Are there any movies that depict Earth with its true shape?
Are there any movies that depict Earth with its true shape?
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Yes, all of them
It's pronounced "earf"
The earth is actually flat though
That image is if earth had no water on it and then the image's shape was still amplified by 30%, that image is literally over exaggerated
Pretty sure there are a few Discworld flicks.
in all seriousness, does it matter when we're confirmed as living in a holographic ancestor-simulation
it could matter or it could not. you don't have any evidence that life is any better or different outside of this, so why not enjoy it while you're here. or discover a way to get out of it. if you do that, let me know. thanks bro
No, because even though that is its shape it isn't how it appears.
'still doesn't look a day over 3.5 billion years. Stop this age shamming user.
>even though that is its shape it isn't how it appears.
what did he mean by this?
>earth got dat asss
Gravitational lensing makes planets seem rounder, OP's pic is Earth's true shape.
>the weight of all that poo causing India to subside
Gee I wonder who is behind this planet
>Gravitational lensing
Yes, the 5150000000000000 metric tons of gas surrounding the planet has nothing to do with anything.
>Not flat
Y'all niggas ain't even woke.
I still can't see it. I think you've been browsing Sup Forums for too long, might want to take a break.
so which country is the asshole?
Hey, Mom!... Mooom!! I just learned something on Sup Forums today.
... I fuckin knew it
That's cool that your mom is still alive but must you flaunt it?
No it represents how much a pound weighs in different areas.
The mass of the earth isn't uniform all around so neither is gravity.
have they not gotten to geography in elementary school?
My Dad isn't. Does that balance it out?
>it's Australia
Fuck. I'm so sorry. I was only joshing, I didn't mean to actually offend anyone.
Fuck. This feeling is almost as bad as a parent dying.
They are all terrible though.
Gods of Egypt
a pound of feathers or a pound of steel?
So who gives a shit about this? Does it affect you in any way? Can YOU do anything about it? No, you can't even get another human being to feel anything but disgust at you, you're an irrelevant maggot. Time to delete this thread and kill yourself
Poor guy
why doesn't a flat earther just go to the edge of the earth and take a picture of the edge?
I would fall off the edge if I got that close. The currents within visual range of the edge of the earth can capsize any vessel you retard. Same goes for air currents and planes.
A pound of.. pounds.
It india, red part is east of africa and i seen faint shadow of south east asia on the border at the far east.
At least OP's post was interesting. Must suck to be low-functioning.
this video slays me every time
easy. steel you dumb shits
where's my prize?
>implying a Scot would know how much a fucking pound weighs
So send a fucking drone numbnuts
it all makes sense now