"What if we made a live action adaption of this comic but cut out all the edgy interesting stuff so we won't alienate...

>"What if we made a live action adaption of this comic but cut out all the edgy interesting stuff so we won't alienate the southern Christian redneck audience?"
>"Fund it!"

oh god 2 black people making out

The point is Carol was lustin for Tyrone's cock, but he went one day in the gym with Samurai Black and Carol got existencial crisis because of it.


>It's a Kirkman kills the black guy that hooked up with Michonne issue

What if you shut the fuck up AND GO BACK TO Sup Forums WHERE YOU BELONG?!

>Thread about Walking Dead
>Sup Forums

Leave this place underaged newfag

You're the fucking underaged newfag.


God your kind is pathetic no wonder you're the worst board on Sup Forums. If I could I'd legally kill you right now for being such an obnoxious twat.

What the fuck are you even talking about kid?

The autism levels are off the charts

>too pussy to show the group getting to the prison and one of the inmates cutting off the heads of two white girl children
>too pussy to show an asian and a blackie having sex then asian shooting the girl

I stuck with the comic, the show is too boring


Oh fuck off dude you're not fooling anyone you edgy 14 year old cunt. You know damn well what I'm talking about too so you best shut the fuck up before I rain a hellfire upon your tight virgin ass unlike the which you've ever seen before.

>le autism xxxDD


>it's a the black guy who hooked up with michonne is a crying whiny bitch panel
Except Tyrese I just remember him being a cool guy unlike the TV version

Here comes the damage control.
Might wanna calm it down with that edge cuz you might cut yourself, fedoralord.

Z nation is so much better than this

The only people who think that the comic is better than the series are the ones who haven't read the comic.

TWD comic has terrible writing, the show does basically everything better (with the exception of Carl and Andrea)

>Based Tyrese gets his role cut down in favor of underage redneck self-insert here

The only people who think that the series is better than the comic are the ones who haven't watched the series.

TWD series has terrible writing, the comic does basically everything better (with the exception of nothing)

The comic doesn't even have best boi

>The only people who think that the comic is better than the series are the ones who haven't read the comic.
I read the comic. It was shit.


>with the exception of nothing


it's a "he lost TOO much blood" issue

The show and the comic are edgy. It sounds like it was written by a 15 year old fedora tipper.

Yeah... Sounds like.

virgin-tier kirkman writing.

Ive watched the 4 seasons of show and seen some of the comics posted and things that are in it but its way to cringy to take seriously, I understand wanting to be edgy but its way too fucking forced.

Can we all agree that:

TellTale Games > Show > Comic

no the games are fully retarded. the whole point of twd is seeing groups of people change overtime but telltale lazily makes everyone retarded and either get killed or abandon you to never be seen again. the most contrived story by far is the telltale game.

It's amazing how much different Carol's character is compared to her TV show counterpart.

>there are people on this board right now who prefer the show to the comic

Sure the comic can be silly at times, but at least there's actual pacing to the plot. There's no way you can sit through S2 and tell me the show is better.

If you get more excited for a new issue than a new episode you are legit retarded.


Kill yourself or go back to Sup Forums you piece of 2015+ trash

>comic carol is superior
Excuse me while I scoff

Are we going to discuss Talking Dead too? It will be awkward as hell I don't want to watch it alone.

The comics do some things well, the show does some things well.

Comic does some things poorly, the show does some things poorly.

Pick a side already you agnostic fuck

>show is full of idiots and the same MUH HUMANITY debates over and over
>comic is full of permanently glowering "badasses" and edgelord villains that talk like 12 year olds who just learned big boy words

Yeah, the show really did Tyreese better than the comic. That season long farm arc was great too. And that watered down Woodberry.

The actress sucked dick to get her role expanded.

Comic might be weirder and more cartoony, but in the end it's just better.

>comic governor
>kills people for fun
>watches zombie heads
>tried human meat before
>makes out with daughter zombie

>show governor
>walks around some flowers trying to fuck Andrea
>kidnaps an old man

>doesn't stay on farm for 16 hours worth of "entertainment"
>doesn't do shit cliff hanger and gets the ending spoiled
>actually kills off baby
>Andrea is an actually good character