Why was it so awful?
Why was it so awful?
It wasnt
Damon became a literal tool.
Lack of subtlety. It was Gladiator levels of dumbed down.
Boring and depressing
Were District 9 or Chappie any better? I used to be interested but I was so put off by Elysium that it demotivated me from seeing them.
While d9 is quite decent, crappie sucks huge nigger dick
District 9 is awesome, go watch it now.
Might still give D9 a try then. Wonder why this guy apparently suddenly forgot how to make a good movie after that one.
His movies are all about MUH SOUTH AFRICA PROBLEMS. D9 dealt with it subtly then he started to go heavy handed.
Because it embodies the deranged dreams of the left. Kill the better human beings, bring forth equality through shared misery.
Ever wondered what the earth would look like a week after the end of the movie? After the evil rich whitey are dead? Yep. Planet wide shit.
Is it fair to say Prometheus was better?
Earth was already shit in that movie, though. You seriously going to argue the way they kept their technology to themselves was a good thing?
D9 is actually really good. It's by far the directors best movie, it's also his first, which is why Elysium was such a massive disappointment.
D9 suffered from subtlety degradation as well in the second half, it's just that it salvaged itself from it by having a pretty nifty third act.
Yes, but they both sucked.
Not to say Prometheus was any good though, right?
D9 wasn't subtle.
>You seriously going to argue
Sup Forumstards never seriously argue.
No doubt.
It was "any good," just not "good."
Elysium had a huge problem with the camera being held by someone with Parkinson's during the action scenes. Is District 9 better about that?
Prometheus doesnt have Krager.
When compared to his other movies, it was subtle as fuck.
It's been a while since I saw D9, so I don't remember how much shaky cam he used in that movie, but I remember action being extremely fun and satisfying to watch. One interesting fact, the entire production of D9 was actually for a HALO movie project that was abandoned. The director of D9 got a hold of the material, recycled and used it for his own movie.
Shitty plot. Parts were cool but the overall free healthcare story didn't do it for me.
Not at all, only that the proposed "kill them all and make everyone a citizen" not only solves nothing but actually makes things worse.
>Every human on the planet with right wing inclinations is a Sup Forumsack and all of Sup Forums is one person
Sorry m80
Daily reminder that District 9 and The Matrix are flukes.
But Speed Racer and Bound!
District 9 was the best movie of that year. Chappie was dogshit. D9 set some high expectations for Blompkamp which he thoroughly failed to meet,
Its such a circlejerk to dislike elysium. None of you have valid reasons.
>Its such a circlejerk to dislike elysium.
And you're in the middle of it.
Cloud Atlas you fucking dipshit.
What else was good from that year? I want to know what D9 beat.
fucking hell I wanna watch this movie again so bad
So fucking good.
>2009 in movies
ain't shit.
what else good movie is there with Jimmy?
District 9????
District 9 is terrible you underage redditors
Hardcore Henry
>a grenade a day keeps the enemy at bay
It's actually an indictment of brown people and liberals. Why they don't show you is 20 years after everyone gets medical care and the world becomes an even more overpopulated shithole
Copy and post this in every Elysium thread lads.
>20 years
More like the following day
I think that was pretty much a given since we called him Jimmy?
Damn, that kind of reminds me of this.
I don't think a single actor in Elysium actually wanted to be in it, except for maybe the villain and even he didn't give it as much of a go as he did in D9. Despite some really cool effects, it somehow managed to be boring and felt like a chore to finish. I don't know how I got all the way through and barely remember a single minute of this movie.
the earth scum would ruin the only decent remaining society
did they get 4 paychecks for the 4 roles?
europa report
Chappie was bad for similar reasons Elysium was bad. Cliche and really ham fisted themes. And die antword was atrocious.
District 9 is very good. Where there were problems in his other films, in D9 he had everything balanced out just right and it makes for a great commentary as well.
shitty premise and heavy handed story telling
I thought Die Antwoord acted well.
TL:DR for you fags
>Blomkamp was redpilled
>South African
>lived with blacks
>Like D9, Elysium was a film warning about the future of "open boders, globalisation and diversity," opposite of what most people think it's advocating
>In Elysium, Earth was overrun by Brown people, Mexicans (Filmed in Mexico City), complete shithole
>Matt Daaamon, only white guy, goes to work, still poor, lived in slums
>His nigger neighbors make fun of him for going to work, while they are lazy and just hang around drinking, loud music, fucking around all day
>Rich people don't give a fuck, they left Earf and live in nice gated community while exploiting the stupid brown slaves for labor for profit
>They literally have a "space wall" for Mexicans who try to hop the fence, but Jodie Foster Border Security just shoots them down ruthlessly
>The Richfag space habitat becomes the new metaphor for "America, Europe and the Western world," and Earth is the low-IQ, violent, brown 3rd world.
>At the end, the Earth niggers finally get through the defenses, with the help of a white man ironically, and they open the borders to "America, the promised land."
