it was shit
The nice guys
good thread
I liked it.
So are you, but your parent obviously kept you.
yeah but the waifugame was strong
That's all your gonna say? K, nice talking with you
rude thread
I'm sorry that you didn't understand it.
more like The Reddit Guys
I liked it. Could've been better.
I agree with you, I can't say that to my friends who all love the movie, but I agree with you.
anyone with over 90 IQ was able to understand it
the nice guys isn't a smart movie
I prefer "The Upvote Lads"
the cunny was superior imo
Why no kissing scene with her and Gosling's character's daughter?
Easy there Satan.
also Matt Bomer was great as a creepy assassin, he should do it more often
i loved it
-posted from Reddit
I loved it but you can't talk about it on Sup Forums since all the threads are pictures of the little girl
I'm not getting on no watchlist just because I like buddy cop flicks
mfw russell crowe starts to look like john goodman
Well, so far, so good
No cunnies so far
Gosling tries way too hard to be lolsorandum, and he's no Zach Galifianakis. Would have been better if they'd shown a little more restraint with his character, and thrown a little more emphasis on Crowe or making the plot a little more intriguing.
I thought he was a great clumsy alcoholic
Why the obsession with the little girl? Why not the woman at the very start?
Fucking pleb. He was the best part of the whole movie. It sucks that this will never get a sequel.
They added loads of stupid shit like the extended asthma attack bit and the CGI bee, and he's a pretty mediocre physical comedian.
it's fucking weird
who treats their daughter like that
Yeah all new movies are trash.
And why does there need to be a sequel? Are you in favor of hollywood making movies PURELY just to make a soulless franchise?
Because Sup Forums is a degenerate shit hole, just like the rest of the site
I've met one guy that visits this place who seemed cool but he kept talking about rape and shit which my spine crawl
In real life?
I've worked with him
Tried to watch Fury Road and everything to him was a device for rape
"Oh that cloth they put on his face can be useful for raping"
I've been in this place for 8 years and I don't really pay any attention to these people here because most of them just say that shit just to say it
But hearing someone talking about it in real life is unnerving because you have no idea if they're being serious or not
Meant for
>"Oh that cloth they put on his face can be useful for raping"
That's an actual quote? What the fuck haha, it's weird that he'd say that. I mean you'd have to know someone pretty well to even make a joke like that.
test 2
of course it was Sup Forums liked it. this place is the home of loving everything mediocre as to seem different
That's an actual quote
But he's a cool dude otherwise so go figure
I really really liked it
it was shit
>gosling trying to keep the toilet stall door open while crowe watches on impassively
he sells it very well.
Why is she so literally perfect bros?
Made me laugh and i was never bored. That's a good movie to me.
Loved it. I love kiss kiss bang bang a well.
Couple reasons:
Good original script/story
great cast
cool era
>original script/story
Don't you think that would be tainted by sequels?
I'm tired of continuations of stories, everything has to never end in Hollywood or else people lose faith in investing in it