Why haven't we got this yet? It's 2016 we need it!!
Why haven't we got this yet? It's 2016 we need it!!
fine with me. better to have all-black movies than forced diversity
One of these things is all like the others
To be the Riddler, you have to be smart
Switch riddler and joker
>not Neil deGrasse Tyson as the Riddler.
>not a guy who's more often than not far less intelligent than he believes himself to be
Then get Jaden Smith.
the female casting in this is literally who.
Joker is Adibesi
Everyone except the villains is honestly decent casting.
Nah get him for killer croc
for diversity, idris elba should be wonder woman desu
Micael Jai White would make a better Bane than Terry Crews. Muscular with a martial arts background and only 2 inches different in height. Wesley Snipes could be Al Ghul.
Raische and toofaess aren't too bad either.
Like, Morpheus practically is ra'z al ghul in a way. Lots of imposing standing, while making cryptic remarks.
is it really that difficult to make an imitation of Batman with black actors? why do they always want to steal shit?
Didn't the guy they have as "Joker" get killed by joker in TDKR? wtf
batman - yes
nightwing - no
alfred - yes
gordon - eh sure
joker - FUCK NO
catwoman - sure
bane - no
poison ivy - sure
harvey dent - yes
harley quinn - yes
ra's al ghul - perfect if you're going for this sort of thing
riddler - FUCK OFF
If this got made into an actual movie then the casting for nightwing/joker/bane/riddler would fucking ruin it.
thats a great idea!
we should also make all the ghostbusters female
No, Jamie Foxx was not in TDKR and neither was the Joker you faceblind autist.
>when batman is actually robin
>terry crews as bane
>remembering him in idiocracy
this would be transcendental comedy
It irritates me how black males act like only the lightest possible black women are worth anything. Not just hypocritical but bad taste.
>let's just pick the most famous black actors and cast them in roles regardless of if they actually fit said role
Put will smith as the riddler instead, he might pull that off
why does "equality" always seem to favor the blacks? why don't we see asians or latinos ever brought up when we talk about equality?
it doesn't sound very equal to me. in fact it sounds more like ethnocentric favoritism. tokenism, even.
No, you retarded cuck.
If we were to make movies demographically accurate (especially given how many films take place in California) then like 1 in 3 people in films should be Latino 2bh.
Who are the women next to Jamie Foxx and Denzel and who does Wayne Brady get to play?
this. also they are hypocrites as it tends to be the darkest black men who bitch about darkskin black women.
Because they are hypocrites. Even blacks are racist towards latinos and asians but "black people cant be racist"
Poison Ivy is Beyoncé
Cat woman is the female lead from Mission Impossible 4
Idk who Harley is
Black people legit love characters like Luke Cage and Black Panther and don't give a fuck about characters like black Heimdall or Human Torch, because characters that started out black are steeped in the culture whilst white-turned-black characters only exist to make white-SJWs feel like they achieved something.
Batman being black always seemed weird to me since he's suppose to come from old money. Maybe in a hundred years.
Who would be black CIA?
>Master P gets gunned down and Lil Romeo becomes Batman
The movie writes itself.
kevin hart, bc hes a small guy....
>mfw nobody would watch this shit
>not even blacks would watch it
Bane can't be that likeable.
Joker needs to be better.
Switch Catwoman and Harley.
I don't want to waifu harley because that's basic as fuck.
Aiden Gillen. CIA is raceless. He is more fundamental than that. Most people can't even fully comprehend CIA's makeup, characteristics, etc.
Think of the Fool in King Lear, for example. Enigmatic, with mysterious motivations and unknown origins.
This picture makes too much sense
fuck you
A black Batman yeah fair enough what ever, but why make everyone black? This isn't an episode of the Fresh Prince with only one whitey every episode.
never heard of that rapper desu
You know what, apart from the joker, I'd watch a batman movie with that cast
I would actually watch the hell out of this.
Although I am not sure the joker works...
>tfw user isn't bout it bout it
I'm okay with most of these
Replace Nightwing with Donald Glover and I would watch this
I need Terry Crews as bane, pls diversity force this casting
They are just as bad as /poll/ when it comes to racial purity.
I would legitimately watch a superhero movie with Terry Crews as the main character
Forest should be Riddler and Denzel should be Gordon
Training Day era Denzel would have made a perfect Deadshot in a less shitty Suicide Squad movie.
might as well make a batman with tyler perry as every character
Eddie Murphy = the joker
in some ways they are worse when they start spouting stupid "science" about how the white man poisoned black women which is why they have periods.
i follow some black women blogs and its funny when they call these stupid niggers out on their shitin fact they have even turned them into memes. it appears no one hates black women more than black men and its good to see black women fight back.
These people can actually act though. Except for maybe Beyonce.
Hey you know what, aside from the obvious autism that is having an all-black Batman cast, some of these choices are actually pretty good.
>Ra's al Ghul
Gonna make Lady Shiva black to? How about Connor Ha- oh wait.
>implying the villains would be non white.
Who would he be?
The villains in Black Panther are going to be black though. Marvel were even brave enough to do Man-Ape.
peak nigger fatigue