Are there any anime Sup Forums likes?
Are there any anime Sup Forums likes?
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off
The cunycore stuff
Check it out
Pure Sup Forums pandering
Wew forgot link
Warning though it's lewd AF
the nutshack is pretty good
I personally consider Madoka Magica, Cowboy Bebop,Samurai Champloo as good animes and I like them. I like Saint Seiya, DB and DBZ, Dr. Slump, Panty and Stocking, Mitsudomoe, butI lke them either because nostalgia or because they were kinda funny. And while I read weekly One Piece manga and I love it, I consider the anime way too bad, but still painfully watch it weekly too.
>not even posting best girl
No you child rejected from Sup Forums. Even the so-called "great" ones do not so much as graze the aesthetic and philosophical heights of cinema and literature. It's a trash genre made for East Asian teenagers and white manchildren with short attention spans.
Damn dude wtf hahaha...
>think its going to be innuendo and stuff
>it's full blown loli shit
wew lad
japan has gone all out
>anime is art they say
ping pong
ghibli films
most everything else is shit
champloo is overrated but people will keep posting it any way
rule of thumb: if it's about little girls, or there's more attention given to getting the women's tits to bounce right than making the dialogue not cringe worthy, then it's not good.
unironic paedophilia
What now huh?
He said Sup Forums you fucking mong. Not dumb Sup Forumsedit nuweeb shit
LMAO at people who call anime sluts "pure"
That's a man in a wig, don't delude yourself user.
love kill la kill
love pic related. highlz recommended esp if you like kill la kill
I highly recommend Michiko e Hachin. Its like the anime version of City of God mainly because it takes place in Brazil and deals primarily with its vast criminal underworld. But its also very sweet. Plus Michiko is baddest bitch I've ever seen in anime
question: what kind of autism do people who use anime girl reaction pictures for each post?
Well that man has a nice ass.
He's also ambidextrous.
>people are memed by this
for your sake don't click the link in that second post
its pretty much porn
That's so far beyond parody.
explain yourself
It is porn, it's hentai not anime.
Reminder the rise of Sup Forumsedditors coming over to Sup Forums as a result of Bane memes has led to a shift in taste on Sup Forums
99% of the anime threads here are made by Sup Forumsedditors who only watch LE EPIC MANIME shonen trash and are too scared to post on Sup Forums because no one wants to talk about the same 5 old classic anime that only entry level newfaggots know about. Then they cry about Sup Forums having shit taste and proceed to buy their next avengers movie ticket.
Sup Forums has actually done a fantastic job at keeping out you Sup Forumseddit scum and so all you faggots come crying here because no one wanted to accommodate your newfaggotry.
Also you all treat Sup Forums as a place to ask for recommendations when was made to deal with garbage threads like these that aren't actually discussing anything. This thread should be deleted but since Sup Forums mods are garbage it won't be.
Dont like it? Go back to your board manchild.
I quite liked Joshiraku and Space Dandy
Kill la Kill is utter irredeemable shit though
They're 4chanerians
You're not
Sup Forums - video games, anime, and shitposting
From now on every time you post your autistic little shitfit copypasta I'll bump the thread five times.
I love Serial Experiments Lain, Texhnolyze, Ergo Proxy, Gundam and some other /m/ shows, and classics like Cowboy Bebop.
>steve jobs is anime
>LE EPIC MANIME shonen trash
Pls look at the OP image
That's fine though. I'm just letting people who don't know what's up, what's up. And now they know some more thanks to your upset post dude.
>Sup Forums posters
Is an Sup Forums meme you stole. This board has no fucking posting standards at all, you can't spot outsiders like you can on Sup Forums.
If you went on other boards you'd notice unfunny Sup Forums memes get shitposted everywhere, you're the epicenter of unfunny newfags who branch out to other boards and stick out like a sore thumb.
now this... this is kino
I'll wait and see if there's a clear consensus about what's popular on Sup Forums before expressing an opinion. I'm not popular enough to be different.
>Scared to post on Sup Forums
Sup Forums is one of the cringiest boards. Why would you be "scared" of posting in a board full of auties and beta guys?
Yet you come here every fucking day trying to be part of it.
Laughable. I delight in the irony
>Their HOMERUN looks like a weak anxious scared kitty intstead of the alpha badass butcher lesbian she is
They fucking even got Mami's mammies size wrong for god sakes, if you are ripping off somethign at least rip it off good.
>someone spent years learning to draw and is paid below minimum wage to animate this shit
it's a livin'
this is true
Why would I want to be a part of this cesspool. Epic /got/ general, The Walking Dead threads and wall to wall capeshit.
