Wait, wait wait people think this is great? People really are that blind? Maybe you could say they are decent but everyone considers them mediocre. Look how badly they have aged
Wait, wait wait people think this is great? People really are that blind...
Ask me how I know you're under the age of 25.
Only aspie no-friends virgins consider it a mediocre movie
>he thinks movies age
they aren't alive you dumb fuck
>Wait, wait wait people think this is great? People really are that blind? Maybe you could say they are decent but everyone considers them mediocre. Look how badly they have aged
t. Sauron
>tfw Frodo was the worst actor in the movie
>contrarian faggot: the post
>lotrfags will LITERALLY defend skateboarding Elfman and Quipdwarf
Only contrarians hate them or think they aged badly
They are objectively amazing films, all 3 of them
LOTR is very pro-white because it's inspired by germanic mythology
Someone post the hobbit webms, you know the ones
>skateboarding elfman
tell me that shit wasn't cool
his banter between legolas developed their friendship user. it was more than just quips
They're not bad per se, but probably on par with most Marvel movies: generally well executed flicks that satiate the generally ignorant masses but something true film connoisseurs won't look twice at. The most blaring problem with them is the fact that Peter Jackson is given WAY too much credit for these movies. Most of the groundwork was already laid out by Tolkien with Jackson only proving that he can't into original ideas as evidenced by the steaming pile of fan fiction shit that was The Hobbit. Elijah Wood was just awful in these movies and although the actors for Aragorn and Gandalf gave solid performances, ultimately they were horribly miscast.
>They're not bad per se, but probably on par with most Marvel movies: generally well executed flicks that satiate the generally ignorant masses but something true film connoisseurs won't look twice at. The most blaring problem with them is the fact that Peter Jackson is given WAY too much credit for these movies. Most of the groundwork was already laid out by Tolkien with Jackson only proving that he can't into original ideas as evidenced by the steaming pile of fan fiction shit that was The Hobbit. Elijah Wood was just awful in these movies and although the actors for Aragorn and Gandalf gave solid performances, ultimately they were horribly miscast.
This right here
i'm just glad it came around before they were forced to add dozens and dozens of niggers into all the battles
Sup Forumseddit
found the korinefag
watch it again, there are literally armies of niggas everywhere, small niggas, big niggas, cave niggas, white hand niggas, huge niggas, elephant niggas, the list goes on.
Kek. Trigeeredvrc5ih e cqln w
Maybe the elephant fight scene aged badly for obvious reasons, but gollum, the balrog and pretty much the entirety for fellowship still looks good
The only thing that has aged in LotR is the CGI and even then it's only on the trolls and (sadly) Gollum.
They need to just remake it and remake it properly
Frodo - Donald Glover
Sam - Sam Worthington
Merry - Same guy hes not doing much
Pippin - doesnt really matter
Aragorn - Mads
Boromir - Kit Harrington
Legolas - Idris Elba
Gimli - Liv Tyler
Gandalf - Denzel Washington
Saruman - Ian Mckellen
Theoden - Donnie Yen
Denethor - Matt Damon
Arwen - Jessica Chastain
Eowyn - Kerry Washington
I forgot Emma Stone as gollum
bump for discussion
Orlando Bloom
given the amount of screentime frodo is worse. but i think its due to the direction.
Correct, the first is the best but the others are 5/10 5.5/10 at best