason, character motivation or logic. the show is weak in this area, trying to keep up the pretense of being in "the real world."
As a satire of current technological trends, show is 8/10. As a drama it's pure redit.
>As a satire of current technological trends, show is 8/10
That the whole point of the series and it does it well
>video can't play because file is corrupt
it also tries to be a moving drama and falsely moralizes about impossible situations. In that respect it's a failure.
>I would definitely be ranking them 0 on the sly constantly.
you wouldnt get near them
>impossible situations
that's the point of satire/analogy/parody. The show more than anything tries to do commentary on technology and its role on our lives. Drama takes a backseat.
>rate someone 5 stars
>they rate you 1 star
is their a worse feeling?
Men can't be attractive
9/10 better
When did she get so fat? I remember her being pretty thin in Jurassic World.
It was clearly a system where a person's rating determined their rating power.
How does being retarded feel?
*rates u down*
Have 5 stars, my man.
I don't know, move to China and see for yourself.
have 1 star, faggot
>implying the ranking by a 0.89 means anything
her weight yo-yos a lot.
used to be even thinner before JW believe it or not.
She gained weight during her first two pregnancies and slowly lost it afterwards. No idea why she's fat now.
I think it is not a bad idea
>you get to see who is worth being friends with and who is trash
>women who exclusively date chads rated 2 or under, would now have to carry that shame
>no more sjw and feminism, who tend to have shitty personalities and seen for what they are.
>mfw crush on BDH since Spiderman 3
Good eating I guess, I doubt she cares desu.
Weight looks goods on her.
>No idea why she's fat now.
Standard mother focusing on kids and giving up on trying.
I'm gonna go get Sup Forums to give you a thousand 1 star ratings. Then we'll see who's the faggot.
You should watch Manderlay.
>t. 0.1
the irony
It doesn't. She has a double chin, flabby arms and thunder thighs. She also wears a lot of black clothing and spanx to look thinner.
It's not assigned by other people though, china would never put citizens in charge of something like that
What happen to MOMMY in that movie?
>She has a double chin, flabby arms and thunder thighs.
no no and no.
Stop projecting you faggot.
>being a low test beta
You don't wanna know
Looks perfectly fine imo
You wouldnt exist anywhere near them in this society.
It's actually decent movie though.
Lars is a cool guy.
I've literally never cared about her before she got thick.
Now I need her butt planted firmly on my face.
>Lars Von Tier Movie
MOMMY is a saint.
but she can reach to wipe her butt properly because she's so fat
nice screencap, ramon
>spread cheeks
>sit down while they're still spread
>wipe airy crevice
Are you retarded?
>A-user, I just need a couple more (You)s to get to 4.5. Just please, give me some (You)s, I'll do anything.
her arms are too short and fat
Man you disgusting mommyfags sure don't like anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.
You guys aware this episode is a rip off of a season 5+ Community episode? That's pretty pathetic.
Lars is a shit, you know.
Eys 2 ays
dear mommy fags
you guys know they had to film the grope in real life before they could put that horrible filter grainy shit on it
too fat for my taste niggas
>he thinks it would go in his favor
>implying the chads aren't all rated 4.5 and above
Because they have dozens of friends that rate them highly, just because a couple random ugly trolls without any friends rate them low isn't enough to ruin it.
The rankings are weighed though - A person with a 1 and no social circle's rankings affect you less than a person with a 4.5 and a huge social circle.
Hence why she really wanted to go to the wedding, where a bunch of high fours would be trapped and obliged to give her a high ranking, which would instantly give her a quick, powerful boost.
>you get to see who is worth being friends with and who is trash
There was nothing wrong with the 1.4 though
The casting for this episode was top, top quality t b h
They're getting the system in China. People are already talking about ways to game it.
Basically she was normal. Then she got pregnant and super massive obese.
Now she drops weight depending on the importancce of the role. In this she can rock chubby, in JW she needed to be movie thin. IRL she's just a little fat.
I would probably be a 3 t b h, I'm not a socialite and can't be hypocritically nice to people, just civilized and polite
It's a mixture that will get more complicated in the coming years apparently.
So right now, your rating is based on algorithims based on your credit history, scores from important people (think bosses) and your online purchasing (a man who purchases baby formula and nappies is obviously a 'better' man than one who purchases video gamees and figurines).
By 2020 they said it will begin to take into account your social media interactions too - Are you friends with people with bad ratings? Your rating drops in turn.
The first phase is literally about finding ways to secure credit without collateral. They are a society who likes to lend, and many of them not having built up credit and collateral makes it even harder so they are introducing "social credit". Basically like having someone vouch for you as a good guy.
Eventually they want to use it to help manage society - Pretty much like the show, except the way they describe it comes off a bit more sinister since they keep mentioning political stuff.
Every article I've read on it says it wouldn't work at all in the West...But who knows.
Are you implying she's fat in this show? Have you seen the pics of her from a few years ago?
Her brother is a mid 3 because him and all his online gamer buddies rate each other up.
Sup Forums would probably have a system where everyone would game each others ratings.
Holy crap this was Jurassic World girl??
How are they friends after what she did to her?
TMZ is pretty disgusting
I got bad news for you user...
your mommy's a SLUT
people are hard wired to think better about people the more attractive they are.
So feminism would be unaffected, social justice would be unaffected, and popular people always have shitty personalities but everyone ignores this because they're attractive and popular.
>Are you implying she's fat in this show?
>Have you seen the pics of her from a few years ago?
Being *more* fat in the past doesn't make her *not* fat now.
The fact that people with dogshit ratings are not unemployable, and a memeing slacker can get away with chatting shit and mooching of people while he pays for his porn subscriptions by collecting residuals from an mlg420noscope channel on YouTube invalidates the potency of the entire system.
It's like if the state hd built a structure that legally sanctioned the hippie counterculture and allowing people to drop out of society.
This Rustles my kimmies
Wtf. Please tell me this is a porn girl that looks like her. Tits don't seem to match up.
How come none of the soldiers have memories of what the roaches looked like from before they got the Mass? How come they don't have memories of all the people, like the religious dude, who would no doubt be shouting from all the rooftops about how the roaches aren't actually monsters? Does the rest of the world know about Mass? I doubt its a secret considering soldiers seem to go home with it still implanted. If they do then why do none of the soldiers have memories about what Mass does from before they got it implanted? I'm sure someone who was against the idea of genociding roaches would have mentioned what Mass does at some point, and at some point one of those soldiers would have a memory of that.
Are we meant to believe they had the technology to read peoples minds and selectivly delete stuff
The video game episode and entire history of you directly establish they do, in fact, have the technology to read minds and and selectively edit/delete memories
But compared to , there's a pretty huge difference. Luckily she's rich so can afford liposuction.
The part that does not make sense is that she did not just fuck some guys for ratings. I mean she could have just given a hand-job in the parking lot of the airport and got that seat.
Or what...?
I'll clean it for her.
>someone who was against what mass does would have mentioned it
Why do you suppose that they have freedom of speech? The purge if dissenters back home was probably completed long before the excursionary attempt to purge the whole world.
Yeah tits way too small.