So now it's confirmed he's starting a network what kind of television shows will he air?
So now it's confirmed he's starting a network what kind of television shows will he air?
Other urls found in this thread:
Wall Street 24/7
>Comparing Trump to Gekko
Movie reviews
Probably a bunch of highly intellectual red pilled shows that liberals will get mad over
The Wire, lots of documentaries, business shows and science shows, searing political dramas and unbiased news shows
You're right
At least Gekko was good at what he did
Gekko got caught
>The Drumpf Brand
>"highly shows, unbiased news shows"
Trumptards are delusional
5 cents deposited into your account
Thank you for correcting the record!
>whaaa he criticized Drump
>shill shill ctr
I'm sorry. Did you went an Ivy league school and are worth billions of dollars? No you are some fat libcuck in your parents basement making fun of a billionaire who is in line to be the next president.
>anyone who dislikes meme candidate is pic related
>who is in line to be the next president.
I assume it's gonna be a bunch of Fox news-like programs. I doubt there will be many, if any, fiction shows.
And Trump is going to lose the election, what's your point?
Read some news kiddo if your attention span can handle it
Nearly 90 percent of anti-trump posters are bots and CTR paid by Clinton
>going to lose
>leading in the polls despite heavy democrat sampling
so his entire presidential campaign was just viral marketing for his new tv channel?
>worth "billions"
>who is in line to be the next president.
this board has the best memes
>>leading in the polls despite heavy democrat sampling
show me those polls where he is leading
he was accessed by Forbes and they accessed his worth in the billions. It doesn't matter since he'll be worth more than your entire family and everyone in board right now.
But can't trust Forbes I guess
If Trump loses, on November 9 will you admit your crying about the polls being unfair was bullshit, or will you shift your narrative to "the vote was rigged!!!!!1111"?
Here you go libcuck, too brainless to google search it yourself so I'll feed you with my giant spoon
>Trump leading in the polls
Then why has he been so butthurt about them all month?
Trump would be worth more if he spent the last several years in a coma and his wealth had simply been placed in an index fund. Anyone with a basic knowledge of economics would know of Opportunity Costs, by which measure Trump has been a gigantic money sink since his dad died.
It is the job of the person making a claim to source that claim. You don't get to make arguments and ask that person to source it for you.
So thank you for confirming you agree with Forbes' assessment, which is that Trump is a massive liar about his net worth, and his net worth dropped 20% since last year.
Can't trust your English either.
The election isn't on Nov 8, that's a ctr shill lie to keep non-cucks from voting. The real election is on Nov 28
>investor's business daily
>he doesn't know
Oh, to be 18-21 again. Enjoying your first election?
>if the establishment candidate wins with Soros voting machines all over, heavy media bias and smear against Trump, will I be crying that America is continuing its path of destruction
Yeah I'll be crying all right.
>It is the job of the person making a claim to source that claim. You don't get to make arguments and ask that person to source it for you.
You libcucks are the one that assumed Hillary has it in the bag yet you ask me for proof that Trump is going to win. Damn you are dumb.
>Most polls predict the Democrat candidate winning, including another new national survey which shows her soaring to a double-digit lead
Did you even read the article you posted?
>a single poll
>contradicts literally every other poll
He's not old enough to vote, I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Yeah sure we can trust ABC, CNN polls which are an extension of Clinton's propaganda wing than a poll that has accurately predicted him winning
>ABC and CNN polls are the only polls in existence outside of the single poll that predicts Trump winning
What's the term for this? Confirmation bias?
>shows that liberals will get mad over
>The Wire
So you didn't understand the show at all apparently?
>the sheer amount of shills that descend on anything even slightly political
>demon-rats rig the votin' machines!
This unsupported claim has been around for ages, and has never provided any excuse as to why these same democrat rigged voting machines always lean Republican in midterm elections.
Who else free money here? #soon
What's there to get? Niggers being niggers, democratic politicians breaking promises offering easy solutions and doing shit all while their city burns
Unions being fat and corrupt and slowly wiping out the middle class workers.
Is that suppose to be liberal messages
So now that this balding cuck's marriage, career and life are over, what's his next step?
>polls that agree with my preconceptions are right
>polls that disagree with preconceptions are wrong
That's standard delusional thinking (Romney thought he was going to win until election day) but the dangerous think about you Trumpists is on November 9th none of you will be willing to admit you're wrong, and so will just cry about muh rigged vote.
>Yeah sure we can trust ABC
You do realize the ABC poll was the most accurate to the outcome of the last national election, right?
most accurate poll out of all of them was the IBD/TIPP which had Trump winning by a couple points
This isn't an ordinary election and you are retarded for thinking so
Bookies and poll makers had BREXIT at 90% chance of staying got BTFO.
This will be the same thing, I'm sure on the phone polling dumb libcuck democrats say they will vote for Hillary but won't be running out to vote for Hillary cause of how corrupt she is.
>one poll determines that Trump is going to win
>all the other polls are rig, only my poll is accurate
Could have said the same of the single Ramussen poll that predicted Romney winning four years ago, in fact most of Sup Forums did
Whatever the case this will be a funny election, primarily because I expect most all conservatives to claim they were cheated
>comparing the brexit situation with the presidential race
yawn you fucking Sup Forumstard drumpfkins are like a fucking broken record at this point
The article directly states that most polls say otherwise. Also many polls 'accurately predict' things, we hear it advertised with shit every year. There are so many of these 'accurate polls' that odds are some of them are not going to be correct again.
You're aware the election isn't a popular vote contest, right? Have you ever heard of the Electoral College?