what's their secret?
What's their secret?
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They are owned by Disney Inc.
Their secret was keeping a close knit creative team that were all really good at what they do.
Now they have Rashida Jones and Will McCormack writing their movies.
Nothing. They went downhill since the last 5-6 years.
Really liked Finding Dori
But I feel like their direction overall is going downhill
Where's based John anyway?
>what is Inside out and Finding Dory
shut up
the secret of most companies like theirs is having hiring managers that are very insightful. read good to great.
the hardest magic to capture is the perfect team. there are countless management books about it. they have exceptional top level employees.
paying off all tastemakers
a lot of market research
We're never getting 2D animation again.
Hercules is still my favorite.
The smug.
They love their work.
Hercules is fucking great.
But they made some of their best movies before Disney bought them
>We're never getting 2D animation again.
Not by the big studio, maybe.
>what is Cars 2, Monsters University and Brave
Inside Out is their only outstanding original film from the last 7 years. Finding Dory is a decent sequel.
I still like Pixar, but it's pretty clear that the consistency of their output is a lot lower than it was a decade ago.
It's that bunny...
I remember some meme onfographic telling that the guidelines is to make their film opposite of Disney flick.
But to be honest I never enjoyed Disney nor Pixar.
Inside Out is garbage, one of their worst.
They abuse a psychological principle known as the peak-end rule. People rate experiences based primarily on the most intense moment (the peak) and the end, rather than taking an average of how much they enjoy it over its duration.
By sticking in one extremely sad scene in every movie, and having strong endings, they easily game the tomatometer.
nice contrarian opinion for the sake of being contrarian.
There was a random rumour that most of Pixar old talents had moved on to Disney Animation, and the present Pixar are mostly filled with new blood.
Their secret used to be quality above and beyond any of their competitors
but now they've brainwashed their consumers into accepting the status quo, they have no reason to have any more depth.
Do you people really like Inside out and Finding dory or do you just have lowered standards?
maybe not one of their worst considering cars 2 and the good dinosaur, but inside out is middling at best.
>Inside out
It was a good movie. You probably like crap like Up.
inside out was pretty good. finding dory was mostly boring but it really explored why dory is an idiot savant, and the shell scene had me in tears.
there's your reason
Inside Out is probably their best film so far.
Inside out is one their best in story telling, there are no cliches and every action has consequences that Riley will need to deal with for the rest of her life
Finding Dory is a great movie about parents dealing with a kid with memory problems
I'de agree those two are really an improvement over shit like, Cars, Planes, Up, Monsters U..
Hopefully they are righting the ship..
why do people on 4chin is so goddam assblassted about this movie
holy fuck it is the second animated movie to nominated for THE BEST PICTURE AWARD
They ran out of ideas after WALL-E and it shows.
The worst animation studio atm sadly.
Pixar was strongest in the mid 00s. Cars was their only misstep from that era and considering how active they were from 2000 - 2010 that's pretty impressive. And the first Cars is not even that bad, it's just whored out so shamelessly you can't help but resent its existence. Also the fact that it got a sequel before the Incredibles despite coming out after it really pissed off a lot of Pixar's fans because it seemed like they were chasing that merchandising dollar too transparently.
Lately though, they just have been falling flat. Inside Out was charming and felt like a return to form after that string of sequels/prequels and the ineptly made Brave, but I still wouldn't put it with their strongest movies.
Disney enforces strict 3 act structure. There is no other reason.
Disney didn't even own Pixar for most of their gold age.
>The worst animation studio atm sadly.
>Dreamworks just announced fucking shrek 5
>blue sky exists
>Laika has only made meh shit since Paranorman
>that studio from minions movie
Kill yourself
they were always in contract with/distributed by disney
Which has fuck all to do with production, which Disney had no influence over.
up is really bad, actually. it has two good 20 minute periods at either end. the meat and bones of up is quite bad. and pixar tries to make u cry, we all know that. but they used a super cliche way to do it in up.
up is a "every other dumb disney movie I liked but done well" movie.
Planes was actually not Pixar. Disney bought the rights or something and did it in their internal animation department.
They used to really care about the finished film
Now they are just chasing $$$ like everyone else, they havent made a movie on the same quality as their early 2000s stuff for a long time
>Laika has only made meh shit since Paranorman
Kubo was pretty good. Not Paranorman tier but definitely not "meh".
This. Nowadays making good movies doesn't make as money as doing shit movies. What a weird world we live in.
I've never get why people think Up's middle is bad, it is a great adventure movie with the swear in the bonfire scene which reminds Carl of Ellie and the stuff we did together scene
but well the only place i've seen people saying up is bad is here
>Inside Out
That's why you go the Laika route and get billionaire funding so you can make whatever movies you want and say fuck off to the box office.
Ratatouille is comfirmed kino
The only Laika movie comparable to a Pixar movie is Coraline
Paranorman is fantastic.
Was trite shit
On a technical level, Coraline is actually one of their least impressive films. Laika only gets better at what they do with every movie, Kubo of the Two Strings and Paranorman are practically wizardry with what they managed to do with stop-motion animation.
>Thinking Brave was somehow bad.
Gas yourself
It did not live up to hype at all.
*unzips fedora*
up is just normal disney schlock in the middle. oh what, you liked I girl once. every 10 year old has. that is why that scene is good. but not great.
you ever let your brother die to establish fascist kingdom? that is why lion king is better.
true pixar fan: wall-e is their best
hipster me-too fan: original toy story
>liking a girl once is the same of being Married for at least half a century
What hype? If you got all twisted up inside about how life changing it would be, that's your deal.
Brave was a solid 8/10.
They have the ability to scout and hire the best of the best because they have the dosh and the name recognition to do so. They're basically the New York Yankees of animation.
I'd give it a 7/10 but that's just like my opinion.
But merida a cutie, 9/10 would had children with.
Where is this from?
I hate formulamatic arrogance like this
Just because they became successful doing so -and-so doesn't mean you should continue churning out the same thing
I don't think disney had anything to do with it, they already started resting on their laurels..
so a pixar employee posted this where
Absolutely NO competition.
3D movies for children is, in every way, like Pay to Win videogames.
Dreamworks often do 3d movies for teenagers. Pixar don't. They made 3d movies for childrens. And they have NO competition.
Watch the academy awards, it showsa lot there.
Sure, one particular movie could have better aesthetics. Or better script. Maybe, maybe, better voice acting or score. But not all of them at once.
And certainly will not have better ligth rendering, better foley, better background renders, better animation. It costs just a lot of fucking money.
They have a strong trademark. Pixar makes quality animation movies that aim to appeal to all age groups to some extent. They write their scripts in-house, and go through a long treatment process which makes them naturally engaging because they are structured well.
I haven't seen all their movies (that includes Cars 2 which seems to be the most infamous one), but the ones I have are all pretty good to excellent.
Frozen >> power gap >> Cars
>Absolutely NO competition.
Fucking this
cars 2 is straight out abortion and cash grab that they only made so they can put the merchandise money in Inside out and The Good Dinossaur
I'm saying they HAD competition until the allseeing mouse shored up the monopoly, again..
So paying """critics""" then.
will incredibles 2 be shit?
Would competition really do anything, though?
Say, 2 movies for the same audience with different studios come out at similar times, wouldn't people just watch them both?
They pay a lot of money to have the most creative minds in the world make movies with talking animals. CalArts is their incubator