(OP) >"A double McSpanky with fries and a Flurp. That'll be $6.53. And $3.47 will be your change." >"Dude, you're supposed to push the buttons with pictures of food on them." >"Don't need to Skeet, I memorized the prices and did the tax and change in my head."
Skeet was right. Register entry is used both for inventory tracking as well as final tally for profits. Jimmy should have been either disciplined or fired.
Not only that, but what POS system will allow the user to open the till without a transaction? Also, how will the order get back to the kitchen?
Jaxon Thomas
>No dude, it's salt >That's what I said, sodium chloride If you said sodium chloride, you didn't say salt Jimmy. Some """boy""" """genius"""
Justin Williams
How do you operate a cashier machine thingy because I was supposed to learn how to at a dollar store but I got fired and they were too lazy and mismanaged to teach me anything.
Grayson Wright
You press the buttons with the food on it.
Isaac Thompson
Brayden Rivera
Jimmy was always a cunt. That blonde girl is the real hero of the show.
Gabriel Russell
Jeremiah Miller
If he's so smart why is he working at McDonalds?
Aaron Sanchez
excuse me
Matthew Thompson
>mom, i reposted it again. i'm going to be the new le epig meme, just you wait and see.
Jose Campbell
Juan White
>You will never have an entire episode on a deserted island with your crush
I bet Jimmy is punching his nuts right now, at least Sheen BLEACHED that one girl
Nicholas Lewis
They probably left the key in.
Connor Green
>"I sent it to the hottest thing that exists, the sun" >Fucking Lightning is hotter than the sun
Boy Genius my ass.
Adam Howard
>you need remember this show had a spinoff
Henry Hughes
Skeet should've beat Jimmy to death for being such a know-it-all cunt. That's a established business, they have procedure. If Jimmy wants to make up his own way of doing thing, he can take his big peanut head and start his own fictional burger stand.
Further more, he's serving customers, who may or may not know that sodium chloride is salt.
Hell, they could think 'sodium chloride' is some kinda dangerous chemical which could scare them off.
But no, Jimmy had to be a fucking autist and use the 'proper' name
John Sullivan
Was Jimmy autisic?
Ethan Phillips
Wyatt Long
That URL is more than I need, thank you user.
Austin Murphy
i still don't understand this meme
Owen Baker
What if the salt is Iodized? Jesus jimmy you are a fuck up
Matthew Ross
There's 9 parts and it gets more fucked up as it goes on, I'll give the person who reads the whole thing a precious (you)
Isaiah Morales
pretty much all will let you open w/o a transaction, memelord
Joshua Cooper
>This show was produced by Steve Oedekerk
Robert Jones
>"FUCK!" Hugh Neutron burst through the door and gasped at the site. His son, nude from the waist down, leaned on the dresser masturbating in front of a telescope positioned through the window. He angrily clenched his fist and ran over to the boy. He slammed his fist into his son's skull, knocking his eye onto the telescope as he collapsed.
>"How dare you masturbate while your mother works her heart out making sweet breakfast for you!" his father screamed. Delivering more punches to young Jimmy, he knocked over various electrical appliances and toys. Amazingly, Jimmy maintained an erection and tried desperately to crawl over to his telescope before Cindy was dressed.
>"You're peeping on that Carl faggot next door again aren't you?" Hugh yelled, unaware of the telescope being pointed in the opposite direction of Carl's house. Without hesitation, he grabbed Jimmy's face and smashed it into the wall, knocking the telescope out of place and falling on his body.
What did he mean by this?
Jaxon Robinson
Worked for the watch it guy
Asher Nguyen
Yowch, the edge on that post m8 you masturb8 with that edge dude?
Juan Campbell
fired, disciplined, and also raped.
Carter Jones
>blood spattered from the torn butt tissue, telling Hugh that he should stop before Jimmy has evidence to show child services
Jaxon Hernandez
Please read on, they eat out the old teacher, Jimmy gets his dick ripped off when he puts his dick in a sewer cover hole, and that fucking climax
Logan Johnson
I defer to the expert. I've never worked a register.
Julian Gonzalez
>Carl opened his mouth and started tonguing the disgusting pussy. It made sticky noises as Carl's mouth pried it apart. Having been unused for decades, wisps of stale air exited into Carl's mouth. He swallowed with glee and started licking the dried skin. Ms. Fowl moaned as her long forsaken parts were oiled up by Carl's diseased saliva.
