Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Brendan Fraser
You could literally see the anger in the chelshit players eyes when they saw him again
Micheal Cera
>mfw Brendan was only prepping for this role all along
>Absolutely humiliate the Glory Hunters
lol the salt is real
>mfw Mouyes
Based Klopp.
Brad Pitt could play Klopp imo
>tfw I planned a 6 episodes mini-series years ago about the rise and fall from Mou from his Oporto years to his start in the second time at Chelse
It's time to prepare the Man U year(((s))) and his new fall.
pls no bully. conte was smug enough with him today.
Why can't Mourinho into banter?
>Mou goes off on a long rant against conté after the whistle
>"nice blog mate"
based conté, kek
God I wish I could into Sup Forums this is killing me
can't handle italian based banter because he is from a literally who nation
what mou did was seriously pathetic. take the L, step back and reflect. what a complete hothead.
Is it normal for a fully grown man to know literally next to nothing about football (soccer) or its associated global "clubs", tournament structures, players, and anything else?
made me lol fo real
if you are american you get a pass if not that you are not a real man
If Edward Furlong got a tan, lost a shit ton of weight, got a good make up artist for grey hair, and got a lot of rest, I THINK he might be able to pull it off but it would be weird
but that's asking a lot, I mean there's JUST and then there's 'JUUUUST fuck it'
It would also probably have to be a netflix feature vs a theatrical release imo
There is no actor who can convey this dispair
If you're American you're expected to be ignorant about footy/soccer, otherwise you should be knowledgeable
>If you're American you're expected to be ignorant
just end it there
Don't banter them, they don't take it well
>cuz im in too deep
>p-please don't celebrate after the first goal
There's no way you can phrase this without coming off as incredibly salty. What was he thinking?