This episode was dry but I liked it. Been to plenty of bougie parties where people acted like this.
tfw Van is my waifu
This episode was dry but I liked it. Been to plenty of bougie parties where people acted like this.
tfw Van is my waifu
>it's a nigger show
best episode yet
>its a nigger show :the show
>it's a "Black Lives Matter" episode
I'm so sick of these stupid ass nigger shows
where are the mods? seriously.
Shut the fuck up nigger
Im boycotting until they have more diverse cast
Am I the only one that thinks the last 2 episodes have been subtle digs at the SJW / PC crowd?
If by digs you mean praise, this show's liberal agenda is so annoying.
this episode and the BAN episode were. The club episode was just a jab at normies and contrarians alike.
We must have watched different episodes, so far this entire series seems to just be shitting on the alt-right and whites in general.
any rip up yet?
not for this episode. I streamed it live on FX's website, but you only get a free pass of 60 mins before they make you log-in
Just like the city
I'm from Atlanta, it's super niggerish
indulge me, where does these events, scenes, themes that shits on the alt-right and white people occur through the show?
>alt right
nobody cares about either shapiro or milo so I dont think a mainstream show would bother to.
Or are you just full of shit?
Not him but pretty much this entire show is constantly taking on conservative whites and Donald Trump
Negative scenes involving whites so far
>Bro wigger radio host
>bad cop at police station
>Old bitchy talent agent
>Tv host and feminist guest
and thats about it. Justin bieber if you count that. I might not see it because I didnt swallow a huge red dick, but it seems like this show ignores whites and conservatives all together.
that doesn't answer anything.
nah the episode tonight just pointed a finger at white liberals and the ridiculous degrees that some african americans go to so they can grandstand/Lord themselves over others.
Yeah the show constantly satirizes whites, while taking place in a society that only exist due to white contributions to civilization.
Episode tonight did what most all of this series has done, bit the hand that feeds blacks.
>4 scenes
>In 9 episodes
Four too many for any self respecting white man to watch.
You're full of shit. You havent watched a single second of this show.
t. white guilt cuck who can't see the motivations of his beloved niggers
white guilt doesnt exist where I'm from.
found the Los Angeles fag. you need to stop saying this.
Stop being a sensitive bitch
>some dude carries his sisters panties around