Hello darkness my old friend
Hello darkness my old friend
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Does... does she sing that in the movie? I am somewhat curious to hear such a thing.
Just look up trolls sound of silence on youtube.
no fucking way...
If it was just her singing it then it actually would have been a good scene.
>another oddball movie from "We're not Pixar but we want to be!" Studio, LLC.
The only good, non-franchise film they've made is Megamind.
I can't wait for this movie to flop.
Prince of Egypt, mang.
>It's real
Holy fuck I'm triggered why the fuck is this allowed get the fuck off it you Jews I hate you so much fucking hell
True. El Diablo is also good.
I meant to exclude their 2D because that side of things is dead now.
What the fuck WHY
I like it. I guess I'll have to go see this movie now.
Yeah this, the voice actor or whoever isn't too bad. But then it gets a bit ridiculous
Well I'd much rather they have musical pieces like Sound of Silence instead of all the shit that's considered music today.
Prime example: That shit song that came at the end of the vid.
Go to bed old man.
You're not the target audience of this movie.
>studio execs thinking an animated musical will work.
>after George Lucas' masterpiece Strange Magic bombed
Yeah I have no idea why studio execs would ever think an animated musical would gross billions.
The issue is that it is just classless.
>Dude grumpy lmao
>Lolsorandum creatures
>U think he's moved? No, guitar into fire lmao cuz that's deep
If someone with any taste at all made this it would be
>Short bit showing him trying to sleep while she does some annoying backup strumming or something.
>music bit with wacky creature kept to a minimum.
>He asks for guitar, strums it with a pensive look on his face before going to sleep while holding onto it
Same characters, except a bit more sympathetic and without the necessary cruelty that takes away from the joke. Even keeps the punchline that the guy wants to sleep while adding something about a time for anything.
But, fuck if I know, treat kids like idiots and they'll prove you right, I guess.
I enjoyed that movie, even if the plot was a bit predictable. Then again, I already liked the old songs they were singing.
if you want tasteful cgi movies go watch the shrek quadrilogy
it's just a song, simon and garfunkel are jews anyway.
Full version on a movie soundtrack?