Will this be regarded as a masterpiece in 20 years?
Will this be regarded as a masterpiece in 20 years?
In twenty years there will have been at least two Superman reboots.
No but Suicide Squad will
No one will remember it exists by then
General Zod did nothing wrong until he went mad.
Perhaps. Once JL comes out and MoS2 and we finally have a clear arc of Superman becoming an embraced saviour and symbol of hope, then I think MoS and BvS will be appreciated a whole lot more.
Zack is trying to tell a story over so many movies, but because the movies take so long, we're put off by the somewhat slow development when we're so eager for the end product. But once all the pieces from the puzzle fall into place and we can sit back and see how everything comes together, it's going to be worth it.
>g-guys just wait until the next movie, then it will finally good.
What about the fact his plan was to destroy all humanity in order to make Earth like Krypton?
No because its objectively a shit movie.
What was his problem anyway? He never needed to terraform (or whatever the kryptonian equivalent is called) earth since they were basically indestructible and Clark proved you can live just fine on it.
Plus, once you terraform it you become weak as fuck. Also, Clark would probably have cooperated and gave them the ship if they were to terraform the moon or mars.
Nah, BvS made me appreciate MoS more and I still don't like MoS that much. I'm not saying they're perfect, there's many faults of course. But many complain about DCEU Supes because he's not yet the iconic character from the comics/cartoons, but they (WB) were taking their time and now they're aware that the fans/general audience don't want to see such deconstruction of their favourite characters.
To himself, Zod thought he was doing the right thing. His sole purpose was to protect Krypton and that's what he was doing. Everyone on Krypton was bred to fit a need in their society, and Zod's was to be a soldier, to serve his people. And then Clark takes that purpose away from him and then you enter the big Metropolis fight and Zod vowing to destroy the humans to destroy Clark because he knows Clark cares for them so much.
Yes. Mos is absolutely fantastic the music alone elevates it above your standard capeshit
Does joker pay people to write HA! HA! on the walls or does he do it himself?
Is it that important to his image that he has to decorate every room he's holding a conference in?
Seems like a giant waste of time/resources to me, but what do I know.
It's important to his MOM
>To himself
Man fuck off.
Solid argument. Good discussion and presentation of your ideas. Thanks.
So as a soldier, he wants to kill a fellow man out of a petty grudge and dooms his people?
He really puts the special into special unit.
Your entire reasoning in a nutshell is WELL FROM A CERTAIN POINT OF VIEW HE DID NOTHING WRONG, fuck off with that Stalin-esque garbage.
Did you forget the opening where he shanks Jor-El? Or his vow to find Clark one day? To get back at his parents for dooming Krypton and for imprisoning him in the Phantom Zone? Dude already had a pretty big grudge against Clark and he was proven to not be stable. You can't expect a man, especially one like Zod, to be thinking clearly after just losing his life's purpose.
That's the point to most villains. From their point of view, what they're doing is the right thing. That's why they're the fucking bad guys.
And don't forget to buy the extended director's cut editions box sets, goyim!
It's a masterpiece now.
No, and it's sad because it would if it wasn't for Christopher Nolan ruining Snyder's direction.
>That's the point to most villains. From their point of view, what they're doing is the right thing. That's why they're the fucking bad guys.
So ultimately and objectively what Zod was doing was wrong. That's what the initial argument was, not your off tangent analysis of villain motivations, you dumb cunt.
Along with the first movie of Reeve this is the best superman movie ever.
You're not just wrong you're stupid
Sad but true.
Its not even better than superman returns.
MoS is an awesome movie. Instant classic to me.
state reasons or provide the time machine you clearly use to know that.
Choose one please
jajajaja what are you talking about returns looks like a TV movie and no one will remember that movie
>state reasons
Extrapolation of current trends and the diminishing refraction rate between instances of remakes, reboots, soft reboots, and fake sequels.