Open door to teenage girl's room

>open door to teenage girl's room
>she's using the phone while laying on her bed

Other urls found in this thread:

>I'm an only child
and it shows

>any middleschool or highschool scene

wtf I don't remember any of this!!

That was actually really common in the 80s/90s though, user

It's still a fucking cliche that's incredibly stale. Most recent example would probably be Stranger Things.

>she's curling the coiled wire from the phone handset around her fingers

It's not a cliche, it's called reality.

Coiled wires are great
I twist the one from my headphones at times

>entire family gathers at a table to eat an elaborate breakfast every morning and leisurely chat about their lives

This. It's like a complete fiction before my eyes that was supposed to happen near me.

thats actually pretty realistic. women are weirdos when it comes to phones. they call people up just to talk about nothing. when i call someone up i have a clear goal im trying to achieve like figuring out what my friends are doing that night, or working something out etc. women literally call to make small talk. its annoying

>when there's that one kink that goes the wrong way and you try to undo it and it just moves up and down the line

Okay, but it can get annoying to people who have watched many films. It seems to show a lack of creativity in framing shots.

Who the fuck would honestly put a phone in their teenage daughters room?

A spycam I understand, but a phone?

how is this different from posting random comments to autistic strangers?


GOT YOU OP, the ultimate example

This happened in Face off and I paused it as the girl was barefoot, I jacked off and my dad came into my room. I wish I could erase memories

I certainly would not. Who would she have to speak to? Nobody, as far as I'm concerned.

>family meets up at the table for dinner and has conversations
WTF kind of fucked up reality is this

You must be underage, to put an actual phone into a room you need a phone jack, this is before mobile phones and usually you'd just have one in the hall maybe another in the master bedroom

I was making the point that, even if I had to install a phone jack for her to talk to people, I wouldn't do it because she would have nobody she should talk to.

This was the era when dads were still men though, and knew how to do their own wiring and drilling themselves, so it was something of a right of passage for your teen daughter to be given her own phone.
Also they weren't coalburning degenerates back then so we didn't have anything to worry about.

There's a few guys out there like this. But yes, it's annoying in general. I hate having a "deep" conversation via the phone desu.

>her feets are naked

>op's mom opens the door to his room
>he's in the dark, hunched over while masturbating to a 13 year old girls feet

>all those memories coming g back

I don't remember that in Face Off.

Literally 1 reply who your quoted.

>this retarded

because even in posting comments on the internet you have an underlying agenda/purpose you fucking retard.


OP here. Seriously, thank you for correcting me.

>Also they weren't coalburning degenerates back then so we didn't have anything to worry about.
So it's OK if she's getting fucked, just as long as it's not by niggers?

No, moral chastity is important even if it's not coal, that just makes it worse. Western """white""" women are still degenerate whores regardless of how badly they damage their genes.

>plane scene
>they forget to call it in

>Also they weren't coalburning degenerates back then
you mean the 80's and 90's? They were, but without social networking only the people around them knew about it. Now you can simply go to some girls facebook or tumblr page and find out if she's fucking niggers or not.

Not him, but how would you prevent your daughter from losing her virginity before marriage, much less burning coal?

Only way to do it is monitor her at all times. Home school her, can't go out without you, no cellphone, no internet except a family one that's locked down, no TV, etc.

You either treat them as a slave and they turn into sluts after they're free or let them do what they want and they turn into sluts at 12-15.

>they call people up just to talk about nothing. when i call someone up i have a clear goal im trying to achieve

I'm in group therapy as the only guy, with 6 middle-aged women. Never before have my bias been confirmed so bad. Women just talk, talk talk, and as a listener you have to decipher what their actual point is (if there even is any). As a guy, I go straight to the point. My therapist (who's also a woman) sees it as some sort of emotional block, but I think it's just how men and women talk differently.

your logic is amazing.

lmao if you do this she will literally become the biggest degenerate slut imaginable later in life just to spite you

>Only way to do it is monitor her at all times. Home school her, can't go out without you, no cellphone, no internet except a family one that's locked down, no TV, etc.
That's exactly how I would raise my children, though I would be more rigorous.

I've heard that, but I think it's mostly a meme. I'll see what Chinese parents do to keep their children perpetual spergs and imitate it. Also, I make clear that if I find out she's living like a degenerate, she'll be completely cutoff.

and if you let her do what she wants she'll turn into the biggest degenerate slut imaginable early in life. Western culture has ruined women and there's nothing you can do about it. If she wants to be a slut, she'll be one and there's nothing you can do about it. No amount of "good parenting" will affect it.

Even having a son is a crapshoot as he'll be brainwashed by the media into being an effeminate beta faggot that will eventually call /r9k/ his home.

>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur

>Sup Forums giving a legitimate answer to this question

What has the world come to?

They have their ways of hiding it user

If you talking about after she leaves for HYPSM, I'm sure I'll think of something.

>Must protect m'lady's maiden honor

You got it.

My little sister is a total shut in who plays video games and watches anime all day. The only times she comes out are for school and taking jogs with me.
The best way to make girls self police is just for them to have hobbies. That said, women with hobbies are unicorns.
Just turn your kids into bookish mine craft players.

