Holy shit Sup Forums...
Holy shit Sup Forums
wtf i hate rooms now
I love you grandma
Someone called?
you are late op,the movie is out for a while now
They should remake this movie with reverse genders.
>Love knows no boundaries
Jesus Christ, really?
Like, a dude gets kidnapped by a lady and gives birth to a little girl through his peehole?
That little girl was a real qtπ. Why did they cut her hair in the end? That was confusing.
That hit me so hard in the feels.
I would pay money to see this.
dogshit film
>finally we have become Room
Jesus Christ, really?
>not "Make Room™ for me in your heart now, Grandma."
I bet you only marathoned the trailer.
>Baiting this hard
Jacob Tremblay in Rome >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Leo in "We shot it with available light" the movie.
Why didn't he just go to a bar and pick up a random girl, marry her and have a loving family with her rather than going through all that effort to build a rape dungeon
Was Jacob Tremblay even alive when they made Rome?
Get a load of this hothead. That's called living a normal life, pleb. Old Nick doesn't settle for normalcy.
Why didn't he kill Jack when he was born? Would have avoided this whole snafu.
If the woman you kept in a sex dungeon had a daughter, how old would that daughter have to be before you fucked it? Would you discard the older model once you got the new one or keep them both?
Wow what a fucking loser, only $200k.