Black Mirror General
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So we all know that the Jap developer was based on Hideo, right?
But none of it was augmented reality. Everything between him having the thing put around his head to him dying as his mom calls isn't real, it all occurs in his mind over the course of four seconds, the whole point of it was about how complicated the human brain is as a processor, what it's theoretically capable of, and how trying to fuck with that before we actually understand it is dangerous. It wasn't even a virtual reality, it was a hallucination, a dream. The machine didn't project anything or create anything, it just really fired up his neurons and his brain did the rest.
I appreciate having a running thread but calling it a general is inviting cancer.
>So we all know that the Jap developer was based on Hideo, right?
Yeah. Brooker was a games journalist before a tv writer, and the director of that episode also did videogame shorts
He wasn't, he just looked like him because all gooks of a similar height and weight look the same.
If he was based on Kojima he'd have been rehashing the same shit for 10+ years instead of trying to do something new and driving the company he works for into the ground.
Charlie Brooker is fucking awesome. No one else is tackling these subjects in the mainstream. He's like Vernor Vinge crossed with Nicki Minaj. Thank you based Brooker.
>The entire time I was asking "Why not just let them leak it? It's just you fappan" and the twist answered that question
That never once bothered me. It fit the character. He's just some insecure beta /r9k/ tier kid. Most people should've grown out of it at his age (19), but to him image is everything. Remember in school whenever something incredibly minor happened that was embarrassing and you would freak out over it? In retrospect now you're older you would laugh at it. The kid was just really beta and insecure, he felt like the smallest of things could ruin his reputation for life.
Obviously at the very end you find out the truth and then you realize he had a genuine reason to commit a bank robbery but before the reveal everything he did seemed natural to the character he was built up as.
i feel a bit ambivalent about Black Mirror
> + isn't fucking automatically enamored of social media and technology
> + some good short form sci-fi
> + some genuinely good episodes in there
> + some nice touches. Did anyone notice the spiders early on in the Playtest episode?
> - Bad American Accents: the series
> - Sometimes the characters don't act rationally (i.e. no prime minister is going to fuck a pig on tv. The trolled jerkoff kid would have given up long before the end)
> - BBC and general English TV forced racemixing
> - False moralizing
I'll keep watching but this show is more Redit than Stranger Things
GOAT ending music
San Junipero didn't feel like a Black Mirror episode, but I liked the romantic aspect of it.
That episode is tumblr garbage but the soundtrack was GOAT.
>driving the company he works for into the ground
Funny that MGSV sold gangbusters and their stock only dropped after they cut Hideo out
I'm surprised Sup Forums isn't making more noise about the awful blond "bad ass girl grrrrrr" character in Men against Fire, she was so nauseatingly cringeworthy.In fact, I haven't seen her mentioned at all.
Why was Men Against Fire so good but so shit at the same time? It's like they wrote a great fifteen minute plot but forgot the episode lasted an hour.
how many people died from the bees?
those weren't bees
>The trolled jerkoff kid would have given up long before the end
I'd do everything I could to hide my CP
>sold gangbusters
Have you seen their actual profit for it, though? Kojima was a money leak and he had to be plugged.
He made a new engine. Kojima is an investment and guranteed money maker.
That's why Sony scooped him up so quickly
How did Cooper see Hideo in the simulation(wearing the same clothes as he was in the final scene, no less) if he never actually met him?Did they insert themselves into his conscious?How did he hear actual Japanese in head if he doesn't speak it?There were good parts of Playtest but I feel like it was riddled with plotholes.
>Bad american accents:the series
It's funny you point that out, because honestly american shows have terrible British accents and since they're a lot more prevalent it's basically the norm.
if the trolls were using his laptop camera they couldn't have gotten an image off the screen. Also he's underage, so is it even an issue?
show is full of little logical inconsistencies in character motivation that takes me out of it. Clumsy as fuck
>it's a thinly veiled Sup Forums thread
Post your correct/incorrect guesses
>Shut Up and Dance
Knew he was a pedo when he interacted with the kid at the beginning
>San Junipero
When she said 'I don't want you to see me IRL' it would turn out they were both 500lb men
>Hated in the Nation
After they found out who was behind it I thought they'd announce the name & he'd end up getting voted as the final target
Kenny was 19.
jesus. he looks about 12. Are English people that malnourished?
>guaranteed money maker
Do you think that if Konami didn't pull the plug on him and let Kojima continue spending money MGSV would have sold more? Because the simple fact is if they didn't pull the plug and he continued spending as he had throughout the entire production the game (with current sales) would have made a loss.
Kojima is the kind of director who needs someone like Inaba standing over him with a rolled up newspaper who can tell him no. Without that he's a liability.
Man i thought i could binge watch all of the episodes in one go. all twists are emotionally exhausting
I guessed the Mass thingy was making the soldiers see their enemies as monsters pretty early on.
>he's underage
He isn't, he just looks it. The fact he has a day-to-day job and isn't in school should clue you in to this.