>If I find out she's a degenerate she's completely cut off

You fucking moron, that just exacerbates the issue. You cut her off and she has to go live with fucking Tyrone or Jaun and next thing she's into drugs and working dead end jobs if you're lucky, a prostitute if you're not.

Honestly best thing you can hope for is you give her a good enough start in life that she goes through her slut phase in college and comes out the other end with a half decent partner who makes bank and wants a family.

>My little sister is a total shut in who plays video games and watches anime all day.
>letting touch atrophying garbage such as video games and Cambodian lithographs

>That said, women with hobbies are unicorns.
If I have kids, I'll raise them in the Chinese manner of having my shown loved earned with accomplishment.

>Just turn your kids into bookish mine craft players.
Yeah, no. My children will be born to better things.

with her bare feet dangling

underage b&

The same as it ever was, except in the past it was that your son might come out genetically weak or otherwise unable to do the shit he needs to do, and your daughter might come out an uggo who can get married, in either of which case you're fucked

It's hilarious that it is precisely your obsession with raising a plain virgin that will make your dream impossible and turn her into a turboslut. Whereas if you just accept she's gonna get dicked she will just turn out like a regular person with a good relationship with all aspects of her family.

Thanks kike. I'll be sure to dick your big titted jewess daughters first.

Again, I've heard that plenty of times before and I think it's just a meme. I'm sure some parents have managed it in a reproducible way, and I intend to reproduce it. For instance, the hundreds of millions of families across China.

>I've heard it regularly and it is generally the status quo
>but I'm actually really smart and don't believe it is true

Yeah man, the Chinese are such happy well adjusted people, you're really onto a winner there

china hates girls.
you probably shouldnt even have one going by their standards.

jokes on you my mom never comes into my room anymore

Yes it's a meme by Hollyjew propaganda. You're asking the right questions.

Leave Sup Forums and for real answers.

I have the immensely more outweighing example of Chinese parents.

>the Chinese are such happy well adjusted people
I have no reason to believe that Chinese-American are less happy, but they are one of the most successful ethnic groups in the United States.

Don't be a smartass, user.

Yes, people from a country with a much greater control over people and less freedom, and in the States that move in communities that reinforce a lack of freedom.

This is the west buddy. Your girl CAN and WILL run off with Jaun because she wants to feel freedom and who the fuck cares about asshole daddy's opinion?

Again, this is hilarious because your stubbornness is what's going to leave you sitting at night wondering where she is, hoping she doesn't have track marks down her arm and a halfcast baby in her oven. But hey, at least she didn't fuck Chad in high school eh?

Brother, that was my home for months, but I'm tired of hearing politics discussed, and am settling for Sup Forumslite.

>Character rapes a teenage girl
>It's played for comedy

>it's an awkward, uncomfortable white people family dinner episode

>Yes, people from a country with a much greater control over people and less freedom, and in the States that move in communities that reinforce a lack of freedom.
This misses the point. The essential difference is the cultural respect, or the expectation of obedience, not the governmental power, culture I think I could reproduce if I limited their access to society.

You are literally the worst thing about this board. Just because you're board of barely getting (You)'s on Sup Forums you need to leave your containment board in search of attention. Absolutely go fuck yourself cretin.

Name one (1) flick, kino, film, or movie.

Phones were created by men to be utilitarian tools. Sup Forums was designed specifically for small talk.

Not an argument :D

You're purposely dodging my point. It won't fucking work because the same cultural parameters can not apply. If you limit their access to society, you will fucking fail and turn them against you. They will resent you for restricting their freedom, and then act out specifically to spite you. Daddy issues are the most common fetish with girls I've fucked so you're already walking a thin line to begin with. Doing this will ensure you never hear from her again while she starts calling Tyrone daddy.

I just linked it

phone posting is pretty common these days right?

I have three sisters and they pretty much all do this when I walk into their rooms

Meanwhile everybody has a problem with me constantly on the computer

>the same cultural parameters can not apply
I will reproduce them in the comfort of my own home.
Or maybe I'll read some guide on how to keep my daughters from being sluts.

I don't see why she would rebel. The cumdumpsters you've slept with probably had access to friends and the electric Jew which would convince them disobedience is hip, which won't happen because my kids won't have access that.

So your experience doesn't apply to my hypothetical case.

>it's a "turbovirgin on Sup Forums believes he will have children" episode again

What was the buildup? Why was she tied up? Does the show really not see the implications of making one of their most popular characters a pedophile and a rapist?

My daughter gets to slut around as much as she wants, as long as she uses a condom

Not pills, not during puberty at least. Women look like troglodytes from that

>tfw you apparently behave like a woman
I can't ever stop talking, man I must be such an annoying cunt. But I really can't stand empty silences, I feel like it's my fault somehow for not being interesting enough or just plain boring, so I'd rather spew some random bullshit about the first thing that comes to my mind just to keep the conversation going, and it's usually some weird fucking shit that I always regret having said.

>I'm in group therapy as the only guy, with 6 middle-aged women
Are you an alcoholic or something?

nah, just general anxiety issues

Is it working?

Why don't you just knock up a Chinese woman and let her do all the work, m8

Therapy doesn't work.

Not a horrendously bad suggestion.

Talking about it with other people helps. Are you considering it?

therapy is the best form of treatment. Medication is a bandaid that often worsens the problem.