> good reviews
> people generally like it
> bombed
good reviews
Dread 3D
>3D on the fucking title
plus it needed more marketing to differentiate it from the shitty Stallone version.
It kinda came out of the blue and had not a lot of marketing, people were reminded of Stallone dread and dident bother
> bombed
It made the money back in DVD sales iirc
poor marketing, im from australia and the only time i saw any advertisement for this was one TV ad about 2 days before it came out
>terrible marketing
>bad title choice
there you go
It's just called "Dredd" although in some places it was marketed as "Dredd 3D"
Anyway OP, I think not enough people know about Dredd or just expected it to be bad and never followed up.
No one has mentioned The Raid yet, which was announced sooner, had an advertising budget, and didn't have "3D" printed on the posters.
nobody watched it
As a long time 2000 A.D. comics fan, it was really enjoyable. It was definitely better than trying to play Dredd vs Death just to enjoy the voice actor from the audio dramas.
>Showed off the set design and visuals more than the fact that it's just a balls to the wall DIe Hard movie
>No one cares about the slo mo drug or the post apocalyptic city, we wanna see judge dredd roll cunts in a shitty hotel for two hours
>Marketing plan was made by morons
hopefully all the blu ray sales can fund a sequel though, and hopefully they dont fuck that one up
I didn't see it in the cinema because the only showings I could find were in 3D.
I like that cover
I really don't think The Raid had more advertising than Dredd.
R ratings make it hard to get audiences
September was a weird release time, should have been in January-March
Ads in the Wall Street Journal of all things, from what I remember.
First time I saw a trailer for Dredd, I thought it was for The Raid until they put the title slide up.
hey you can keep it my friend its all yours
seriously though Dredd was such an awesome movie. Its rare to find movies that arent bent on trying to stuff character development down your throat. Dredd himself barely developed, it was just a day in the life thing for him. I hope they make a second one and its equally as raw and straight forward
>putting 3D in your title
I guess if you want the spy Kids 3D audience or some shit
it was a dumb marketing move probably imposed by the brass
I'll bet a burger that if it wasn't marketed like that it would have been more successful
original plan was for the second film to be a prequel
Lionsgate was probably the only major studio that would make the movie, but there also the smallest and most jewish when it comes to sequels
Maybe with deadpool and john wick we'll get more r rated kino
The Stallone version was better, it had Wesley Snipes and Sandra Bullock, had funny scenes and a glimpse into everyday life in a fictionalized future
Dredd 3D had gratuitous violence. Nothing else. Despite the name is was pretty 1D
I too saw this on RottenTomatoes.
I don't use Sup Forums at all, so I don't know what the troll epidemic is like here, but you're thinking of the film Demolition Man.
And yeah, Dredd 3D was very one dimensional. That's how the Judge Dredd universe works. He punches dog cunts in the face and arrests them, it's awesome
I'm sorry to hear that, I don't even read reviews. I haven't seen one since Ebert was alive
Marketing wasn't good
.. whoops
> punches dog cunts
> in the face
>3D which scares people away
>Bad marketing
>Had to follow horrid Judge Dredd movie
>Dredd not a super well known name in the states
Damn shame because it really is a fucking gem. I saw it three times in theaters, I couldnt get enough.
You sound like a man of patrician tastes
>dog cunts
hello fellow aussieposter
Dredd is best used in a good vs evil story, he is the physical embodiment of the law. That's often used to comic effect, in such a way , it does not matter if your a serial killer or a little old lady j-waking , he will punch you in the face and arrest you
That was what I thought, they awful marketing pushing 3D so hard made me think they were compensating hard for a shit movie with a gimmick. Saw it years later and love this movie
I also liked the original better. It was funny, and didn't take itself seriously. 3D while still obviously not taking itself seriously, played it more straight. There also wasn't nearly enough build up to the violence in 3D (just as there isn't in many of today's action movies, like The Raid). How retarded do you have to be to enjoy watching a guy essentially do nothing but shoot people in the face for 1.5 hours?
That's why older action movies were good--they had a decent balance of violence and non-violence, and a good variety of it.
