Other urls found in this thread:
Visually, all the Harry Potter movies are impressive and show a clear vision, and succeed in spite of the writing which is inadequate, not necessarily because of the low quality of the source material, but the difficulty of reducing it to films.
>Visually, all the Harry Potter movies are impressive
Deathly Hallows pt.1 is the least impressive anything there's ever been.
I still liked this particular scene.
deathly hallows part 1 is great you faggot
the animated story of the deathly hallows is one of the best parts of the series tho
why are the later movies so BLUE
So is godrics hollow and the patronus sword scene. You're responding to someone who hates harry potter and yet is in every thread :(
I hate that nobody ever brings that bit up, honestly when I first saw that shit I actually thought to myself "wow, had Harry Potter as a series been THIS, this could have been like a modern LOTR, or something."
This isnt the true coloring I just saw it in theaters. Ootp is blue because the cinematographer did three colours blue. The others looks different.
It just doesn't work because it's one the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
>i'll hyperbolize you to death, because i'm a DRAMA QUEEN
Untuck your boypussy and act like a grown man, you fucking queer.
>deathly hallows part 1 is great you faggot
It's the most boring piece of shit ever.
The harry potter series was fantastic
>Only real men like Harry Potter
>won many awards for special effects
>but the special effects were shitty and wasted
Such contrarian cunts here.
>hes using the word boring and thinking I give one shit
Only gay children speak exclusively in absurdly over the top hyperbole.
Dont reply to the stale pasta you idiot. Everyone here is a contrarian faggot
Great Gatsby is fucking trash
>but the difficulty of reducing it to films.
Yeah, for the hacks they had running a lot of them. I've seen longer books reduced to much better, more tightly written films than the late-era HP movies. They had an excruciatingly slow-to-casual pace overall, and seemed like they cared more about shots they thought looked nice than making the plot comprehensible to non book readers.
Top 3 potter for me, anyone else? Really allowed the series to breathe. Faithful to the book, the only midway point you could end on a climax on, Dobbys death is sad af
So f-ing true
Visually it looks like garbage too
>this faggot is still acting like his opinion is the word of god
Only Mike Newell did a shitty job. The pacing was perfect in the others they all crescendo at the one hour thirty minute mark
the thing is these movies are considered uncreative trash in britain
you, the american, only find them interesting because of the zany accents and lingo
rocknrolla/trainspotting/in bruges/a clockwork orange are to britain what fantastic four is to america and viced-versa
Reminder these threads are full of false flagging shitposters who dont like the series yet bump the thread again and again.
Truly a shit site.
By the time it got to DH p1 the way the main 3 characters had been changed really started to grate on me. They took all of the positive qualities of Ron and gave them to Hermione, took all of Hermione's negative qualities and gave them to Ron, and took all of Harry's negative qualities and gave them to Ron. It felt super obvious by the seventh movie that they really fucked themselves by doing that. But the 8th movie really kicked ass and saved that 2-parter IMO.
Philosopher's Stone + Chamber of Secrets: Pure Kino
Everything after: Absolute dogshit pandering to edgy teenagers
dobby is a cruel, manipulating, guilt tripping piece of shite character and deserved to be axed off in the second movie
Here's your (You)
That was my first comment in this thread. What are you raging about?
>when you realize redditors are appropriating other memes(which are also bad to begin with) again because harry potter is actually one of the dullest franchises in the history of franchise and yous trained to read steven king
damn thats some deep shit
Chamber is boring as hell, memelord.
so is everything after the 4th book and film.
There's a reason everyone stopped reading with the 5th book.
no. 75642643
Not that guy but Chamber is easily the best one, improvement over the first and the last time they kept the book material unchanged
I miss them wearing cloaks too
implying i'm american
i fail to see your actual point about anything
Yea its one of the best. Top atmosphere
No, you just fail
Stop replying to copypasta
They wear cloaks a ton in 3 4 5 6. I just watched them
Same complaining every thread.
>you, the american, only find them interesting because of the zany accents and lingo
You're correct about this. The ((Hollywood)) machine sold the idea that these are truly British films to foreigner britaboos(see: fly over state Americans) by slapping in as many references and actors as they could, but it is 100% Hollywood.
>There's a reason everyone stopped reading with the 5th book
Uhhh, they all sold between 50 million and 55 million copies, retard. But nice meme, bro.
name a single person who read the 5th book to completion.
that's what I fucking thought.
>a ton
Do you watch them drunk or something? Same misinformation in every shitpost
>no. 75642643
Reddit pls leave.
Nope. And you're not getting this one either. I'm sorry to have to resort to this but it's the only way you'll improve your posting quality
>But nice meme, bro
Ill said it again because YOU keep shitposting. They wear their uniforms a ton in 3 4 5 6
Me, my dad, my grandma, some girls I went to school with, etc.
I'm not sure what you're getting at.
>can't quote posts
>tells other they need to learn how to post on Sup Forums
Moto panakeku.
Every thread turns into a shitshow. Bravo.
