jocks are awesome and you're not: the flim
Jocks are awesome and you're not: the flim
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does every movie have to pander to charismalets now
on this board, yes
Don't be such a raw dog.
>Film takes place on college
>Most of the actors look 35
What did they mean by this?
I loved it. vicariously lived the life I never lived
>directed by Richard "ugh!" linklater
I can't roll my eyes back far enough
There wasn't as much estrogen in the tap water back then.
what? when did this movie even happen?
Linklater makes supreme comfy core
Most jocks are bro as fuck. it's just your jealously that skews your perception of them
This """"film"""" is garbage and linklater is a hack on the levels of warhol. I couldn't get 5 minutes into it without cringing at this flagrant self insert bullshit. Terrible acting, worse writing and cringy reddit humor.
Anyone who likes this shlock is everything that is wrong with neo-Sup Forums. Go post about capekino on Sup Forums like the good goys you are.
Did they actually let him Drive?
I find his movies unbearable to the point where my cells start to break down and I go mad if one is on for even a few minutes in my presence.
Jocks ARE awesome though. >>>/reddit/ is more suitable for the faggy betas that need a safe space from this movie
>tfw failed chad
is there a worse feeling bros?
March nigga
It's one of my favorites of the year. Nice and meandering. A little more traditional than D&C but you get to know the characters better.
comfy as fuck desu
It wasn't awful but holy fuck did it ultimately feel like a waste of time.
The movie just feels so aimless. No direction, no purpose. Just a nostalgia-wank at most.
Also, I doubt anyone will remember this film in by next year, if they haven't forgotten it already.
it fails because it just is not funny
did you even watch the movie OP? the main character is a dude who makes Camus references and has Tom Wolfe books laying on his bedroom floor? Plus Devo records amongst others. Also the girl he goes after is an arts major. Maybe you couldn't recognize him as not a jock because you're an illiterate pleb who didn't understand that Linklater was giving you clues as to the fact that Jake (as well as Finn and a few others) are not jocks in the way that some of the other characters are.
Anyway you sound like an insecure dummy
Have you seen many Linklater movies? They are all meandering. I think it's a little unfair to criticize a movie for feeling exactly the way it's intended to. I mean that's completely fine if it's not your style but to criticize it for being directionless is basically to miss the entire point of Linklater's style.