The Passion of the Christ
The Passion of the Christ
Fedoras and Kikes
Its shit
Literally the Jews.
You know why.
The synagogue of satan.
If its about slaves or the harrowing nature of war; its called challenging, provocative and inspirational. If its about Christ, its called torture porn.
They cant fit their agenda into it.
I don't get it.
>jesus is boiling in excrement and semen in hell
Why are the jews so hard on the source material? I thought it was decent
50% is literally decent you homo
Jews reject Jesus.
intolerant nu males
America's Overlords were not pleased.
Because it's very draining and actually is a chore to watch, as I recall. And I say this as a person who genuinely liked the movie and felt that it was an artistically valid effort on the filmmaker's part. Gibson wants to get a very specific , cathartic emotional response out of us, and he succeeds in my view. And I'm a literal atheist.
When the film came out, it was a major cultural event, and lots of people felt some sort of obligation to go and see it if only to understand what all the fuss was about. At the time I watched it with like 4-5 liberal college friends and when we were done, I was the only one in the group who had a positive opinion of the film. We actually did have a civil chat afterwards of what we thought. The others just couldn't get past the squick-factor into The Message (the cathartic payoff), I guess, even though they understood on some level that that was the point.
Jews of course. critics are pointless
He wasn't the son of God
Not even that religious but moved me to tears
Watch thebiblereloadeds review
Then God help us as we fizzle into oblivion with no hope or light to guide us.
Jews and fedoras don't like redpills
I jizzed in my pants at the latin spoken by the Romans. I would like a historic roman movie spoken in nothing but latin.
>yfw they used the Ecclesiastical pronunciation instead of Classical
>da evil jooz did it
kek has spoken. Roman epic spoken in latin directed by Mel when?
Jews don't like movies where they are portrayed badly. Turns out critics opinions of movies doesn't matter that much when it comes to success.
>Jews don't like movies where they are portrayed badly.
How come Drive was so acclaimed then?
I'm not fond of fairy tale movies.
Its weird because the Old Testament is basically God and the prophets telling the Jewish people that they are wicked and debased and have to get their shit together. The New Testament just continues in this tradition.
Jews hate being talked about/exposed MORESO than even Radical Islam.
I think that's indicative of their guilt
No quips
Torture porn. It was like watching a movie from the saw franchise
>has over 6 GB of Middle Ages chants on his mp3 player
Haven't laughed this hard in a while.