>"Oh-OK Carl, you're enjoying it too much. NEXT!"
>"I guess I'll get it over with. I'll just pretend its UltraLord" Sheen mumbled.
Grayson Wood
wtf is happening here?
Andrew Reyes
Who has that King of the Hill rape copypasta
Gavin Martin
Not only that, but refusing to call salt salt. Jimmy was being a pretentious cunt and wasting company time with his antics.
Brandon Walker
This is why autism should be outlawed, even if this was written ironically it shows a deeply autistic individual who has no redeemable qualities, just like these threads.
Caleb Bennett
Is that the fucker from Jesus Chatline?
David Rodriguez
yeah but this is his T-Rucker character who talks about trucking instead of Jesus
Leo Sanchez
>Sodium chloride /ˌsoʊdiəm ˈklɔːraJd/, also known as salt or halite
Andrew Gray
you've probably never had a job
Jordan Carter
Sheen was my favourite character. But I watched it when I was a teenager and LOLSORANDUMB was funny to me.
Charles Collins
button.... uhhhhhhh
Bentley Smith
No. It's why the internet should be banned. Before the internet, nobody had a place to meet fellow weirdos/fetishes/autistic people/fellow liberal sjw/fellow Nazi's en masse and with complete anonymity.
I've written Warhammer 40k erotica for /tg/ before. It's a road you need to turn back from before it's too late. I did. I'm glad I did. Though some chick (well two chicks) I met online liked them.
Jonathan Wilson
Newfags wouldn't know the era that was Jesus Chatline
fuck, uuuhhh boss, how do, uh register work,,,??????
Ryder Martin
lemme fix, for, uh, you.
Isaiah Hill
uhm, boss, it uh doesn't work anymore.
Christian Perry
oh, uh, that's, uh, not good
Nathan Parker
booss... i, uhh, love yuo.. nio homo
Angel Mitchell
uh, i don't, uh, live near you, uh, any more, sorry
Adrian Hill
uuuuuh,,,, fuck, i'm going uuuh, shoot myself with uhhh gun
Jose Reed
Reminder that you are a tool of big business and Jimmy was 100% right.
>Register entry is used both for inventory tracking as well as final tally for profits. Jimmy should have been either disciplined or fired.
The additional efficiency and sales created by Jimmy's practices alone justify his methodology. Inventory tracking can be done much easier at other points during the burger-making process and final profits can easily be calculated without having exact details on every single micro-transaction.
He attempted to set a standard of customers. By discouraging and scaring stupid (and potentially violent/disruptive) customers away by ensuring they know 7th grade material (unlike you) he prevents tens of thousands of dollars in loss prevention and saves everyone time and money. Watch the episode again- do you ever see a single african-american in McSpankys during Jimmy's tenure there? No? Why do you think that is?
You cannot argue against this. You all side with Skeet and continue the cycle of inefficiency and corporate dickriding that has gone on for decades if not centuries because of your low self-esteem and urge to please your social betters.
tl;dr: you are sheeple
Benjamin Rogers
she was pretty hot too
Aaron Garcia
maek sure you, uh, do proper, or you, uh, end up liek dis.
Tyler Scott
Charles Sanchez
How is the transaction for the burger even reaching the chefs without use of the POS system?
Jace Davis
made me laff
Benjamin Howard
>fucking up the flow of a successful chain business because you think that your ideas are superior to the already functional business model >thinking that image is more important than profits >excluding the majority of people to force this idea to work in theory communists everybody
Connor Reed
reddit isn't funny, try "all me" next time you'll get way more upvotes.
Michael Young
It's not Jimmy's fault that he is somewhat socially retarded because he has neo-Nazi for a father
Jeremiah Russell
Why did he not hire Bolbi?
Lincoln Thomas
I can't find the upvote button on this sub, Pls halp
Edit: thank you kind stranger!
Levi Long
Nicholas Cooper
Walt admitted it way back then. Why didn't Hank arrest him right then and there?
Isaiah Harris
Because Hank wasn't autistic enough to think he wasn't kidding, just autistic enough to buy worthless rocks.