Ignore the Christmas jokes, was she really that bad as a character?
Ignore the Christmas jokes, was she really that bad as a character?
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No. She made my dick hard. That's all I care about.
Charlie sheen is the man
She can't be a scientist, she's too hot.
I mean, Denise is a decent actor and her outfit was a tribute to Lara Croft.
could have been a better croft than Jolie
You blew my mind bro.
she just shouldn't play a scientist, while yes some scientists are attractive, they're not denise richards in her prime.
Nah she was just fine.
she was everything great about the 90s incarnate
Whoever cast jolie was fucking brain dead... shit whoever casts her in any fucking movie is brain dead.........
slutty clavicle/10
Disgusting wtf is up with her hands?
There were far worse Bond girls over the years. The geologist in A View to a Kill was particularly bad. By Bond standards, Christmas Jones really was one of the better ones.
>that bad of a character?
FUCK YES! She was terrible.
Jesus, let's be real here: If a girl was that fucking hot she wouldn't have to do a fucking thing. She would never have to lift a finger. People would be throwing stuff at her, desperate to fuck her.
She'd have the pick of the crop.
Giys; girls this hot don't want sweaty manboob beta basement dwellers like you. They want the best.
And they have the top shelf pussy and looks to get it.
im a 10/10 girl and i work hard all the time ok so stop making assumptions that make you look like an ass
So many other could have been so much better.
>user pretending to be a girl
Nigga please.
Go back to sticking your dick between your legs while posing in front of a mirror you fucking silence of the lambs monstrosity
post pics of cutie face or shut up
Who is this cuteness?
Remember when playboy was good?
Aside from her terrible acting, her character literally did NOTHING to further the plot in even a minor way.
Half bottom of her face looks like melted cheese
I want to pinch her cheeks both sets
user, what you need to realise is this: she is a real person. The actress playing her had to work hard to reach that role in the first place.
She didn't just get "the pick of the crop" and never had to lift a finger.
Stop being a jealous idiot
>work hard to reach that role
>be born with pretty face
Yeah, I'm guessing it was the second of the two.
the harbinger of all my pain and suffering
>not having that cutie's lips around your dick right this second
Suicide is painless, kid. Just saying.
But I love melted cheese...
Amelia's too pure for that behaviour stop that
She's probably my favorite Bond girl but I got into bond around Goldeneye and liked all the Brosnan Bond films until Hale Berry came along and tried to make it her own movie. She was a goddamn tyrant back then the way she tried to force the attention on her characters.
I met a microbiologist from Stanford once that was a total knockout. I doubt you'd get that with a nuclear physicist however.
I'd melt her cheese if you know what I mean.
is she too pure for face standing? cuz if she is then i want no part of the business
>They want the best.
Yeah, and she fucked James Bond
fucking retard
he gave her aids and like, probably 500 other women
TWF when you will never have Denise s legs and arms wrapped around you as you pummel her and cum inside her.
What would she do with 500 women?
just because why not
onatopp > king >>>> wai lin >>>>> simonova >>> carver >>>>>>>>> christmas > frost >>> jinx
wai lin is the patrician cutoff line, and the last 3 are garbage tier.
cracked me up
>t.every woman I met has cucked, rejected or been cruel to me
Pretty accurate, I don't think I've ever met a physics major that is above average. That goes for both men and women.
t. physicist
Now this is some really top tier Bond bride stuff.