The Raid shitty american version
basically any good movie or animotion of ther country is always ruined bay stupid american cliches for stupid american people
The Stallone one wasn't even popular when it came out
Terminator was a slasher more than it was an action film
It was generally despised, which was a major reason for the failure of the newer Dredd. It's weird that everyone remembers the 90's movie because it's well known for how awful it is and is played on TV quite often, one of those so-bad-its-entertaining kinda movie. Seriously almost everyone I've talked to knows it
So naturally people will associate Dredd with Judge Dredd from the 90's. "Oh shit a remake of that piece of shit? Haha!" They should have titled the movie "Mega City One" or something
Ahmed pls go
Verhoeven's Robocop covered the material better.
Yeah, I didn't think that much about the choice of picture. I was thinking more along the lines of Commando, Die Hard, Terminator 2, True Lies, Road Warrior, Raiders, etc.
This could have been a Mad Max tier reboot but they fucked up with the marketing.
>can't go back in time and see it in theaters
Man this movie was fucking dope.
As someone who likes to follow movies i ignored this one. Although i did end up catching it on netflix and i did not regret it. easily a 10/10
Judge Dredd will never become a movie franchise or have a Netflix series.
Know this.
I expected mediocrity so I didn't think it'd be worth.
>mfw I didn't believe in based Karl Urban
>not marvel
Not even surprised in the least.
outta my way underage fucking shits
superior movie made on an even smaller budget coming through
Should have called it Dreddit from the start consider that's the target audience and the only people that like because "omg so better thant the old one!"
It's literally everything reddit hates.
>patriarch Mc
>police state
>problematic situations
>overly violent
I don't know what the fuck you're on user but it must be some gud shiet
Because he looks like fucking Boba Fett.
haha you goofball, you mean DEMOLITION MAN!
silly billy
pulpy violence and shallow colourful shit is Reddit to the extreme. I bet you think your hardcore because you like Quentin Tarantino flicks.
I'm hardcore because I masturbated to Cannibal Holocaust and that has nothing to do with how Reddit I may or may not be
What a reddit-post. Cannibal Holocaust is baby's first fucked-up movie. It isn't even that bad. Lucio Fulci made movies with better effects and was always more entertaining. He might not have actually killed anything to make his movies work but it looks so good you might not believe him.
Missed a treat there. I normally hate 3D but this film handled it well. The slomo shots in 3d were fucking incredible with all the haze, smoke and motes of light hanging in the air.
It was 3D finally done right, then they fucked it all up with zero marketing budget.
i agree with the "glimpse into everyday life in a fictionalized future"
>Confusing Demolition Man with Judge Dredd
You're probably memeing but Demolition Man > both of the Dredd flicks
Demolition Man is the best imitation-Verhoeven movie ever made.
>Dredd 3D
Might as well have called it sharknado 16
Do you guys seriously base your everyday life decisions questioning what reddit would/wouldn't do?
>Hey this movie isn't bad
>Oh shit reddit likes it
>Well, on a second thought this movie is crap ahahah
No. I dislike Dredd because it's not that good.
Getting pretty sick and tired of all the contrarians around here.
I'm going to upset you, but;
>It looked like complete and utter shit from the trailers
>The film itself completely lived up to that assumption.
Honestly for me a 1/10. I couldn't have disliked it more (well, maybe, they at least got Anderson right).
It was a crappy adaptation of the comic, a crappy action film, a crappy film in general and most people associate it with the crappy 90's film, which was probably even better.
Dunno mang, but I figure I'm speaking on behalf of the normies. Then again, I actually read all the comics, so maybe I'm not 100% normified.
It had a ton of hype and reasonable marketing. But for whatever reason it didn't cross over to normies (sort of like Kick Ass in the U.S.)
I think this had a lot to do with it.
>The Raid shitty american version
Dredd's a British film shot in South Africa.
The marketing sales never even remotely came close to ever covering the budget for the film, hence no sequel.
Which sucks because the source material is perfect.
They really got the wrong people involved. Charlie Brooker writing and Luc Besson directing, even if it cost a ton more, would have produced something far better and closer to the comics.
Have you watched Dredd recently? It doesn't have that much going on. Dredd as a character doesn't really have anything going on beyond being an adolescent power fantasy and all he does is mow down assholes and crackheads without a hell of a lot of style or finesse. The action in Dredd can't stand anywhere near Verhoeven, Kar-Wai, Woo, Cameron, Bay or any other great director. It's very mediocre.
You might be impressed by how badass he looks or whatever but the actual action scenes themselves aren't impressive to look at.
Monkeys Paw: You get Dredd 2 but it stars Kit Harrington
I too had the same issues with The Raid/Dredd.