And they clearly had more than his laptop camera. To even have access to his laptop camera and make it record him without him knowing they'd basically need full access to everything he has, at which point the recording isn't even an issue.
It was pretty clear she'd lose her rating somehow, but I figured she'd get to the wedding and then things would start going wrong.
>San Junipero
Thought it was a married woman going through a 'what if' simulation in which she'd hooked up with the girl instead of her husband
>Men Against Fire
The roaches twist was pretty obvious, but I also thought his wife/girlfriend was a roach
what episode is this?
He was just a manlet.
Ep 5 was really good, I don't see what peole have against it.
Realistically, the pedo kid should have been fine. Microwave your computer, burn it, bury it. Now all they have are screenshots of child porn and a separate video of you jerking off. There is no real way for the police to connect the two. Considering he was hacked by malware (this was how the police were ultimately informed), it is very easy to claim that you were framed. There is more than enough reasonable doubt considering the only evidence was submitted anonymously by criminals and can easily have been manipulated. Instead he went full retard and robbed a bank/killed a guy.
Don't you mean "I don't see why people have so much fire against it".
It's obviously not the same show user.
There should a show called White Mirror
>The fact he has a day-to-day job and isn't in school should clue you in to this.
>underages don't quit school and work
fug, thanjs for replying anyways
They don't, they quit school then listen to dole music
The fire roaches.
I like it how Sup Forums is so triggered by the cp episode.
> The fact he has a day-to-day job and isn't in school should clue you in to this.
He's probably 17
Not in Britain m8, have to be in education untill 18
Weird how Kublai Khan's accent is still chinky as fuck even when playing an English character(considering he was born and raised in Manchester and all).I guess it's just like that from some children of immigrants, Amir Khan for example sounds like FOB Pakistani but he's a third generation British-Pakistani.But I grew up with people born to proper Irish and Polish parents and they just spoke English with an accent like everyone else in the area.
Have to be =/= are.
No you fucking don't. Sixth form is not compulsory. You can start working at the age of 16.
It had its moments, but they didn't do enough with the concept. I liked its commentary on the modern military more than the whole eugenics angle.
>would you kindly
I hate how reddit this is but I loved it at the same time
how do I stop myself for thinking something is 'reddit'? like when the trollface appeared I went "reddit" in my head
ISP's log everything and that can easily be traced to him. The IP which downloaded all that CP is the same IP logged for his Facebook account and tied to his Sup Forums pass which was bought with his credit card.
I mean sure there are ways to avoid that, but this nigger googled Remove Malware and took the first result so he's obviously not all that savvy.
Not anymore, they changed it starting last year. You can do an apprenticeship, it's not just college, but it has to be some kind of education.
Yes I felt the eugenics thing was shoehorned and pretty unnecessary. It's a shame really because they could have based an entire episode on this idea alone. Oh well.
It could've been a weekend job
He says he's still in driving lessons which you usually start at 17
Or it could've been set a couple years ago when you could leave school at 16
Or he could've done a 6 month McApprenticship which would've let him do what he wanted
>my face when Black Mirror and Utopia were airing at the same time
>One episode ends with a white woman and a black man insulting each other and falling in love
>Another one got a black woman and a chink scientist killing a white man
>Another one conveys the message that all white men are paedos
>Another one is about a lesbian multiracial love portrayed in a positive light
>Then we have a negro sodlier shooting what he perceives as inferiors (all whites)
Didn't see the sixth yet, I bet there's some cultural marxist propaganda in that too
Just surprised they didn't do an episode about the dangers of a blonde tycoon who tries to be a president and the brave woman who fight him. That's the kind of propaganda we are talking about.
+ Nicolas Cage
Wish Netflix or Amazon brought back Utopia.
By not obsessing over a shit site. And don't call Bioshock reddit m8, just because a bunch of gays like something doesn't make the thing itself gay.
>nigger googled Remove Malware and took the first result so he's obviously not all that savvy.
Google Remove Malware yourself and tell me you're afraid of the first result.
What does it say about the show that there are such varying opinions on the quality of each episode? The episodes seem to be judged on their social commentary rather than the actual plot or acting.
So what's the default position, if the child picks neither an apprenticeship or college? Do they just go onto sixth form?
He could have had this weird disease where you age really quickly and he's like 12 years old and it's summer vacation and he's really in school but in his head he has a job because he wants to feel grown up which is why he downloads cp but it's not the regular kind of cp it's cp of people with this disease so the hacker really knows his shit and bronn has this disease too and they were like best friends in school but then bronn started having this another life where's married and visits prostitutes but he's really going to school and
He's not 12 because he's taking driving lessons
But you're right, it could be a summer holiday
is there any direct evidence of his age in the show? i don't remember anything.
the fact that I have to point this out and argue about it does indicate some flaw in the show's casting at the very least
also, so they could have his IP logs. so does his ISP. meh. this also leads into a whole range of arguments and suppositions that also points out a flaw in the show
episode was like much of BM: evocative but flawed
>The episodes seem to be judged on their social commentary rather than the actual plot or acting.