>Probably instead of taking care of space heaven, they will ruin it like they did to Earth, thus starting the destructive cycle again.
Time is a flat circle.
No, YOU'RE opa report.
>no no, it's not shit, it's actually REDPILLED just pretending to be shit
>Life sucks, and then you die.
>muh white savior
>muh evil rich white people must suffer
when the last white man is beheaded in the street, we will finally have achieved equality & peace.
>no counter-points
>heh, I'll just ad-hominem and call him a pleb, that'll show everybody how smart and superior I am
a community of billionaires ruled by an authoritarian regime not having basic anti-air capabilities
a technology that instantly heals people for free with no obvious drawback somehow not available to the planet. Seriously, even a couple of these machines working 24/7 would cure everybody in months
unclear economic model on Elysium. Being rich is not a job and it doesn't look like Earth is in any shape to generate real revenue since nobody can purchase goods or services
So the good guys were the bad guys the whole time? That's deep.
Problem is, they made the white people cartoonishly evil. If you're going to send a message like this, it helps not to make it look so black and white.
Your post does not deserve to be countered.
I thought it was weird that the shuttles coming to Elysium were apparently the first time that anyone had tried something like that. And why exactly is the first reaction "JUST KILL THEM"?
>a community of billionaires ruled by an authoritarian regime not having basic anti-air capabilities
Good question. They probably thought being in space was enough. Plot hole.
>a technology that instantly heals people for free with no obvious drawback somehow not available to the planet. Seriously, even a couple of these machines working 24/7 would cure everybody in months
Why create billions of immortal super niggers to steal your shit?
>unclear economic model on Elysium. Being rich is not a job and it doesn't look like Earth is in any shape to generate real revenue since nobody can purchase goods or services
Haven't seen it in a while, but I'm sure slave labor could be used for something. They built robots, so there must be like a state or warlord to sell to on Earth, or maybe Moon colony or something.
Elysium was more like a metaphor for Utopia than to be taken literally for a space station.
Blomkamp has to fool the Hollyjews into thinking the movie is pro-open borders leftist agenda. Thus, down with whitey, or no greenlighty.
>Why create billions of immortal super niggers to steal your shit?
it's not really a question of "why create", it's almost inevitable that some bleeding heart cunt that can transport these machines or knows how to build them would at some point create them on Earth
tranny propaganda
was there a tranny? Hugo played a woman, but not a tranny
though yes, there was gays and racemixed future people
>unclear economic model on Elysium. Being rich is not a job and it doesn't look like Earth is in any shape to generate real revenue since nobody can purchase goods or services
You know the factory Matt Damon's character was working in? Now use your last remaining brain cells to come up with an answer.
that factory only makes weapons and police robots. Clearly you can sell weapons to various warlords, but the police robots seem like a very finite necessity and it's not shown who actually buys them. Also one factory (or one sector) can't sustain that Elysium lifestyle. If the vast majority of people on Earth can't purchase shit, Elysium can't go on.
>If the vast majority of people on Earth can't purchase shit, Elysium can't go on.
So when the people of Earth stop sending dollar bills up to Elysium, it just completely stops and the people in disappear?
Sorry mate, I don't follow. Could you explain to me how Elysium stops when the money stops coming in?
Open borders globalist propaganda shit.
i LOVED this movie.
>how Elysium stops when the money stops coming in
because the people there can't pay rent
He's talking about how the Wachowskis are trans, which I personally literally had no idea about until I looked them up a few minutes ago. I enjoy good movies and don't worry about the director's personal life.
Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for explaining it to me.
I really should remember to pay rent more often to myself, since I'm the owner of the place where I live. I guess I'm just hopeless when it comes to common sense economics.
wow, not only are you a homeowner but you also don't pay taxes, provide your own running water, electricity and heat AND home maintenance? They should make a show about you
im just glad to see that most everyone can agree on how good D9 was.
i really love that movie
>you also don't pay taxes
That makes him smart.
>tfw that stupid nigger tripfag ruined that name
yep, smartest hobo on the street after the IRS rapes you
Stop shitposting Don, you got an election to throw.
How dare you be reasonable.
It's Krueger though.
Blomkamp is a talentless director.
D9 did better in the story and characters. Altough the action has is moment is not the main appeal.
Elysium is just horrible writing.
Action isn't particularly important to a good movie anyway so that's promising.
>Having a nice argument about film.
>some retard brings up pol
SJWs need to go back to tumblr or plebbit
>Having a nice argument about film.
>some retard brings up SJW
You need to go back to Sup Forums.
Was I supposed to be rooting for the gang guys?
Apparently not.
it's awful if your a pleb
the writing is heavy handed yet still manages to be thematically inconsistent (and kind of incoherent when you think about intent vs. the end result), and both damon and foster manage to give the worst performances of their careers. shit even the camerawork was all over the place and that love interest/arc did not belong in there at all and created major pacing issues..
not to mention he has no reason to not be revived at the end
i still like it but it is for sure a bad movie