Dredd was at least somewhat a film. The Raid was just like watching a gay stunt reel for 2 hours. The stunts and fights weren't even all that interesting.
I say that, but I somehow also enjoy the Undisputed movies. So dismiss my opinion freely.
The comics were a big influence of the writer of the O.G. Robocop, and Judge Dredd is essentially Robocop + Fifth Element.
Such a shame we'll never get a big budget good version.
Kit Harrington as a druglord or human trafficker villain wouldn't be bad.
Kinda like how Alfie was a bad guy in Wick.
The action in Dredd.
>Medium shot of guy in costume firing gun in shitty cheap hallway set
>Medium shot of crackheads falling over with CGI blood spurting
>Repeat for 2 monotonous hours
>John Wick
>The Raid
like a perfect trifecta of shitty modern action.
I'm even more worried for the future, considering the success of Kung Fury.
>The Raid was just like watching a gay stunt reel for 2 hours
The Raid is babbies first martial arts film.
Besson is a meme director, what's the last good movie he made according to you ?
>a perfect trifecta of shitty modern action
somebody pls make a meme image out of this in MS paint. I have work to do right now but if nobody gets around to it I'll do it tomorrow. I've been thinking this for so long. The supposedly different and good action movies coming out lately are bad.
It didn't have any big name actors either. Just an underrated flick that reminded me of the good old days of movies
>I say that, but I somehow also enjoy the Undisputed movies
That's because England's brave Scott Adkins is the new JCVD and has taken over his mantel with his cheesy yet somewhat enjoyable martial art action films.
The Fifth Element. Which was hit or miss, but has nostalgia vibes for me because he stole it wholesale from Heavy Metal, and I think everything is a 10/10 production wise and individual scenes are fantastic.
I'm not 100% sure I'll get on board with "bad", because my opinion on these and recent horror films like It Follows are wildly divergent from what most people's opinions are.
I was reading old Gorezone's and Fangoria's the other day, and it was interesting to see what films from the 80's those guys absolutely slated that most of us really enjoy now.
So I literally might just be Too Old.
But to me, The Raid, John Wick and Dredd are everything I dislike about modern action movies.
Yeah, I even enjoyed the fucking Ninja series. Much closer to the late 80's, early 90's DTV action vibe I grew up on I guess.
>reminded me of the good old days of movies
t. teenager who's seen one John Carpenter movie and thinks that everything in the 80s looked like that stupid fucking Michael Ironside movie with the kid in the blue outfit.
I'm not quite sure how to read this. Did you like or dislike It Follows? It's such a controversial movie that using other peoples' opinions as a reference point is useless.
And what popular stuff was disliked back then? Do you mean things like Lucio Fulci movies and Bloodsport? As much as I like them I'll admit they're quite shit at times.
>Good old days
So, like the 2010's?
That's a really good point desu.
>Did you like or dislike It Follows?
I REALLY disliked it. Like Dredd or The Raid, I literally can't fathom what anyone likes about it. I mean it when I say 1/10. I didn't think there was a single element of the film that was good, at all.
But I don't argue about it, because It Follows has an equally strong following of people who adore it. It would be one thing if I thought it was a 1/10 and most other people were like;
>meh, it's pretty good
Like a Marvel film. In that regard, I can list why a Marvel film is bad/poorly made, but you'll see most people will just gloss over that/not care or simply don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
But with It Follows many of the things I point out as being bad or exactly what people who are well versed in film really like about it.
Plus I've noticed with Dredd or It Follows the fanbase is really young.
>And what popular stuff was disliked back then? Do you mean things like Lucio Fulci movies and Bloodsport?
No, quite the opposite. You'll see them praising The Beyond up, down, left and right (and these are shitty VHS butchered versions) but pissing all over stuff like Return Of The Living Dead or whining about how neutered/teenage-y Nightmare On Elm Street 3 is. Which is a surprise to me.
>The Fifth Element
Exactly, his record was pretty good until that point (Subway, Le grand bleu, Nikita, Léon) but after The Fifth Element he started to get involved in terrible flicks whether as director/writer/producer. But yeah, I'd watch the fuck out of a Dredd movie directed by a mid-90's Luc Besson.
Well, his fucking Europa Corp. money allowed him to buy a metric fuck ton of immunity from prosecution and suspiciously young up and coming models.
I still have a glimmer of hope for his new one, since he's going back to the ripping-off-moebius well on that one.
So then what do you actually like?
