Rick's group brutally murders 50 people in their sleep AFTER they get their hostage back just for a food delivery...

>Rick's group brutally murders 50 people in their sleep AFTER they get their hostage back just for a food delivery, the saviors didn't even do anything to them
>Negan kills 2 people, Glenn was a vegetable after the first hit so only Abraham actually felt anything

What did he actually do wrong? He's just a pragmatist.

Other urls found in this thread:


Because normies don't understand jackshit.

feels over reals

He killed the normies favorite gook

He made a kid puke and a qt cry


Are there actually any fucking zombies in this show?

I dropped it after 3 episodes

Is this how normals watch TV? Not even my 43 year old mom reacts like that.


Social media and youtube was a mistake, I'm looking forward to the Russians nuking everyone more and more.

why is Nick Cage suddenly a thing again?

He was being a bit of a dick about it tho

If you look at all groups without any emotional attachment and forget that Rick's group is supposed to be the good guys you see that the only truly sick fucks were the Terminus crew and the Wolves and all the others are simply doing what it takes to survive

Negan is morally no different from Rick
Negan is just theatrical with his justice whereas Rick is quick and clean with it

>We've been watching the villains all along

I just watched the episode.

Fuck Negan...fuck him so muich.

I cannot wait for Rick, Sasha or maggie to kill him so hard.

he's not even dead in the comics, enjoy the wait

kek the "it's all just shades of grey morality aint black and white ur just as bad as us" meme

Kill yourself dumb faggot.

Negan did nothing wrong

>buy negan merchandise
>"cry" and ham up a reaction when he does what everybody knew he was going to do

so Negan is still fighting rick's group in the comics? damn

Holy shit but watch THIS!


No. Rick is just too much of a pussy to kill him so they imprison him instead.

wow so negan is just sitting in prison right now?

No he's on a super secret mission for Rick and just assassinated the new big bad Alpha, this woman who leads the Whisperers, a group who use the walkers as camouflage and are barbaric as fuck. He's currently bringing Rick her head and we aren't quite sure what he wants, could end up as Rick's right hand man or running his own outpost for Rick.

>filming yourself watching shows with your family
>actually getting upset over a shitty character

Im just sad that Abraham is dead. I liked him. Won't miss Glenn or Ricks dignity though.

Rick hasn't had dignity since the first season

What show is this?

>letting your visibly disturbed child keep watching

Little Normie has to grow up some time, right?

what the fuck

we dont need no parents n shieet, we iz strong inedpendant buckaroos

true, but there are better films/tv shows to introduce kids to violence that aren't just edgy torture porn for 16 year olds

You can be disturbed by a thing even though you know it's not real. No since in turning something off just because it's eliciting the reaction it was designed to. Recording it for youtube is creepy though.

That's a valid point, but I just don't really think it's appropriate for a kid. I don't wanna sound like over-worrying little limp-wristed liberal, but the kid doesn't look like he's enjoying being subjected to it, primarily because he can't handle it. The older you are, the more you can stomach; it'll elicit the exact same response, but you appreciate it more. If that makes sense.

alright Rick

He was in prison for a couple years before that, there is a 2.5 year timeskip after Rick incapacitates him and he spends that time in a cell. He opens the cell, but stays in there, trying to prove himself to Rick and then later some guy breaks him out to kill Rick, but Negan kills him and goes after the Whisperers trying to join them and uses that to get in close to Alpha and cut her head off. He's trying to earn Ricks trust and loyalty.

its actually funny in the comics where another group of survivors tags along with Rick and Rick showed he they deal with their enemies. The other survivors were horrified on how quick and brutal Rick's groups were and acted nothing like afterwards

Here's to hoping Negan kills this show for once and all.

The only real difference is that Negan enjoys it

>not making your child watch it over and over
>not having barbed wire bat to keep your kid in line

trips demand it

Somebody sync'em up.

who is that guy and why does he look like such a mess?

>spanking / hitting your kid
>in america

KEK. that's why your kids shoot up schools because you people are too pussy to actually hit your child

Actually, the governor was worse than the terminus people.

