I think they're comedy kino
What do you think of the Peter Sellers Pink Panther films?
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guarantee he ate that ass
The dumber they are, the more I laugh
Like the part when he's a hunchback with a melting nose. I fucking lose it.
The second film was the best.
First was good, but its a very different beast to the others
3 onwards start to take the piss too much.
Classics. Also Peter Sellers is the kind of talent we don't have in Hollywood anymore. Now it's dudebro kikes playing the same character every time and making weed jokes.
I think if Johnny Depp had of died around the year 2000 people might have made comparisons.
Now he's a fucking parody of himself.
He was incredible, aside from the PP films.
see Dr Strangelove, fantastic performances.
some top tier women in peter sellers films too
Thank you so much for reminding me I haven't rewatched them in well over a decade
I thought they were funny until I saw The Big Bus, which I thought was funny until I saw Airplane!, which I thought was funny until I saw The Naked Gun
In other words they're not funny movies, they were only funny to the people living when they came out. Just like SNL
>not including the first Pirates movie
after that one, he should've died
>things stop being funny when you watch something else that is funny
user i think you might have severe autisim
Airplane! is still funny, same with the first two Pink Panther movies
Some of the best physical comedy ever made.
I wonder where should I laugh. I wonder the same thing when I'm watching Monty Python movies.
>I have Africa all over my hand now.
what did he mean by this?
my dad's favorite comedy movies
>I have Africa all over my hand now.
Absolutely. They're classics.
Return of the Pink Panther and The Pink Panther Strikes Again are my favourite ones
i like peter sellers but i never cared for the Pink Panther films
they are okay movies but i never really laughed at any of it
How do you feel about a shot in the dark?
And also Son of the pink panther?
Shot is good. Son is pretty lousy but I like Roberto Benigni