I've been expecting you

>I've been expecting you

>He wanted to get captured!

Dumb alt right poster

>why should I trust you after everything you've done?

>you've got no choice


>I need an hour

>you have 5 minutes

>guy gets captured
>"was he armed?"
>"only with this"
>pulls out a toothpick

>i guess it's time for Plan B

>your man is late
>actually he's right on time
>man smashes through the ceiling

>it's been a long time

>wait, stop there!
>zoom in!
>that's him, that's our guy!
>let's move

>plugs in USB device
>taps keyboard
>"I'm in"

>being choked and pinned to the ground by arch nemesis
>gun is just out of reach

>the fire rises

>brrorjeoocvweeeseese 4chainskdsa
>>>>it is dosnttossssstst me eeeer startss psldasyhging

t. Butthurt redditor

>∆ ∆

whmmmm really making you think huh

>Makes flight plan
>but only for himself, his men, a doctor and one other person

>Says he's in charge
>He isn't

>I took a look at your files, agent... not bad. you graduated top of your class at the academy

name 4 flicks

>Is told that he can't bring friends
>gets to bring them anyway

>character everyone calls a "big guy" is under 6'8

>Getting caught was part of his plan

>''looking for THIS?''
>steps out of the shadows

>By now you've no doubt discovered our plan, however you're too late