>tfw best character kills the normie fanbase and the show

He wasn't disturbed, he was just attention whoring and/or trying to imitate his parents.

I don't think so

He did behead an old man but he never intentionally lured anyone in so that he could engage in cannibalism

>everything i don't like is ironic or edgy

This is why we need a wall.

Only after he went crazy (his madness caused by Rick). Before that he was fine and was actually rebuilding society.

I basically just watch the show for Carl. Carl Poppa is my jam.


>Negan becoming Ricks right hand man

That sounds pretty cool.

Yeah I think it would be a pretty interesting dynamic.

>implying rick will let him live when he killed glenn and abe

Yeah keep dreaming bud

Can I fuck your mom user?

Okay. But be quick, I gotta go to bed soon.

Rick has basically become Shane in these past few seasons, which he should have figured out earlier.

And Shane is pretty equivalent to negan

Rick could have been in negan's position if he wasn't such a pussy fag.

>He's currently bringing Rick her head and we aren't quite sure what he wants
Boy you need to catch up, there's a few issues out since then

He did almost the same thing. He would act like a friend and then he would kill people to get supplements.

You autistic faggots are acting like Rick's people just killed a bunch of The Saviors entirely unprovoked.

The Saviors started it. Stop being such fucking aspies.

>that spic bitch sobbing like her mum died through it all
>that kid almost puking

Fucking hell, it's a darn tv show. These people need to grow a fucking thick skin and live in the real world.

>letting children watch this shit
That's fucked up.


He's a lazy cunt and a bully. You want to plant gardens for his bitch ass?

If Rick had not been such a pussy early on, he would literally be Negan.

>using your children's trauma for your shitty YouTube channel
>letting your children watch this

why is Negan so skinny?

I think the dynamic between Maggie and Daryl will be nuts for as long as they are together on this show, with everyone knowing Daryl basically got Glenn killed.

Granted it didn't have the internal struggle that I loved so much about Rick/Shane, but I hope the struggle between Rick and Negan can come up to 50% of those levels.

Lots of people like to hate on S2 for being boring on the farm, and some of the retarded decisions that were made, but I think the power struggle between Rick and Shane was top notch.

I really liked S2 because of this. One of my favorite seasons

Maybe you're just into cucking

Will AMC bother to keep Negan alive after everything like he is in the comics?

Jeffrey Dean Morgan has to cost a pretty penny

Found the redditor.
I see you haven`t got yet any real life experience. Getting upvoted in your echo chamber doesn`t count sweety.

>Negan did nothing wrong

of course he did

The Ranch

He sexually tortured people, did you not notice the speculum in Andrea's dungeon? It's there alright.

Obviously the Laurie angle added more tension, but I just liked the internal power structure, where our "protagonist" was basically retarded in the new world, and the "antagonist" actually had a grip and knew how to live in this new world.

I agree, he should have killed the nigger, the spic and the faggot too

He examined her because he was trying to rebuild society, you cant' do that with if women have diseased vaginas.

Kinoman built the jailcell last season. Negan WILL get locked up.

I also liked season 2, a lot more than when they were at the prison.

Negan put on one hell of a performance


the moment he left the show became boring as fuck again



Can't wait for Negan's death, it's gonna be good.

seeThat jail cell has Negan's name all over it. Morgan's gonna get killed some how during the War and his ideology will be ringing through Rick's head as he moves towards the final battle and will ultimately convince him to spare Negan's life, since every life is precious now.

Why would you want to kill off the most charismatic, humorous and based character on the show?

See, Glenn was trained by Naruto during the time between s06 and 07. He used the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.

Honestly the scene was pretty upsetting, I felt a little sick as well desu

his death in the comics was hilarious

they were obviously going for a PTSD thing with old mate Rick

I think it was very well done but as soon as based Negan leaves and we are left with this boring fucking cast it makes me not want to continue watching

Because Rick is still my boy


You're gonna be waiting a long time then, he's still alive in the comics and he's about to become Rick's right hand man. This would be about season 9 material.

I got some bad news for you then.

Negan is the best character they've had on the show for a long time, last ones that even came close were Hershel and the Governor.

stop fucking with me

Well memed my friend

cool meme bro