>is literally wearing a cape
>is literally wearing a cape
Cloak, not cape.
what's the difference?
One is a cloak
Style and length.
Where can I apply to be paid film critic?
not on Sup Forums
Git Gud.
>rotten tomatoes 2013+3
whats it like being a fucking retard
>movie about white guy appropriating asian culture
>it's not getting bombed by SJWs
what's happening? How can Rotten Tomatoes be this bias?
is this out in foreign countires yet
>marvel moves on to cloaks
>dc still stuck on capes
>not 100% anymore
Kek, marvel btfo DC won
It already did. Tilda Swinton's casting got fucking railed on when it was first announced.
cloak hangs from the shoulders and usually extends above the shoulders with a hood or high collar. A cape attaches to a garment on the back or ties around the neck.
>white character replacing asian
>but it's also a female replacing a male
Strange, Mordo, Wong and the Ancient One prevent Kaecilius from opening the portal. Kaecilius fatally stabs the Ancient One, who dies despite Strange's attempts to save her.
Against Mordo's advice, Strange uses the Time Stone, which is embedded in the Eye of Agamotto, to defeat Kaecilius by reseting their fight numerous times until he finds a way to beat him. Strange, Kaecilius and the Zealots are then pulled into the Dark Dimension by Dormammu, who kills Kaecilius and his followers for their failure.
Strange confronts Dormammu, but can't defeat him, so he tricks Dormammu by trapping him in a time loop that Dormammu can only escape by sparing Strange and the human realm. Dormammu concedes defeat and Strange returns to Earth, closing the portal to the Dark Dimension.
Strange reunites with Christine, Mordo and Wong, and decides to keep protecting the world in honor of the Ancient One. Wong agrees to help him, but Mordo has grown desillusioned due to the Ancient One's lies and Strange's recklessness in manipulating time and leaves on his own.
In the mid-credits scene, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) visits Strange at the Sanctum Sanctorum and asks for help finding his father, Odin, who is somewhere on Earth.
In the after-credits scene, Mordo tracks down Pangborn and kills him, revealing he has vowed to rid the world of sorcerers.
Also DKEKs will get mad and shitpost
>Perry White in DCEU is black
>Deadshot in DCEU is black
>Mercy in DCEU is Japanese
>Aquaman is Samoan
And yet no one said shit.
>Not realizing all critics are literally paid to write about movies, because it's their occupation
No no I mean paid to shill.
I should have been more specific
become a "social media manager"
>be Disney
>be worth billions
>pay rotten tomatoes for a 7/10