Great taste boss
2 >> 3 >>>> 1 >>> the rest
no they didn't.
i don't think he's memeing, he's one of those retards who genuinely believe their little anecdotes count for everyone
>literally couldn't name a single one
way to prove my point.
those aren't names.
anyone can say their dad read it, because without names no one can check if you're lying.
Harry Potter is for fucking faggots.
>Nice maymay, brosef
Saw them all in IMAX last week
1 10/10
2 8/10
3 10/10
4 8/10
5 10/10
6 10/10
7 10/10
8 8/10
Rude post
No standards in movie which mean you shouldn't be rating anything post
>all this samefagging because this one austrialian is upset people like something he didnt
>Philosopher's Stone
>when 30 of those 60 replies are from captain
youre replying to the korinefag, he uses the word dogshot every chance he gets
I know he's still going and posting his meme pictures
Thinking its not obvious, this kid has no life. He's in every thread.
Literally 32 posts by him now
This is a funny thread, Sup Forums. Good job, no.75641985.
>he said no. xxxxxxx again
Hahah epic! you must be a comedian like
Why is this thread such fucking shit? Being contrarian is one thing, but do you also have to shitpost?
The 100s of capeshit star wars posts never have this amount shitposting. Really makes you think.
What are you implying, no.75643199?
It's the overwhelming majority of Sup Forums being manchildren feeling they have to be contrarian shitposters to hide the fact that they're manchildren.
>i-it's okay to be kissless virgin as long as i s-shit on harry potter...!
Quite literally at 33 + one from his mobile device now
I know but it happens every single time. god damn. Its unironic cancer
Blame the popularity of Sup Forums. It wasn't always this way. But then local news and CNN started doing packages on Sup Forums and "anonymous" and shit, leading to an influx of shitposters who are desperate to be part of "meme culture."
What the FUCK was his problem?
He realised the ministry were in crisis.
We need to grant the chancellor emergency powers
At least they will never get /film/ because they dont deserve it.
The autist just went to wsg to post the pasta
The line delivery was so satisfying.
I wish Harry would have more badass moments like this. He's mostly pussy.
Harry has his moments.
>when he tries to Crucio bellatrix
my dick
>when he btfo draco and floods the bathroom with his tears
well done 'arry (hagrids voice)
>when he spams spells in the cave
And of course expecto patronum and reducto, saving cedric in the maze. Its just that harry himself gets btfo later on at the ends of 4 5 6 7.
you can keep trying, but this won't ever become a meme
Deathly hallows part 1 is pure cinema unlike the adrenaline fest of part 2. Serra did a great job, though I liked part 2 more the last time i saw it
He was a self-loathing mud blood. His father was a muggle and his mother was a mentally deranged squib(or basically a squib) whose father was also her grandfather. He was white trash but fancied himself a Lord.
>Deathly hallows part 1 is pure cinema unlike the adrenaline fest of part 2.
You should rewatch part 2. It's really not balls to the wall. It's moody and slow, and has the heart-wrenchingest moments of the series.
He's still pussy tho. In many moments in all movies he's just clueless.
He's supposed to be the heroic one, but instead comes out as an lucky one. He has very little control of what is happening around him.
Only time this wasn't the case was when he teaches the defence against black arts. It was only time he made impression of an hero to me. Also when he discovered the Chamber and commanded the blonde guy, but that was really stupid so I don't count it.
Otherwise, he's either improvising, or following someone's else orders. Even when he goes to sacrifice himself to voldemort he's just following Dumbledore's plan.
>Deathly hallows part 1 is pure cinema
Kill yourself Korinefag
>He's supposed to be the heroic one, but instead comes out as an lucky one. He has very little control of what is happening around him.
That's because they made Hermione perfect. In the books she's just smart and Harry is a born leader with a good awareness of what's happening. In the movies Hermione is a perfect person who has to clue Harry in on everything.
Why the fuck did Draco become a pussy as the movies kept going
>1 and 2 he was a badass snotty kid that knew his family came from money so he was superior, was a badass on the broom
>Gets punched in the face by a women and he doesn't do shit
>becomes a literal bitch after Goblet
He was growing a conscience and becoming his own man. It's a classic struggle. He wanted to be just like his dad when he was child, but as he grew up he started realizing his dad isn't worth idolizing.
His family's name had power ..the fuck.
Who gives a shit? His father tarnished the name.
the korinefag hates part 1. are you actually the korinefag
yea but i like part 1 more. its brooding and atmospheric as well. i dont think anything is wrong with part 2 i prefer part 1
>all this crying
hermione and ron are both caricatures get over it
the books are written terribly jk cant write actual relationships
>the korinefag hates part 1. are you actually the korinefag
>pure cinema XD
Again neck yourself korinefag
I hate springbreakers and i hate that hack harmony korine, you are the actual korinefag false flagging because you are THIS autistic
Who nose
Cool webm. I actually need to rewatch this. Might as well rewatch both.
Has anyone noticed when Harry first gets the marauders map Newt Scamander is right there on it?