Am I the only one that don't get why Wayne's World is considered as a 90s cult classic?
Please, explain
Am I the only one that don't get why Wayne's World is considered as a 90s cult classic?
Please, explain
a sphincter says what?
You aren't old enough to understand user
>Am I the only one that don't get why Wayne's World is considered as a 90s cult classic?
Are you having trouble understanding popular culture?
Old enough for you
Nope the 90s just sucked apparently
Nah it's fine, as long as you like Bill & Ted
Like all SNL movies. An alright sketch series shouldn't be translated into a movie.
Except Blues Brothers
Maybe Lazer Cats too.
Obviously not old enough to have experienced the 90's.
So much of popular culture came from this movie that when you've been living in a post WW world your whole life, the movie can come off as unoriginal, weird, or uninteresting.
This. It was fun at the time because the '90s were mostly shit. If you look at the early 90's, only a handful of films have stood the test of time: Terminator 2 and Jurassic Park. After that, we got Forrest Gump, Titanic, and Braveheart, and then literally nothing until 1999, which was probably the best year in the history of movies. That's when movies peaked, and we have been in a slow decline ever since.
Experiencing the 90s =/= appreciating 2 effeminate retards laughing and making child tier jokes while referring to the pop culture
You have to be 18 to post here
90's gave us Last Action Hero tho
>Cultiral Artefacts are never "of their time"
OK kid.
It isn't like sam and cat user, that's why you don't like it
Never heard of this I'm more of a Drake and Josh guy
Army of darkness was made in 1992
Leon: the professional in 1994
The fifth element in 1997
You are just a millennial pleb
You do realize the millennial line starts in the 80s? Meaning kids born in or who grew up in the 90s are Millennials
Plus the 90s gave birth to the shot big budget movies like Armageddon and id4, which grew into transformers and id42
>im 12
lmao we know please go back already
night at the roxbury is a masterclass in cinema
pretty much this. it was revolutionary at the time
thats not wrong. the top ten grossing films of the 80s are all absolute classics. the top ten grossers of the 90s have some garbage and for the 00s its just embarassing
>mighty 80s era have hundreds of classics rated above 8.5
>shitty 90s era have a dozen of classics that have average ratings