No, the third season is judged on social commentary because the show is now on Netflix and popular with normies, so Sup Forums want to discredit it at every chance they get. The first two seasons were judged on whether or not it was quality television otherwise White Christmas would be the worst episode out of all 3 seasons.
Seriously, how did the MC see Kojima?I get that he saw him on the front cover of Edge and all but he was wearing the same clothes again in the final minutes and everything.
He's taking driving lessons so he's at least 17.
what if he's really a super hacker himself and he has fake ID which is how he takes driving ed
>that forced tumblr tier romance
>muh horrible religious parents
>muh lets betray my husband and son for some girl i met 1 month before
>muh ''lets party all life so fun lel xd'' mentallity
>the fact that I have to point this out and argue about it does indicate some flaw in the show's casting at the very least
Or that you never leave your house. I see people who look like him who are 18 - 21 years old all the time.
?? That the show are separate episodes written and directed by several different people and are rated by a number of different people of different countries, backgrounds and educations??
Did you honestly expect everyone to have the same opinion of every episode?
Also, people have bitched about actors a, b & c (myself included) and about plot points d, e & f, too.
Afraid is strong, but nah I wouldn't use it, seems Russian
you can do a "traineeship" for 6 months and then you can do whatever
Government just basically wants you to get on with something. As soon as the school signs you up then it's not their responsibility and no-one will check up on you.
>The episodes seem to be judged on their social commentary rather than the actual plot or acting.
To be fair that's television in 2016
san juniperro is probably the worst one
>there's a general now
The last three episodes of Season three didn't feel like Black Mirror at all.
It's like a different show almost.
Been stuck in my head all day, Yorkie is soo cute!!
He just has to claim that the malware downloaded that CP to frame him. Once the program is on there, it can do pretty much whatever it wants. Especially with somebody who clearly doesn't have any security. It provides him with reasonable doubt to survive court and convince family that he is just a victim of internet trolls.
It's general in name only
Bc she wasn't? Like, at all?
Jodie Foster will direct one of the episodes of season 4, starring Rosemarie DeWitt.
>During the panel Wednesday with fellow director Julie Taymor (Across the Universe), Foster said there were “many reasons” why females are underrepresented behind the camera.
>“Some of them are about our psychology, some of them are about the financial world, some of them are about the global economy,” Foster said. “There are so many answers that go back hundreds of years. It would be nice to be able to have a more complex conversation and to be able to look at it more than just a quota or numbers.”
>“I don’t think there is a big plot to keep women down,” Foster added, noting earlier that she is “a little sick of” the conversation. “It is neglect really, and a lot of people that weren’t thinking about it, and a lot of female executives who have risen to the top, who have not really made a dent of bringing many women into the mainstream world.”
What will we get, lads?
Well, I thought that she had her corpse buried alongside her family, so she'd still be with them in death but also had her conscious uploaded to the San Junipero program so she could be with Yorkie as well, having the best of both worlds.
He's obviously a bit retarded though
Plus his mum probably wouldn't believe him seeing as she didn't give him the benefit of the doubt anyway
Files have dates n shit
Nosedive too didn't feel like one too since there was some comedy in it that usually don't really belong to BM, or their bittersweet endings that felt kinda positive.
Not talking about quality, they were good to me, just different from the general tone of the show.
Also I did expect some Halt and Catch Fire reference in San Juniperro
>not using adblocker
Fuck's sake, you're even worse than the kid.
Viruses can alter metadata
the fact he was blackmailed kind of makes it a more legit defence
>also, so they could have his IP logs. so does his ISP. meh.
Assuming he wasn't using a proxy, which he wasn't because he fucking googled Remove Malware, because he left his laptop in a state where his sister could download viruses to begin with, then this isn't meh, this is solid eidence that can be (and has been) used in a court of law to prove someone's a paedophile. That's the entire case closed. All ebaumsworld has to do is clue the police in to this fact, they contact the ISP, and it's game over whether he bricks his hard-drive or not.
>underage isn't an issue
1) no he wasn't
2) yeah it fucking is
He wasn't dead. The game wasn't over.
He could have told the police his sister downloaded cp. Or his mother.
Has there ever been a case of solely using IP logs on the ISP end to convict someone? I thought it was always local storage
After all, you could just say that my neighbour cracked my wi-fi
I am not saying its fool proof. But claiming that any evidence that they have was faked/framed through the malware is enough to create reasonable doubt. With the absence of the physical computer, it would be difficult to convict. This is why the police rely on raiding the peadophile's house and just seizing the physical evidence. Purely digital evidence provided by internet trolls who themselves stole the information using malware isn't worth much in court.
>because he fucking googled Remove Malware
Why are you tards grabbing on to this like this is some fucking ironclad proof that the kid knows nothing about computers when
>he got CP and avoided detection