Is there anything more embarrassing on tv than """ghosts""" shows?
Is there anything more embarrassing on tv than """ghosts""" shows?
your life
I had a friend who actually believed in this shit. She actually wanted to be one of them.
They're gun to watch ironically
most embarrassing tv is shit like Real Housewives
>you will never have comfy ghost adventures with Zak
people who believe them
>mike stoklasa
Reality TV such as party down south, real housewives, below deck ect
why was the host so buff
was he planning on punching some ghosts
i think there was actually a show with this premise
>Real Housewives
I honestly don't understand why anyone watches this crap. A bunch of vapid whores complaining because their easy mode lives are soooooo hard.
my stepmom loves it, mostly because she is just like them
>nothing liking Ghost Adventures
It's literally a bunch of dudebros going to spooky places and going "Hey Pussy Ghost, WHERE YOU AT, BRO? DO YOU EVEN LIFT?"
How can you not love that?
I liked when he got hit in the tit by something and shot of the bruise he got was basically a closeup of his nipple.
is this still going?
>ghosts don't play by the rules
>neither do we
YOU WANTED US.......................
Fuck off ghost shows are comfy as fuck
man I miss synchtube
> ask if there are any ghosts nearby
> no response whatsoever
> asks what their name is
Ghost adventures is pure Kino.
I used to fucking love these shows but now the scripting is super obvious and the gadgets are retarded and they've just become a chore to watch.
I like Paranormal Witness though.
If somebody were to make a new show, what would you want it to be like or have in it?
For some reason I find these shows super comfy, even though I don't believe in ghosts. I dunno why, it just seems like it'd be fun to go out to crazy abandoned places with your friends and look for weird shit
Not that guy, but i'd personally like longer unedited episodes.
2 hours of mostly unedited footage in a dark insane asylum would be pretty great.
Just cameras, sound equipment and some nightvision is enough for me, none of that pseudo scientific bullshit.
I assume the reason they started using all that new technology was because people got bored of just cameras, recorders, and emfs. I don't recall Ghost Hunters getting a whole lot of actual evidence back when I was still watching it. They don't need any of that extra stuff. Back to basics. I don't think actual interaction with ghosts are all that common and when every location visited has the ghosts talking through that stupid box thing it cheapens it.
Scripting and acting is pretty bad too. It was fun with Ghost Adventures because they're so over the top but with what I've seen of shows that came after it's unorganic and stiff.
How Zac seems to get affected by the resident ghosts gets pretty annoying too. I don't want to see stupid shit about the hunters being overcome with anger or sadness while they're there.
My biggest gripe when i watched Ghost Hunters was the repetition every episode on what an EMF reader did or what an EVP was. I get that some people may not know but I do and I don't need to see it every fucking week.
No stupid interpersonal drama. No fucking psychics either.
Like I'm well aware the point of the shows are entertainment and not scientific discovery, but it feels cheap and lowest common denominator now.
I'm not sure lowest common denominator was the right way to say it. I think sensational fits more.
>that fucking tagline
This show is great faggot.
>that episode in the music hall
Still the best one
What season?
Pretty sure he means Bobby Mackey's.
storage wars is reality kino
Why don't they wear go pros? I used watch Ghost Hunters when it came out and they always "saw" stuff but since the cameras are always on the people and not what the people are looking at, we always missed whatever they were over-reacting to
Someone post that /x/ post
It's a nice change from how 90% of "paranormal investigators" are obese.
is there a parody of this kind of whatever? Like: the guys go there, nothing happens and then they have a beer and talk about life; it would be cool to even have a story to the "show".
I had a math teacher in elementary school who was actually part of one of them. They were called Taps and had a show on Sci Fi, dunno whatever happened to him though
It get's streamed here when it airs.
meant for
It's funny watching the early seasons and the premise is essentially them getting shut in a building and shouting FUCK YOU GHOSTS!
My wife is watching Paranormal State right now, and those guys are annoying as fuck. It's like tumblr meets ghosts.
Autism mostly, go watch the show, he's incredibly autistic, this clip is a good example.
This. Most ghost hunter shows are about the hunters collecting evidence and being careful to to not upset there ghosts and whatnot. It's hilarious watching Zac try to intimidate and piss off ghosts rather than respect them.
>mfw billy yelled at zak and cried like a bitch all in the same recent episode
It's calmed down a little in recent seasons, and they make much less a deal of "the lockdown". But it's still entertaining regardless of if you believe in that stuff or not.
Nicks show that lasted all of one season reminds me of early GA.
> read that in his voice
>Nick leaves the show
>Never mentioned again on any episode afterwards
>Even carefully edited out of any flashbacks/retrospects
What did they mean by this?
naw man the pilot is the best one. its the one they did for the scify channel and its before zac roided up and decided to only wear black. he's wearing some gay ass blue collared shirt in it. and when ghost stuff happens everyone shits a brick and runs screaming in terror.
the flying brick is the best thing they ever filmed
There were rumors, nothing ever confirmed, that Nick had been recording footage of them faking stuff which he wanted to leak.
zak and nick had a falling out, clearly. they used to be best friends, they're the original ghost adventures crew, aaron was literally just their camera tech. they had a bad break up, i guess.
Eventually these are going to become like wrestling. Everyone will accept that it's fake, and over time they'll push the boundaries more and more on retarded shit they're able to get away with in the name of entertainment.
Why are there so many of these fucking garbage shows
> wanting to sabotage your cash cow show because of morals and integrity
holy shit nick is retarded. everyone knows those ghost shows are fake, even ghost hunters got caught faking shit. people still watch them because its fun. at least ghost adventures mostly sticks to historical / famous places so you can learn a little history. makes it way better than ghost hunters where they sick in some jack off's basement in bum fuck no where politely asking ghosts to come talk to them.
I fucking love this show.
>wow you have a $3000 old type writer
>it is haunted so we suggest you give it to us
fucking robbed
Watch the special hour long episode tonight.
Any love for Most Haunted?
Based Dodgy Derek.
Any old fags remember the true patrician of paranormal shows?
>not posting the best one with a literal autistic person
I'll leave it to the Sup Forums detectives to figure out which one of these fellas is afflicted.
Sightings was in documentary format and tried to stay objective, things have fallen signicantly since it was on.
Obviously the answer is because they don't actually have anything to show besides some ahole's bs reaction.
when I was 12 I was easily convinced this was real. However, I still believe in the paranormal to this day. But I can't take these guys seriously anymore. Especially when Zack goes batshit crazy over the littlest things. Still fun to watch though. I have to admit, I favor the rest of the crew over Zack.
is Most Haunted still airing? i haven't watched cable in years
>Play shit audio
>Say what they "heard"
>Add subtitles to further persuasion toward viewer
>Idiots believe it
Look I am open to the idea of ghosts but these shows are a fucking joke. Ghost Hunters is still the worst
It died for a while but they started it up again a couple of years ago. Doing a live special on Haloween.
Doesn't Nick have a wife and a kid? Sorry if i'm mistaken, I haven't watched the show in a while. But in any case maybe he was done with Zac's bullshit or had to focus on his own life.
oh cool, my have to go to my parents house to watch them. I used to love laughing at Derek being a lying piece of shit
Do these guys have real jobs outside of this show?
Bagans owns a museum of spooky shit, but the guy is loaded as fuck, literal millions.
What do you guys think Zac will do with his life once he's reached 60?
>that one episode about the mental asylum and doppelganger
that one was feaky but I was expecting a lot more to come from that episode.
Best ghostkino coming through.