Oh no it's not an actual cradle of filth. That would be horrible

Oh no it's not an actual cradle of filth. That would be horrible.

that's when it went down hill

i thought it was alright

>Beware of the bull
what did they mean by this?

beware of the bull


>british (((comedy)))

Disabled episode is still the funniest


>thinking IT Crowd represents BritCom
Shows like IT Crows are literally the cheap, shitty stuff that most people here think is retarded (I myself am a fan, but recognise how bad it technically is, for the most part). Stuff like this is good if there's nothing else on TV, but it doesn't come close to the level of early Peep Show or Red Dwarf.

The Inbetweeners also falls into the category of unfunny schlock, I think. It has some funny moments here and there, but overall is pretty terrible. I have no idea why anyone besides pissed up students likes it.

If you want to see some of the worst Britain has to offer, watch Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps. As shit as it is, it's surprisingly addictive.

>tfw you will never fuck, impregnate, and marry Jen
Why even live tbqhfamalam

no one listens to cradle of filth
they exist purely to piss off goths and metalheads

>implying cradle of filth don't actually make good songs

agreed, it all came together so perfectly

How was Jen so hot? She's not even that good looking

Cradle of Filth were loved by goths ten years ago.

>cute, girl-next-door look
>dat voice
>dat firebush
Marriage material desu

I always had this story with a friend of mine about Cradle of Filth. After finding out that the lead singers name is Danny Filth, what would they do if the band kicked him out? The band would have to do new auditions for a lead, and if would be somewhat like this :
>guy sings really awesome, melodic screams
>band members, impressed converses amongst themselves that this guy's the one.
>"Wow, what a performance. We think you might be the one. What's your name?
>band thinks, "well the name of the band is the name of the lead singers last name,so that won't work"
>"What's your last name?"
>"Wait. So your full name is Brad Brad?"
>Cradle of Brad won't work. Maybe we can use the middle name.
>"What's your middle name?"
"Brad Helicopter Brad"

Wow, that's some funny shit, user. You should really cap this and use it in YLYL threads.

You had to been there.

both you and your friend should do cartwheels into oncoming traffic.


>calling the Inbetweeners shit
>defending TPOLAAPOC unironically

I bet you like Mrs Browns Boys as well pleb


A fire at Sea World?