He better not fuck up Valérian, otherwise this motherfucker is getting is nationality revoked i'm telling you
Thought so on It Follows. You sounded so agreeable already and I also couldn't stand that movie. They say they took inspiration from George Romero, possibly my favourite horror director, but I just wasn't feeling it.
And it pleases me to hear that The Beyond had fans even back then. I love the hell out of that movie for some reason. Return of the Living Dead I can understand being disliked, I think it does get weaker as I watch it more, but I still think it does enough right to hold up. The Elm Street sequels I completely understand. I was never much of a fan of those in the first place though.
Typical shit.
Action films specifically?
McTiernan stuff like Predator and Die Hard.
Lots of 90's Hong Kong stuff, especially Woo and Ringo Lam.
Stuff that I don't see mentioned enough, like The Hidden or Point Break (except when people are being ironic), or something like Ronin, which I rewatch a lot.
I have a soft spot for some modern trash, like the above mentioned Scott Adkins movies.
Also depends on how loose you want to get with the "action" description.
Like I would say the best post 2000's action film would be Apocalypto, but I'm not sure most would count it.
One of the newer films that gets mentioned alongside stuff like Dredd is Crank, and I thought both films were good for what they are.
I also think Danny The Dog and Kiss Of The Dragon were underrated.
And again, depending how loose you want to get with the definitions, I think Johnny To's Election series would easily be at the top of any 2000's action list.
>character isn't well known
>not from a big movie studio (mostly funded by a fucking British TV channel)
>small marketing
>bad marketing
>3D in the title which leads people to beleive it was a cheap shitty 3D movie like Piranha 3D or My Bloody Valentine 3D
>distributors are on record as refusing to give out 2D versions of the film to many theatres so people couldn't even go see it in 2D if they wanted or didnt go because 3D was more expensive
>no real big name stars in it
But word of mouth made the sales of the physical release do quite well. I think it was #1 in the charts at release.
>it had Wesley Snipes and Sandra Bullock
that was demolition man not 90s Dredd
Oh and being a fucking hard R in a world of PG kid friendly movies doesn't help.
The Beyond was actually very highly regarded from the get go, at least among horror fans.
While I kind of understand where they're coming from on some of these films, the reactions always seem out of skew, much like my reaction might be to It Follows or similar films.
I can understand saying The People Under The Stairs is poor, maybe kind of a mess, but;
>Worst film ever, just quit already Craven jesus christ
Seems...way overkill.
Also the story for this was stolen from 2000AD comic called "Shokk!" which is where Judge Dredd is from. Trivia!
>tfw Piranha 3D was ten times better than Dredd
Also only cost about half of Dredd, wasn't THAT cheap and nasty.
Fucking good film though.
I guess that the only real bad word I've seen about The Beyond is Roger Ebert's review. He absolutely hated that movie, but then he tended to be very negative towards anything he found distasteful.
I know. I think that that makes it more superior. It feels far more 2000AD than Dredd if you ask me. Lemmy Kilmister driving an aqua-taxi is pure kinography.
You're mixing up tumblr and reddit and you're being so blatant about it I just have to assume it's on purpose.
The only other alternative is that the memes have confused you and you're trying really hard to fit in.
>Dredd is best used in a good vs evil story
...what the hell? The comics are pretty dark satire about a completely fucked up society, 3D definitely had shades of that.
I love the fistfight with the corrupt Judge, because it was fast and brutal, and the final action scene, where Dredd and Rookie work as a team, cover angles and just completely obliterate junkie gangbangers. It was very well made.
they really didnt take much from the source material, Anderson is a powerful psychic in the comics, mega city one is way more built up like the city in the 5th element , the comics themselves have a lot of dark humour
still it was an ok movie
>the first drug bust in slo no
>the corrupt judge like you said
>the scene with the little mic flash ball (while I dont think the actions all that great here its saved for me for having Anderson kill the guy which is vital for the character development)
>the minigun scene where Dredd simply strolls through the smoke unphased and fucking throws the guy off the edge
>the shootout in the drug manufacturing area where Dredds essentially defeated
>the phone booth scene where they think they have the drop on Dredd but he's standing on the other side of the fucking building and drops and incendiary on them (and then it shows them still burning like 10 minutes later as Mamas falling)
I dont know what that guy constitutes as a good action scene but I seriously enjoyed all of these.
The fact is the DVDs sold well. Can't be ignored forever.