Most DC fans hate them

>Most DC fans hate them
>The audience hates them
>Critics hates them
>Reddit hates them
>Tumblr loves them
>Sup Forums hates them
>BTFO by Evansposting
>Turned Basedfleck to Sad Affleck
>Adding quips to their shit

How, Sup Forums?How do we save the DCEU?

>people hate Batfleck
>yet ate hyped for the Batfleck solo movie in 2 years

Doesn't add up.

>>Sup Forums hates them
But Sup Forumsmblr loves capeshit and star wars

I didn't say people hated Batfleck?

Train wreck phenomenon.

Read your own post again and look at the image you posted

I only hate Zack Snyder

Them as in the movies themselves.

speed up production of shazam its the only thing im interested in

>everyone hates them
>still make a shitload of money
explain this conundrum

Make a shot for shot remake of the opening episodes of the JL animated series. Most organic and cohesive version of the team.

But who play hawkgirl tho

>Sup Forums hates them
Are you high? Sup Forums has almost daily threads calling both Man of Steel and BvS masterpieces.

This place is full of children who don't know why these movies fail on almost every level.

they are making a shitload less than they could


Nobody hates Batfleck as he is the only redeeming value of that mess.

>The audience hates them
>Critics hates them
>Reddit hates them

Don't you see, it has already been saved.

>t. guy that knows how much every movie SHOULD make


they dont fail at all

Those are mainly ironic shills.

There's no reason BvS shouldn't be able to make the same amount of money as Civil War.

I really enjoyed Suicide Squad and am looking forward to the Extended Cut next month.
I thought BvS was alright, but I have yet to see the Ultimate Edition, which I will one of these days when I actually have the time.
Have yet to see Man of Steel but that's because I was never a big Superman fan.
I do wanna watch it now since it's part of the DCEU which I didn't know til this year.
I'll catch Wonder Woman just to pass the time til Justice League.
Extremely excited for Affleck's The Batman, the Harley spin-off, and the SS sequel.

>There's no reason BvS shouldn't be able to make the same amount of money as Civil War.

It's not a movie for little kids.

It's for teens and manchildren.

>A movie with arguably the 3 biggest Superhero Icons in the world for decades, that everyone knows.
>BvS a movie that was made during the Superhero Movie Bubble.
>Barely makes more than GoTG, a movie about literal whos

don't forget it made less than GotG in the US


Literally I can't think of any reason besides that he had worked for them before on Watchmen. And Watchmen wasn't even that well received. WB's thought process can be pretty hard to gauge a lot of the time.

can someone explain y they didnt make nolan cinematic universe

Thats what i thought of before, i mean seriously the guy is a fucking hack and they just raped the universe more and more

and no im no fucking marvel cuck.

I just dont understand how they could fuck up DCEU so much

Once AT&T buys Time Warner maybe someone will get rid of Zack the Hack.

Of all fucking directors they could choose of

Zack Snyder

jesus christ

>How, Sup Forums?How do we save the DCEU?
Ignore the critics.

Honestly, without a producer who knows DC Comics, it could be even worse with other directors.

Just look up the pitches some of the big name directors gave to WB for some DC movies. They sound much worse than Zack's shit.


Because fanboys will watch anything with Batman in it no matter how bad it is.

I will give one example. The Batman vs Superman project from the early 2000s had Superman fighting roided up Joker (like the one from Arkham Asylum). That's a lot worse than Doomsday, even if that was already shitty.

Check out Aronofsky's Batman too.

Jesus christ, this is why i dont see anything of this in the cinema, why give these bullshit companies money for mediocre product?

>that cognitive dissonance