Why was it named "The Tumblr"?
Why was it named "The Tumblr"?
look how fucking fat it is, user.
Because it has many triggers.
>10' tall Batman
Because DCucks are actually amorphous blob tumblr users
because it exists to roll over and crush CIS white male privilege
Satan, Marvel is prime Tumblr bait.
Because this was in 2004, it was still okay to gay bash and no such thing as the term SJW
Like, ugh, I don't even....like...swear to me you cisgendered sh*tlord
Black Tumblrs Matter
Das a cute bat, mane.
I kno rite???!
lol no
Over time, I'm really liking the nolan suit and vehicle less and less
The nolan costume is better than any other live action one. But I liked the tim burton bat mobile best
Bullshit, it's busy and ugly, the neck and head look silly and weak and the lack of color makes it dull as fuck. you can barely even make out the bat symbol
name a better costume then
God damn first post nails it
Because its big and black and throbs when running hot.
the mask is awful looking rubber
this can only mean one thing
So, the OP image looks like hard plastic
They both look like halloween costumes but at least the Tim Burton one is easier on the eyes
>muh nostalgia
>comically fake rubber abs
>mask looks like its askew
>literal bad halloween costume tier
That helmet is the biggest mistake they ever made. The first Batman scene of the movie was by far the best because of the full cowl. The updated helmet is Captain America in Avengers tier.
>The first Batman scene of the movie was by far the best because of the full cowl
what movie are you talking about?
>but at least the Tim Burton one is easier on the eyes
>>muh nostalgia
It's not nostalgia.
It's that Batman's mask is an iconic look. It's a cowl that comes down straight, blending into the cape seamlessly, not a tacti-cool helmet.
Nolan batman looks like a faggot pencilneck next to Batfleck
Because it destroyed so much on it's path to 'justice'
that was pretty funny to be honest.
He's talking about the "Begins" suit
He was still wearing it at the beginning of The Dark KnIght when he took down scarecrow and the others
>no nipples
4/10 for the presence bright yellow
Because fags that think that is better than the '89 batmobile are all from tumblr
>tfw OP's image is an action figure by Hot Toys
>So, the OP image looks like hard plastic
That's because it is you dingus.
Remeber in Batman Return at the end when he tears the mask off? I was like wtf why are you ruining your suit? Just to confront some kitty cunt? Fuck you.
And then I slapped my mom in the face for renting it. True story.
Oh wow, bat ears and face
It only took me 10 years and an image explicitly showing it to notice.
It's not like Marvel's immune either.
because Nolan is for numales. Why did he make Batman look like a gimp with a cocksore voice?
his mouth looks weird
The car is big, so for Batman to be bigger than the car suggests he is 10 feet tall.
>Go to use CommTech chip
>It doesn't work
It's the TUMBLER not the TUMBLR
the kid who slapped their mom was always the fat autistic cunt with pitched voice. You that too? Anyway kill yourself, would make christmas better for your famalams
First post, best post
What could it mean?
because nolan is a hipster
>The car is big, so for Batman to be bigger than the car suggests he is 10 feet tall.
What? Are you retarded? The car is about the same height as a normal car. Are you not taller than a normal car?