He literally did nothing wrong
He better have alot of screentime this season I am actually starting to enjoy TWD again, last episode was based no clue why people are hating on it.
He is /ourguy/
Seriously. His hard is it tothe stay on task. In his first day in the job, it's important that he makes a strong first impression.
First impressions are lasting impressions.
abraham didn't deserve to die
maggie ill find ya
>B-B-baaanee I'll find youuu
What did he mean by this?
>Maggie I'll fight you
The fuck, Glenn?
No wonder Negan finished him off.
>Maggie I'll suck your nuts
he wouldn't stop talking
Literally the most retarded meme ever. Kys.
I'm working on it by drinking :^)
What the fuck was raimi thinking
This. Glenns blood is on Daryl's hands as much as negans
So edgy. Mind if I suck your dick?
He's literally R3ddit: The Sociopath
Just like Negan, Gul Dukat did nothing wrong.
Unironically agree with at least half of these
>m-m-maggie I j-just w-want you t-to s-strapon f-f-fuck me one l-last t-t-time
Jeez glen
Why is Rorschach there? If anything it should be ozy
>In MOS, Superman did nothing wrong.
>In MOS, Zod did nothing wrong.
How in da fuq?
Was I the only one not impressed by him in his introduction scene?
How did Hexxus do nothing wrong?
literally diet governor
I love negan as much as the next guy, but the episode was shit
what I find annoying is the "half episode is flashbacks and the actual plot only advances ten minutes" shit
Is he /our guy/?
Name a more useless decision than the "le wait for next season to find out who died xdd" in TV history.
Also rosita's hair was completely different in the 2nd half of the episode
nice try, schlomo
Its a shame that such a great concept is cut off at the knees by sub-par writing.
>people actually still watch the walking dead
>in 2016
Hey guys is Dexter on still? Lets watch californiacation
This show is so repetitive, honestly at this point it would have been more interesting if they had all been shot, and the whole plot starts again with Negan and his crew.
Negan's arc is pretty lame and pretty drawn out because rick's muh humanity. Trying to work with the Saviours is a mistake
>M-Maggie...I....I love you're t-t-tits
glenn was a horny creep until the end
Darryl should have died.
>"Whats wrong Ricky? Don't tell me you're still salty about me turning your gook friend's head into sweet and sour salsa."
How do they get away with this shit in 2016
Cuz it was a lucid thought in Rick's head which didn't really happen like when the others who didn't die but got their heads bashed in.
>Any body tries anything and we'll cut the boys other eye out and feed it to his dad
>Daryl goes full chimp AFTER Abraham is dead like it even fucking matters at that point
>Glenn gets his shit pushed in
>Daryl doesn't even fucking look guilty, and later tries fighting back when they force him into the van
Like holy shit, how dumb is he?
he's muh redneck non-racist husbando who everyone loves even though his brother was better
Glenn and Abraham had to die in order for the story to advance the way it has to, or else they would have had to basically re-write everything from that point on
>Implying you wouldn't taste him first
daryl literally wasnt thinking , just emotional and in pain; he was still sitting there with a bullet in his shoulder from dwight that hasnt been treated so he just reacted. he literally will not be held accountable for swinging on negan
neither did Caesar in New Vegas
So how extreme is the Rickening going to be?
Nice bait theft murder possible rapist don't bother i won and you know.
Sharp tooth, Sid and Teacher's Pet need a green ring. Along with Sicario-man.
>kills strong males for attacking him
>let blind and diseased alive
He's actually pretty cool.
He didn't cut out Carl's eye and then try to feed it Rick though. He just randomly hit Glenn.
Hell yeah green oval!
Also I don't think pinhead from hellraiser did anything wrong. He can't control being summoned by the box. People just kept solving it.
>almighty tallest
they're just figureheads. the computer runs the empire.
>some character in a movie does something fucked up within the last five years
>did you know he's actually an angel
Stale posts, equivalent of click bait titles
>Daryl doesn't even fucking look guilty
he didn't call Abraham a big guy
minor changes
daryl is just some fucker trying to be the next mowgli or some shit
>R-rreddit. I'll go back to y-you.
What did you mean by this?