I browse /s/ more than I browse Sup Forums.
>Why would I want to be a part of this cesspool.
Yet here you are like every other day.
what the fuck is wrong with 12 angry men
i thought it was interesting
why is the creator comparing this great movie to fucking shawshank redemption?
Monogatari Series
the same few animes are talked about because hardly any of it is any good.
Report link for anyone on mobile:
He literally did nothing wrong, prove me wrong fgts.
A-am I pedo now
Like every other other day for a short period of time while simultaneously browsing better boards because there are no good threads made on Sup Forums if you don't like superhero movies.
>Sup Forums is a mostly liberal board
>Sup Forums is also a mostly pedo board
Really makes you think
Forgot pic.
The prequel trilogy
How can I report people for posting here from mobile?
>Sup Forums
>mostly liberal
YOOOOOOOOOOO isn't this illegal in japan now
>tfw you will never eat out Ryuko's bellybutton
>"I only watch entry level"
I like plenty of anime, it can be really good escapist entertainment when I'm in the mood for it. I will say I definitely prefer anime from the 80's and 90's before the rise of CG and digital ink & paint, a lot of modern anime comes off as rather sterile, generic and soulless
>actually taking anime so seriously as to look down on others for their tastes
>>Implying all anime isn't garbage
>95% of poster here are directly from reddit, and the other 5% are from Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums etc
you tell me
kek this
this too. 99% correct
/wsr/ wasn't just for their cartoons
t. Sup Forumseddit
I never go to Sup Forums tho
For me anime is a niche interest that I watch every once in a while, while my real passion is movies and western shows. I don't go to Sup Forums because I'm intimidated by their obsession with anime, something I don't share. The fact that my tastes are "entry level" doesn't bother me because I'm not a fucking weeb who thinks anime is serious business. I don't have anything against such people, I'm simply not one of him.
Is it somehow unacceptable for someone to like something without trying to become knowledgeable about it or develop patrician taste?
Satsuki's ass is so lewd :3
Sup Forums is 100x more weeb than Sup Forums, you don't even understand your own shitposting anymore.
>totally didn't do it
>it got cleared
looks like based swaglord isn't modding Sup Forums right now
Nice try, Sup Forumseddit, but we all know you don't have time to look for good anime because of all your vidya.
>talking shit about ping pong
Never watched anime before what's a great movie or series to watch?
why are you pretending reddit and v doesn't like shit anime?
Aku no Hana
actual film
Sailormoon R/S
Compare the threads about Japanese media on Sup Forums to Sup Forums at any time on any day, reddi/tv/. You faggots have always had the Something Awful "anime is all shounen shit or moe but Cowboy Bebop is epic !" attitude.
No love for space dandy?
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Perfect Blue
>Actual film
>Picture has 4 anime related movies on it
You didn't even try.
Name a better Space Opera. I dare you.
>Cowboy Bebop
>Dragonball Z
>Shokugeki no Soma
>Outlaw Star
>The various Gundam series
These are the anime that I actually like. I know that they're all basic entry level shit but that's all I've ever been able to get into desu.
The book, the Lynch or the made for tv shit?
Because if you're talking about the book, you'd have to compare it to the books LogH is based on.
Then go watch The Great Passage. Or does that not count because it doesn't conform to your narrative?
It's anime, not real life.
Just because something happens in anime X doesn't mean it is relevant for anime Y. And that probably is from porn like someone said, which makes it completely irrelevant.
>a lot of modern anime comes off as rather sterile, generic and soulless
Then so is everything else.
It won't pander to your game of thrones Sup Forumsedditor mindset though so I don't rec it for your kind. Anyone else thats well into cinema should check it out though.
Oh look Rica Patin has joined the thread
Original Dragonball
Yu You Hakusho
Natsume Yuujinchou
Mob Psycho 100
Great Teacher Onizuka
Salaryman Kintaro
>>The various Gundam series
At least half of the Gundam shows are utter garbage.
And I mean Tomino's stuff too. That guy is just weird.
Pretty much any of the studio ghibli films; Princess Mononoke, Porco Rosso and The Wind Rises I would recommend.
Satoshi Kon films are good too, Perfect Blue as another user says, also Paprika is great.
As for a series: Cowboy Bebop and Serial Experiments Lain depending on what you want (inb4 entry level scrub). Bebop has guns Lain has weird stuff.
Ping Pong is really nice if you want to watch something about ping pong.
Why do people like this trash?