Do we unanimously agree Tony Soprano is the best character ever depicted on screen?

Do we unanimously agree Tony Soprano is the best character ever depicted on screen?

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Yes, gandolfini was a fucking legend
Find a better acting scene in television history
Pro tip:you literally can't

Along with pic related, yes

Yes. Played authentically and consistently for 10 years.

Rest in peace

>in this moment, I'm fuckin' Euphoric
>not because of any phony FBI indictments
>But because, I'm enlightened by my own fuckin' intelligence
what did he mean by this?

I don't, so no.

Nostradomo predicted all that!

Hes up there. Walter from Fringe is my personal favorite.

McNulty is also up there.

>People say that Tony had no capability for feeling empathy

You ever have some one you love die in your arms cock sucker ?

was the final scene of season 1 a dream?


No, are you dumb

Not really, Sopranos isn't very good

t. Pleb

On television screen? Sure, and I'm not saying that by downgrading Gandolfini's astonishing work, but, arguably, there are performances out there that may be close to Tony's brilliance. Brando, De Niro and Pacino - as far as Hollywood goes - would be the only people whose roles I would've ever considered to be depicted in somewhat better way. Brando blew me away with his minor appearance in Apocalypse now and starring in Last Tango in Paris, De Niro was perfect in Taxi Driver and I always found Al Pacino to be at his best in movies Dog Day Afternoon and Serpico. Cazale might've been mentioned as well, but unfortunately we were robbed of 30 years of his work.

That said, Gandolfini is perfect. I know you're refering to Tony, but I just felt like talking about acting a bit. It fucking disgusts me when people look at the likes of actors from Game of Thrones and call them "perfect" and "genious". Fuck off.

Not even the best one in the show.

>fetus position


Don is 2nd, tony>>>>>>

I might prefer him here:

May be more melodramatic and thus typical example of "acting," but the look he gives Carm when he tells her she just wanted a gold heart on a chain is perfectly hateful, and everything else is perfect too.

It's not just the acting though. When Tony's laying into her, it's got seasons' worth of events backing it up and giving it real meaning, so the viewer is impacted more than just by the yelling itself.

fuck no, he's a giant douchebag, I fucking hated his guts


>he thinks tony was meant to be a good guy

Why was she so fucking terrible at her job ?

Most of her advice is fucking retarded and in the end she ends up misdiagnosing Tony as a sociopath despite him displaying genuine empathy and love towards his family and others over the years

Remember how beat up Tony was over Ralph beating that stripper to death ?

yeah right after ton it's don. no doubt about it. don wouldn't exist without a lot of the groundwork laid by chase for tony. weiner adapted a lot of that on the sopranos and used it for mad men in a completely different and equally genius way