I'm watching this for the first time, and I find it very charming and innocent, but also am surprised at how I am actually very engaged in the stories. There's one thing I'm wondering though: Was this intentionally created to be funny and absurd in its presentation, or was it just an effect of its era?
I'm watching this for the first time, and I find it very charming and innocent...
It was considered dark and edgy at the time
it was one of the first colour tv shows and they really wanted to make the presentation dynamic af m8
On and old CRT black and white TV it actually looks just as dark and grim as Batman Begins.
It was intentional. It got an Emmy for best comedy at least once.
>Best Batman
only season 1 is good
Frank Gorshin was also nominated in the comedy category, more than once I think
It was 60s high camp, and deliberately so.
Is the big guy in this?
ffs tv keeps finding shows I still need to download
bane wasn't created yet
Bane didn't come out until 1993 if I remember correctly
wew lad 5 years before I was born. why is everything so ancient.
fucking morons.
He was included in the comic
It won Emmy's for best comedy. It was intentionally campy and ridiculous, a sort of parody of comic books. Somewhere in the course of history people forgot that for some reason.
Used to love this as a kid and would get pissed and throw my clothes around if I missed an episode, my lego batmobile based on the show is probably still in some closet.
That being said, I don't find the show that watchable anymore but the movie is an absolute masterpiece and easily the best Batman movie.
It didn't win an Emmy but it and Frank Groshin were both nominated once in comedy. Also nomination for sound editing of all things.
It became what it is out a chance collaboration between (somewhat) clueless producers with a wholesome kid/family friendly franchise on their hands, and their self aware beatnik writers who saw the potential in how you could mine a Silver Age madness "message of the day" sort of the thing for absurdist ironic humor.
Producers tell them to put in a PSA about drinking, they turn that into the Batusi, that kind of thing.
MODS underage alert!
You'd have to be actually autistic to not pick up that this show is a comedy.
Fuck, man.
It's the best Batman there is.
>Batman drinking milk at the bar and dancing while Robin is getting kidnapped.
>Robin is falling from a building so Batman throws a rope, which Robin bites and is pulled up stating "Boy, I sure am glad I brush and floss my teeth everyday, Batman!"
Kill yourself
>It's the best Batman there is.
Unironically correct.